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Category for all the Khopeshes in the game.

Item Enchantments ML Damage and Type Bind Quests Unusual Characteristics
Ethereal Khopesh
2 [1d8] + 1 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Sworn Silver Khopesh
2 [1d8] + 1 Slash, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Elemental Khopesh of Water (Level 4)
4 [1d8] + 1 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vaults of the Artificers
Ferrocrystal Khopesh
5 [1d8] + 2 Slash, Cold Iron, Magic, Crystal Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fables of the Feywild, any chest, or turn in 20 Chunks of Ferrocrystal at the Cauldron of Cadence
Flamesalt Khopesh
5 [1d8] + 1 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Captain Xendros
Eviscerating Expenses
6 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Silver, Adamantine, Mithral, Cold Iron, Magic, Byeshk Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Another Man's Treasure, End chest
+3 Etched Khopesh* 7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Combustion Scorched Khopesh
7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Quenched Khopesh
7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Magnetism Electrified Khopesh* 7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Energized Khopesh* 7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Smoldering Khopesh
7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Glaciation Doused Khopesh
7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Corrosion Caustic Khopesh* 7 [1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Elemental Khopesh of Water (level 8)
  • See the item description page for details.
8 [1d8] + 2 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vaults of the Artificers
Dynastic Falcata
10 [1d8] + 5 Slash, Lawful, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Sands of Menechtarun, Undead area - General Tanankh's chest (Rare Encounter) ;
Masei Mkembe sells for 625 Antique Bronze Tokens
  • Damage Modifier: STR, CHA
  • Attack Modifier: STR, CHA
Barovian's Khopesh
10 [1d8] + 5 Slash, Good, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Macabre Khopesh
10 [1d8] + 5 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
12 1.90[1d8] + 5 Slash, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Zawabi's Revenge, Raid Chest
Hooked Blade
  • +5 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Limb ChopperIcon tooltip.pngLimb Chopper: This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to sever the limbs of those it strikes. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit, the weapon severs an opponent's limb from its body. Some creatures, including many aberrations and all oozes, have no limbs. Others, such as golems and undead creatures, are not affected by the loss of their limbs. Most other creatures, however, have their movement slowed 75% and attacks slowed by 50% when a limb is cut off.
  • Maiming 3Icon tooltip.pngMaiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, it does an additional +3d8 damage.
  • Human Bane 3Icon tooltip.pngHuman Bane 3: This weapon is attuned specifically to hunt those with diversity and ambition, dealing an additional 3d10 bane damage vs. Humans.
  • MalleableIcon tooltip.pngMalleable: This item has a magical aura of malleability and can be combined with any item that has the Fusible property to create a new, more powerful fusion of the two items.
12 1.40[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Attack on Stormreach
Green Steel Khopesh
12 1.50[1d8] + 5 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Altar of Fecundity, Manufactured Ingredient Recipes
Allegiance (historic)
12 1d8 + 5 Slashing, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest
Bloody Hooked Blade
12 1.40[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, Upgraded version of Hooked Blade
Infectious Hooked Blade
12 1.40[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Hooked Blade
Destructive Hooked Blade
12 1.40[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgrade of Hooked Blade + Rocksplitter + Mark of Tzaryan Rrac
Alchemical Khopesh
12 3[1d8] +5 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. The Master Artificer, Either End chest
Petrifying Hooked Blade
12 1.40[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Hooked Blade
Allegiance (Level 12)
12 1.50[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest (Heroic Normal)
Elemental Khopesh of Water (level 12)
  • See the item description page for details.
12 1.40[1d8] + 3 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vaults of the Artificers
Allegiance (Level 13)
13 2[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest (Heroic Hard)
Bleeding Edge
13 1.60[1d8] + 5 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Demon Assault, End chest
Khopesh of the Fallen Age
13 1.60[1d8] + 5 Slash, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, any end chest
  • Critical Profile: 17-20 / x3
Khopesh of the Golden Age
13 2.10[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, rare drop in any end chest
  • Critical Profile: 17-20 / x3
Allegiance (Level 14)
14 2[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest (Heroic Elite)
Lunar Crescent
15 2.50[1d8] + 5 Slash, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Roll Call, End Chest
Syranian Khopesh
15 2[1d8] + 5 Slash, Good, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Syranian Forged Weaponry
Elemental Khopesh of Water (level 16)
  • See the item description page for details.
16 2.20[1d8] + 4 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vaults of the Artificers
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 16)
16 1.50[1d8] + 4 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End chest (Heroic Normal)
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 17)
17 1.50[1d8] + 5 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End chest (Heroic Hard)
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 18)
18 1.50[1d8] +5 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End Chest (Heroic Elite)
Shining Reliquary Khopesh
18 2.60[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed, any chest or trade with Steps Obliss
Defiled Reliquary Khopesh* 18 2.60[1d8] + 5 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, defiled version of Shining Reliquary Khopesh
Epic Chaosblade
20 3.50[1d8] + 6 Slash, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Epic Dynastic Falcata
20 3[1d8] + 6 Slash, Good, Lawful, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Damage Modifier: STR, CHA
  • Attack Modifier: STR, CHA
Epic Elemental Khopesh of Water
  • See the item description page for details.
20 3[1d8] + 5 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vaults of the Artificers
Epic Sworn Silver Khopesh
20 3[1d8] + 6 Slash, Good, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Epic Ethereal Khopesh
20 3[1d8] + 6 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Morten Edgewright
Drow Khopesh of the Weapon Master
21 3.20[1d8] + 6 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The House of Rusted Blades, End Chest
  • Critical Profile: 17-20 / x3
Epic Eviscerating Expenses
21 3.20[1d8] + 6 Slash, Silver, Adamantine, Mithral, Cold Iron, Magic, Byeshk Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Another Man's Treasure, End chest
Thunder-Forged Alloy Khopesh
22 4.60[1d8] + 9 Slash, Silver, Adamantine, Mithral, Cold Iron, Magic, Byeshk UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Magma Forge, Crafted from various ingredients
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 23)
23 1.50[1d8] +6 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
Allegiance (Level 23)
23 2.50[1d8] + 6 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest (Epic Normal)
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 24)
24 1.50[1d8] +7 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End chest (Epic Hard)
Allegiance (Level 24)
24 2.50[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest (Epic Hard)
Allegiance (Level 25)
25 3[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Gianthold Tor, Black Dragon Chest (Epic Elite)
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 25)
25 1.50[1d8] +7 Slash, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End Chest (Epic Elite)
+7 Combustion Epic Scorched Khopesh
26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Energized Khopesh* 26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Glaciation Epic Doused Khopesh
26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Smoldering Khopesh
26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Epic Quenched Khopesh
26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Legendary Green Steel Khopesh
26 4.20[1d8] + 14 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Altar of Fecundity, Manufactured Ingredient Recipes
+7 Epic Etched Khopesh* 26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Magnetism Epic Electrified Khopesh* 26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+7 Corrosion Epic Caustic Khopesh* 26 4.20[1d8] + 7 Slash, Magic UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage. Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
Epic Bleeding Edge
28 4.60[1d8] + 12 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Demon Assault, End chest
Calamity, a Brush with Death
28 4.60[1d8+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire The Curse of Strahd, Raid Warded Chest
Legendary Lunar Crescent
29 5.30[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Roll Call, End Chest
The Wicked Blade
29 5.30[1d8+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire The Dryad and the Demigod, End chest and optional chest
  • Critical Profile: 17-20 / x3
Morninglord's Khopesh
29 4.80[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Silver, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Nightmother's Khopesh
29 4.80[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire from chest; Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire otherwise Blue Water Inn
Legendary Syranian Khopesh
29 4.80[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Syranian Forged Weaponry
Legendary Ferrocrystal Khopesh
29 4.80[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Cold Iron, Magic, Crystal Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fables of the Feywild, any chest, or turn in 20 Legendary Chunks of Ferrocrystal at the Cauldron of Cadence
Legendary Alchemical Khopesh
29 4.80[1d8] +15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Legendary Master Artificer, Either End chest
Legendary Flamesalt Khopesh
29 4.80[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Captain Xendros
Legendary Chaosblade
30 5.50[1d8+3] + 15 Slash, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary Dynastic Falcata
30 5[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Lawful, Adamantine, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Damage Modifier: STR, CHA
  • Attack Modifier: STR, CHA
Dinosaur Bone Khopesh
31 5.20[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Isle of Dread (wilderness), purple named rare encounter chests; Skeletons in the Closet, The Mountain Keeper's chest; trade with Sharpened Bone
Attuned Bone Khopesh
31 5.20[1d8+3] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Skeletons in the Closet, end chest
Legendary Hooked Blade
31 5.20[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Attack on Stormreach
Legendary Bloody Hooked Blade
31 5.20[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Hooked Blade
Legendary Infectious Hooked Blade
31 5.20[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Hooked Blade
Legendary Destructive Hooked Blade
31 5.20[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Hooked Blade
Legendary Petrifying Hooked Blade
31 5.20[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Cauldron of Sora Katra, upgraded version of Legendary Hooked Blade
Legendary Shining Reliquary Khopesh
32 5.40[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed, any chest or trade with Steps Obliss
Legendary Defiled Reliquary Khopesh* 32 5.40[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Evil, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, defiled version of Legendary Shining Reliquary Khopesh
Legendary Khopesh of the Fallen Age
33 5.60[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, any end chest
  • Critical Profile: 17-20 / x3
Legendary Khopesh of the Golden Age
33 6.10[1d8+2] + 15 Slash, Magic Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Magic of Myth Drannor, rare drop in any end chest
  • Critical Profile: 17-20 / x3
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This category has the following 27 subcategories, out of 27 total.

Pages in category "Khopeshes"

The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.