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Extra Critical Damage

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Critical Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing # enchantment grants an additional #d6 Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing damage on a confirmed critical hit.

  • The current enchantment can only be found on randomly generated loot.
  • Cannot be made by Cannith Crafting
  • Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing has the effect listed as Smashing/Stabbing/Gashing

Smashing/Stabbing/Gashing 1 grants +1d6 on a confirmed critical

Smashing/Stabbing/Gashing 4 grants +4d6 on a confirmed critical

+1 Great Crossbow of critical piercing 1

((2d8) if:crit 18-20 x2 +1d6)

((4d8)+1d6) on a critical