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Troglodyte race
The troglodyte, at least until it is frightened or angry, isn't really all that different from the more accepted races of Eberron. This fact has led many open-minded individuals within the protected walls of Sharn and other cities of Khorvaire to call for a more tolerant attitude toward these misunderstood creatures. Sure, they lay eggs and like to torture - excuse me, discipline - their own young. And the greenish-yellow reptilian skin makes them stand out. On the other hand, they're about as strong, smart, and wise as the typical human, though of course exceptional examples exist. They're a bit tougher, and their skin is about as hard to cut into as chainmail. Troglodytes are mostly evil, to be sure, and they tend to enjoy consuming humanoid flesh. But that particular perversion has been found among more than one primitive human tribe, and so perhaps it shouldn't be held against these murderous lizard-kin.
It's that "frightened or angry" problem that prevents the troglodyte from being accepted among the other races of Eberron. While goblins, kobolds, and the occasional ogre have found it possible to integrate into a largely human-dominated society, the special gift of the troglodyte - stench - make their acceptance unlikely, if not outright impossible. But who are we to judge what may smell offensive? While the oily musk of the troglodyte has caused many would-be dungeon explorers to heave their iron rations, who are we to say that our expensive perfumes and colognes, even our own sweaty body odor, isn't offensive to some? With a bit of the same tolerance we humans have demonstrated for greedy dwarves, useless halflings, or unintelligible elves, we can find it within us to accept the unique olfactory nature of this people - and their desire to eat us.
Troglodyte leadership can be divided among martial and non-martial tribes. Among the more peaceful (though perhaps still not trustworthy) troglodyte tribes of Xen'drik, a clerical or shamanic leader is common. These leaders may follow the cult of some demon prince, the Dark Six, or in rare instances the Sovereign Host - thus demonstrating the troglodyte ability to change and accept new beliefs & something we humans could learn from. In any case, clerical leadership among the troglodytes typically leads the tribe to turn inward and focus on a self-centered quest for a close communion with their patron deity. Among the more martial tribes, it is common that a strong warleader has taken control and lead the tribe into murderous rampages against those that have encroached upon their territory. And who among us can't understand that?
Creature Entries (86)[edit]
- Acedia
- Acid-Scar Hunter
- Acid-Scar Shaman
- Acid-Scar Stalker
- Acid-Scar Warrior
- Blight Guardian
- Broodmother Calilz
- Category:Acid-Scar Troglodyte sub-race monsters
- Category:Fiendish Troglodyte sub-race monsters
- Chief Hakilyzz
- Chief Shyrasser
- Chieftain Ryssyssal
- Chieftain Zaokh
- Consistent Disappointment
- Dhulokk
- Esarhal
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Assassin
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Ranger
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Sniper
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Sorcerer
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Stalker
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Theurge
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Warchief
- Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Warmaster
- Fiendish Troglodyte Archer
- Fiendish Troglodyte Bloodblade
- Fiendish Troglodyte Guard
- Fiendish Troglodyte Hunter
- Fiendish Troglodyte Killshot
- Fiendish Troglodyte Scout
- Fiendish Troglodyte Sergeant
- Fiendish Troglodyte Shaman
- Fiendish Troglodyte Skirmisher
- Fiendish Troglodyte Sniper
- Fiendish Troglodyte Stalker
- Fiendish Troglodyte Swordsman
- Fiendish Troglodyte Thaumaturge
- Fiendish Troglodyte Thrall
- Fiendish Troglodyte Warrior
- Garkoth the Wiley
- Gizhiss
- Hadarach
- High Priest Shylssass
- High Theurge Trassilyk
- Hissahr
- Hunter of Shavarath
- Hyss
- Iss'lar
- Juibless Apprentice
- Juibless Devotee
- Juibless Preacher
- Juibless Warlock
- Juibless Warlord
- Jungle Troglodyte
- Kassask
- Kisslor
- Matriarch Sishliss
- Priest Myssyral
- Ryssal
- Sewer Hunter
- Sewer Huntmaster
- Shaman Hyrassis
- Shaman Prysass
- Shaman Shiressis
- Shaman Syssimar
- Shaman of Shavarath
- Slass
- Sslysk
- Stalker of Shavarath
- T'sarin
- Thasnoss the Mad
- Thresh
- Troglodyte
- Troglodyte Chief
- Troglodyte Convoker
- Troglodyte Evoker
- Troglodyte Exterminator
- Troglodyte Shaman
- Troglodyte Warlock
- Troglodyte Warrior
- Warlock Cyressy
- Warlock Slyssaris
- Warlord Hissyasha
- Xassak
- Xeshahl
- Yrassil