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Scorpion race

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A typical scorpion


Scorpions are either Vermin type monsters.


In Xen'drik, the drow have an affinity with scorpions. This is likely due to their worship of Vulkoor, a god whose avatar is a Drow Scorpion. They use scorpions as guards, wards, and traps against intrusion.



  • Only named scorpions possess Burrow. (Originally they all did, but this made Scorpions very annoying to fight, so it was removed from most non-named varieties in Update 57.)


Nearly all scorpions are Vermin type monsters. Scorpions which fall under this type are common pests and do not have any special magical qualities. Some exceptions exist: there is one known scorpion in DDO which is Evil Outsider type, which is Wrathspawn, and Fiendish Scorpions are Magical Beast type.

Creature Entries (66)[edit]