Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Adventure Packs and Guest Passes[edit]

Adventure Packs are a compilation of Quests that are typically in the same story arc or Wilderness Adventure Area. (VIPs have access to all adventure packs for free (except the quests of Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy expansions), however if a VIP downgrades to a Premium Account he will still need to purchase adventure packs to play them. Adventure packs are a lifetime purchase per account and are available on all servers.

Guest Pass

This is a tradable, clickable token that is bought by one character and can then be given to another character on a different account. The Guest Passes enable a character on an account which has not purchased an adventure pack to access that pack for a limited time, exactly as if they had purchased it.

  • Guest passes can only be bought by an account which currently has access to the adventure pack. Guest Passes are purchased for a specific pack and for a specific amount of time.
  • Guest pass timers does not start counting down until it is clicked, which activates the pass. It then counts down whenever that character is logged into the game (even in public areas!). Disconnecting or logging out will stop the timer, and it will resume upon re-login. Even if it is expired, it might be possible to reach the public areas of some adventure packs with a Bracelet of Friends or a Greater Bracelet of Friends (for example in Mists of Ravenloft).
  • A character can only have access to one Guest Pass at a time.
  • Currently, only 180 minute guest passes are available.
Adventure Pack Levels Pack 180 Min. Guest Pass
The Catacombs 3 to 4 250 DP 40 DP
Shan-To-Kor 3 to 5 250 DP 40 DP
Tangleroot Gorge 3 to 7 550 DP 85 DP
The Sharn Syndicate 4 350 DP 55 DP
Three-Barrel Cove 4 to 7, 25 695 DP 100 DP
Phiarlan Carnival 4 to 7 450 DP 70 DP
The Necropolis, Part 1 5 to 6 350 DP 55 DP
Delera's Tomb 5 to 11 850 DP 130 DP
Sentinels of Stormreach 6 to 8 450 DP 70 DP
Sorrowdusk Isle 6 to 10 450 DP 70 DP
Devil Assault 6 to 20 350 DP 55 DP
Temple of Elemental Evil 7, 30 650 DP 95 DP
The Necropolis, Part 2 8 to 9 350 DP 55 DP
The Ruins of Threnal 8 to 10 450 DP 70 DP
The Vault of Night 8 to 10 750 DP 115 DP
The Red Fens 9 450 DP 70 DP
The Restless Isles 9 to 10 350 DP 55 DP
The Demon Sands 10 to 12 950 DP 145 DP
The Necropolis, Part 3 11 to 12 350 DP 55 DP
Attack on Stormreach 13 450 DP 55 DP
The Ruins of Gianthold 13 to 25 950 DP 145 DP
Harbinger of Madness 15 450 DP 70 DP
The Necropolis, Part 4 14 to 17 850 DP 130 DP
The Vale of Twilight (with Subterrane) 16 to 17 850 DP 145 DP
The Reaver's Reach 17 250 DP 40 DP
Reign of Madness 17 450 DP 70 DP
The Path of Inspiration 17 to 19 350 DP 55 DP
The Dreaming Dark 18 to 20 350 DP 70 DP
Heart of Madness 18, 26 450 DP 70 DP
The Devils of Shavarath 19 to 20 550 DP 85 DP
Secrets of the Artificers 19 to 20 650 DP 100 DP
The Druid's Deep 17-25 550 DP 85 DP
Menace of the Underdark 19-21 2495 DP 100 DP1
The High Road of Shadows 18, 24 750 DP 115 DP
Shadowfell Conspiracy 16-19, 25-27 2495 DP -
Haunted Halls of Eveningstar 24 650 DP 100 DP
Shadow Under Thunderholme 25 550 DP 95 DP
Trials of the Archons 13, 30 495 DP 70 DP
The Devil's Gambit 14, 30 450 DP 70 DP
Against the Slave Lords 8, 31 595 DP 95 DP
Dragonblood Prophecy 10, 31 495 DP 70 DP
The Mines of Tethyamar 15, 31 725 DP 115 DP
Mists of Ravenloft 10, 30 2495 DP 199 DP
Disciples of Rage 14, 31 725 DP 115 DP
White Plume Mountain and Other Tales 6, 9, 21-32 725 DP 115 DP
Masterminds of Sharn 15, 32 2495 DP 100 DP
The Soul Splitter 17, 32 650 DP 100 DP
Keep on the Borderlands 1, 21, 22 995 DP 150 DP
The Lost Gatekeepers 3, 32 725 DP 115 DP
Fables of the Feywild 5-6, 32 2495 DP 100 DP
Peril of the Planar Eyes 12, 32 650 DP 100 DP
Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh 3, 32 1999 DP 100 DP
Hunter and Hunted 7, 32 595 DP 70 DP
The Isle of Dread 7, 33 3995 DP 100 DP
Grip of the Hidden Hand 16, 33 725 DP 115 DP
Vecna Unleashed 18, 34 1999 DP -
Slice of Life 18, 34 450 DP -

1 This pass only grants access to the King's Forest area and the adventures within it. No corresponding passes for the other two areas in Menace of the Underdark currently exist.

Prices Current as of April 20, 2024.


Challenge Pack Levels DDO Points Guest Pass Contents
Vaults of the Artificers 4 to 25 1295 DP 100 DP 12 challenges and Epic Level Items. These challenges can also be accessed for free with Challenge Tokens
Eveningstar Challenge Pack 15 to 30 695 DP - 6 challenges. These challenges can also be accessed for free with Challenge Tokens.
Item x1 x5 x10 x25 Benefits
Universal Challenge Token 20 DP 80 DP 150 DP 300 DP
  • Challenge Tokens are unbound, and thus may be given to friends to function similarly to guest passes.
  • This token acts as a ticket to give you one entry to any challenge in the Vaults of the Artificers Challenge Pack.
  • Valid for one entry.
  • Also redeemable at Cannith Supply Vaults within challenges for various power-ups and helpful items.

See Challenge Tools section for challenge tools.
Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Character Slots and 32 Point Build[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Character Slot 00625 625 DP
  • Adds 1 character slot to each server, maximum of 30 slots.
    • Free To Play start with 3 Character Slots, per Server for free.
    • Premium players start with 5 Character Slots, per Server for free.
    • VIPs start with 11 Character Slots per Server, for free.
  • It is possible to have up to 38 character slots if you are Premium, have purchased 30 additional character slots prior to release of both expansions, and have pre-purchased the legendary edition of both expansions.
32 Point Build Characters 01495 1,495 DP
  • Grants the ability to create 32 Point Characters on all Servers.
  • Can also be gained for free by accumulating 1750 Total Favor on a single character on a per Server basis.

Prices Current as of February 18, 2015

Races and Classes[edit]


Race DDO Points Benefits
Warforged Race 00995 995 DP
Aasimar Race 01395 1,395 DP
Bladeforged Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Morninglord Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Purple Dragon Knight Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Shadar-kai Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Deep Gnome Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Aasimar Scourge of the Undead Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Tiefling Scoundrel Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP
Shifter Race 01595 1,595 DP
Razorclaw Shifter Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP
Tabaxi 01595 1,595 DP
Trailblazer Tabaxi Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP


Note - Two Classes (Artificer and Favored Soul) can be unlocked "for free" on a per-server basis by earning Favor.

Class DDO Points Benefits
Favored Soul Class 00995 995 DP
  • If you earn 2,500 Total Favor on a single character, you can create a Favored Soul only on that server without the need to purchase with DDO Points
  • Purchasing the Favored Soul class via the DDO Store unlocks the Favored Soul class on all servers.
Artificer Class 00995 995 DP
  • Unlocks the Artificer class on all servers.
  • If you earn 150 House Cannith Favor on a single character, you can create an Artificer only on that server without the need to purchase with DDO Points.
Alchemist Class 01495 1,495 DP
  • Unlocks the Alchemist Class on all servers.
  • VIPs get the Alchemist Class for free, however if you downgrade to a Premium Account you will need to purchase the class to play any Alchemist characters you have created.
  • Included with Update 45

Prices Current as of September 29, 2021.


Class DDO Points Benefits
Archetype - Dragon Lord Fighter icon.png
Archetype - Dragon Lord Fighter
00995 995 DP
  • Unlocks the Archetype - Dragon Lord Fighter on all servers.
  • Dragon Lord is free to VIP, and was unlock-able for free by claiming it during the first month of Year of the Dragon, running from February 28th to March 26th, 2024.

Prices Current as of April 21, 2024.

Shared Bank[edit]

Shared Bank store icon.png

Item Storage[edit]

A Shared Bank is currently the only way to trade bound to account items between characters on that account.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Shared Bank: Item Storage (30 Slots)1 1495 DP
  • 1 Before purchasing a 10-slot "upgrade" (995 pts), you must have the Shared Bank (30 Slots) account option (1495 pts), either purchased or by being a VIP.
    • VIPs get the 30-slot Shared Bank for free.
    • Premium players who were formerly VIPs will have withdrawal-only access to any items left in their Shared Bank Vault. In order to deposit items, they must purchase the Shared Bank Vault using DDO Points.
    • The initial number of slots was increased from 20 to 30 in the Update 43 Hotfix.

  • Upgrades #1(+) give your Account-based Shared Bank +10 additional item slots of storage space. You must have access to any previous "Shared Bank: Item Storage #" to purchase more additional space.
    • Note that when purchasing an upgrade, any previously-purchased upgrades will not be visible in the store, and any upgrades beyond what you are eligible for will not be sold to you. So, find the upgrade with the lowest numerical value, and purchase that - if you can't, it's probably not the lowest.

Shared Bank: Item Storage I (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage II (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage III (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage IV (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage V (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage VI (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage VII (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 8 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 9 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 10 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 11 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 12 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 13 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 14 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 15 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 16 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 17 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 18 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 19 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 20 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 21 (+10 Slots) 995 DP

Prices Current as of May 4, 2019

Platinum Vault[edit]

Item DDO Points Max Platinum Benefits
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault1 495 DP 50,000 pp
  • VIPs get the Shared Bank: Platinum Vault for free.
  • Allows you to use the bank to share platinum between all of your characters on a given server
  • Total Maximum platinum: 5,500,000 pp
  1. VIPs get the Shared Bank for free.
  2. Must have the Shared Bank: Platinum Vault account option, either purchased or by being a VIP.
  3. Must have access to the previous Shared Bank: Platinum Vault to get this additional space.
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 12 95 DP 100,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 23 195 DP 250,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 33 295 DP 500,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 43 395 DP 1,000,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 53 495 DP 2,500,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 63 495 DP 4,000,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 73 495 DP 5,500,000 pp

Prices Current as of February 6, 2015

Crafting Storage[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade I (+250 Slots)1 795 DP
  • You can put anything into your Crafting Storage that goes into bags, quivers, or cookie jars, including augments, with the exception of Bound to Character items.
  • Max item stack size depends on the item.
  • Premium players get 12 slots automatically.
    • Premium players Total Maximum: 2012.
  • VIP players get 45 slots automatically.
    • VIP players Total Maximum: 2045.
  1. Must have the Shared Bank: Item Storage (20 Slots) account option, either purchased or by being a VIP.
  2. Must have access to the previous Crafting Storage Upgrade to get this additional space.
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade II (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade III (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade IV (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade V (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade VI (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade VII (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade VIII (+250 Slots)2 795 DP

Prices Current as of August 30, 2016

Veteran Status[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Veteran Status Characters (Level 4) 00995 995 DP
  • Allows you to make new characters to start the game at level 4 instead of level 1.
  • Unlocks for all servers.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting more than 1000 Total Favor on a single character on a per server basis.
  • Characters created by this method receive the Veteran Status II starter items according to their class.
Veteran Status Characters (Level 7) 01495 1,495 DP
  • Allows you to make new characters to start the game at level 7 instead of level 1.
  • Unlocks for all servers.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting more than 3000 Total Favor on a single character on a per server basis.
  • Characters created by this method receive the Veteran Status II starter items according to their class.
  • You can not purchase Veteran Status II until you have purchased Verteran Status I

Prices Current as of August 25, 2012

Enhancement Trees[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Harper Agent store icon.png
Harper Agent Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Customize any character with the Harper Agent enhancement tree! Wiley and versatile Harper Agents can enhance their melee, magic, or ranged capabilities. This purchase allows you to use the Harper Agent enhancement tree on characters on any server.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting more than 310 Harper Favor on a single character on a per server basis
  • VIPs get the Harper Agent Enhancement Tree for free.
Vistani Knife Fighter icon.png
Vistani Knife Fighter Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Deadly Vistani Knife fighters use their blades to fight both in melee and at range. This purchase allows you to use the Vistani Knife Fighter enhancement tree on characters on any server.
Falconry Universal Enhancement Tree Icon.png
Falconry Universal Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Call forth your trained bird of prey to harry, attack, and hunt your foes! This purchase allows you to use the Falconry Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.
Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree Icon.png
Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Curious Inquisitives can transform any light or heavy crossbow into a pair of crossbows, one in each hand, and excel at both shooting first and asking questions later. This purchase allows you to use the Inquisitive Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.
Feydark Illusionist Tree.jpg
Feydark Illusionist Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Summon a familiar and bewilder your foes with deadly illusions and tricks! This purchase allows you to use the Feydark Illusionist Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting 135 The Summer Court Favor on a single character on a per server basis
  • Included with the Fables of the Feywild Collector's and Ultimate Fan Bundles.
Horizon Walker Universal Enhancement Tree Icon.png
Horizon Walker Universal Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Trained to traverse multiple planes, these bow wielding hunters excel at finding and destroying their marked prey regardless of it's plane of origin. This purchase allows you to use the Horizon Walker Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.

Prices Current as of April 28, 2022

Epic Destinys[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Monster Manual Volume 9 icon.png
Epic Destiny - Machrotechnic
00995 995 DP
  • The Machrotechnic wields the devastating power of both the lightning strike and the destructive sonic boom that follows. With mastery over arcane and mechanical devices, the Machrotechnic can wield a variety of devices to enhance themselves and their allies against harm or interfere with their foes. This purchase allows you to use the Epic Destiny - Machrotechnic on characters on any server.
  • Included with the Vecna Unleashed Standard Edition, Collector's Edition and Ultimate Fan Bundle .

Prices Current as of April 21, 2024

Monster Manuals[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Monster Manual Volume 1 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 1
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 2 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 2
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 3 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 3
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 4 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 4
00595 595 DP
  • Volume 4 includes 10 creatures.
  • 1 exclusive creature companion as special rewards you can unlock:Air Elemental.
  • Rewards XP and Astral Shards
Monster Manual Volume 5 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 5
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 6 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 6
00595 595 DP
  • Volume 6 includes 10 creatures.
  • 1 exclusive creature companion as special rewards you can unlock: Hellpup.
  • Rewards XP and Mysterious Remnants
Monster Manual Volume 7 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 7
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 8 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 8
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 9 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 9
00595 595 DP

Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Astral Shards[edit]

Item ×10 ×20 ×30 ×50 ×65 ×100 ×140 ×200 ×265 ×500 ×1000 ×2000 Benefits
Astral Shard store icon.png
Astral Shards
75 DP 150 DP 195 DP 325 DP 395 DP 595 DP 795 DP 1,135 DP 1,495 DP 2,795 DP 5,395 DP 9,995 DP Astral Shards are a form of currency that can be used instead of platinum for many items and services in game. For example, they can be used to purchase various character respecs, equipment repairs, and certain vendor items like gold seal hirelings.

Prices Current as of November 6, 2016

Additional Upgrades[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
StoreIcon HallOfHeroes.jpg
Hall of Heroes Passport
00795 795 DP
  • VIPs get Hall of Heroes Passport free.
  • Grants all of your characters access to fast travel between campaign settings by way of the Hall of Heroes.
  • Iconic Hero characters get individual access to the Passport. All other characters must have this feature on their account to use the Passport.

Prices Current as of August 26, 2013