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Item:Cannith Essence

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Cannith Essences store icon.pngCannith Essence orb.png
Cannith Essence icon.png
DDO Examination Panel

  • Name: Cannith Essence
  • Type: This is a raw material used in crafting.
  • Base Value: 20 pp
  • Weight: 0 lbs
  • Bind: UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
  • Maximum Stack Size: 10,000
  • Used in: Cannith Crafting


A glowing shard used in Cannith Crafting.


Crafting Essences in the DDO Store

Cannith Essences can be obtained in treasure chests, quest end-reward lists, and as bonuses from deconstruction. Go to the crafting area inside the House Kundarak enclave to craft.