Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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House Cannith

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House Cannith is one of the Dragonmarked Houses found in Eberron.

Crest of House Cannith


House Cannith is a human Dragonmarked House throughout Khorvaire. The humans of House Cannith bear the Mark of Making. The artificers and magewrights of House Cannith are responsible for most of the magical innovations of the past thousand years. House Cannith made great profit during the Last War by selling arms and warforged soldiers. The House was strongly based in Cyre but it was destroyed during the Last War. The new town area, House Cannith Enclave, was added to Stormreach with Update 11.

House Cannith Enclave loading screen

House Cannith Enclave - Points of Interest[edit]

Map of House Cannith Enclave
Concept Art
Update11 screenshot-1.jpg Update11 screenshot-6.jpg


Name Location Description
Courtney d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Craftswoman and Vendor>
Reginald Belspry House Kundarak Enclave <Master Craftsman and Vendor>: he sells Cannith Crafting Deconstruction Materials and trades essences and a few other crafting-related materials.
Maker Cannith Crafting Hall Fabricator Greeter
Toven d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave Toven was the head chief of the House Cannith Manufactury for a long time before he was substituted by Channa d'Cannith. The player characters get involved with him because of his plan to remove the sentience of every warforged in Stormreach, which, at the time, includes the Lord of Blades.
Felix d'Cannith The Harbor <Fabricator Recruiter & Ingredient Bags>

You can get a Tiny Ingredients Bag from any one of those three NPCs.

Vertigo (NPC) The Marketplace <Fabricator Recruiter & Ingredients Bags>
Xaros d'Cannith House Cannith House Cannith Patron representative.
Visgard d'Cannith House Cannith Visgard d'Cannith is the favor vendor for House Cannith. First speak to Cannith Patron Xaros d'Cannith (on the same platform, next to Visgard) once you have achieved 50 House Cannith favor to gain access to his wares.
Kylea d'Cannith The Harbor <Artificer Trainer> (Harbor), and <Crystal Expert> (House Cannith)
Channa d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Chief Researcher>
Ceros d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Cannith Archivist>
Rebel Captain Barrett Artificer Workshops Captain Barrett is one of Toven d'Cannith loyal followers and protects the inner workshop by guarding the lock in the north wing. His plan is to activate as many Cannith Titans as necessary to stop the party, but it does not end well for him.
Marcus d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Storage Supervisor>
Harlan d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Master Magewright>
Lena d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Security Officer>
Taniera Grisvill House Cannith <Artificer Scroll Vendor>
Jannice d'Cannith House Cannith <Craftswoman and Vendor>: she sells Cannith Crafting Deconstruction Materials and trades essences and a few other crafting-related materials.
Umbold d'Cannith House Cannith Enclave <Master Craftsman and Vendor>: he sells Cannith Crafting Deconstruction Materials and trades essences and a few other crafting-related materials.
Mala d'Cannith House Cannith <Auctioneer>
Lieutenant Zaira Dane Alcorin's Forge - Staging Area

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Xaros d'Cannith

Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Xaros d'Cannith

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Noted

We would like to commend you for your recent efforts on behalf of our House. Please meet with me in the House Cannith Enclave to discuss your reward.

-Xaros d'Cannith, House Cannith Patron

(By completing quests that benefit House Cannith, you have impressed them enough to grant you access to a special shop. Speak with Xaros d'Cannith in the House Cannith enclave for details.)

Originally Posted by Xaros d'Cannith

You're now eligible for the rank of Respected

We continue to be impressed with your exploits. Please meet with me when you have a moment. I have some important and exciting information for you that I think you'll find most interesting.

-Xaros d'Cannith, House Cannith Patron

(You have continued to gain favor with House Cannith and have unlocked the Artificer class! Once you speak with Xaros in the House Cannith enclave you will then be able to make Artificer characters! Artificers have special arcane spells, proficiency with all crossbows, and can use special 'rune arms' to blast their enemies. This feature has been unlocked on your account on this server.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
32 30 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Vesper d'Cannith ♦18,981 ♥19,436 ♠19,893
32 30 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Kenneth d'Cannith ♦25,602 ♥26,220 ♠26,837
28 27 Free House Cannith Talbron Tewn ♣10,430 ♦17,859 ♥18,334 ♠18,809
19 21 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Harlan d'Cannith ♣5,620 ♦9,709 ♥10,053 ♠10,396
19 18 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Marcus d' Cannith ♣3,614 ♦6,243 ♥6,463 ♠6,682
19 21 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Vesper d'Cannith ♦4,580 ♥4,740 ♠4,900
19 18 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Lena d'Cannith ♣7,398 ♦12,783 ♥13,236 ♠13,689
20 21 Secrets of the Artificers House Cannith Ceros d'Cannith ♦6,383 ♥6,600 ♠6,816
Total 8 quests 3 Epic 186 total 170
Challenge name Level range Duration Free to Play Location Xp range
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door 4-15 Variable Yes House Cannith 520-1,950
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets EPIC 21-25 Variable No House Cannith 1890-2250
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets 8-20 Variable No House Cannith 720-1800
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Picture Portals - EPIC 21-25 Variable No House Cannith ?-?
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Picture Portals 15-20 Variable Yes House Cannith 1,200-1,600
Extraplanar Palace: Buying Time - EPIC 21-25 Variable Yes House Cannith 1100-?
Extraplanar Palace: Buying Time 12-20 Variable Yes House Cannith 600-1000
Extraplanar Palace: Labor Shortage - EPIC 21-25 10 minutes No, but see Challenges House Cannith 2100-?
Extraplanar Palace: Labor Shortage 14-20 10 minutes No, but see Challenges House Cannith 1400-2000
Extraplanar Palace: The Dragon's Hoard - EPIC 21-25 20 minutes Yes House Cannith 4200-?
Extraplanar Palace: The Dragon's Hoard 8-20 20 minutes No, but see Challenges House Cannith ?-4000
Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos 4-15 15 minutes Yes House Cannith 600-2,250
Kobold Island: Short Cuts - EPIC 21-25 10 minutes Yes House Cannith 2100-?
Kobold Island: Short Cuts 15-20 10 minutes Yes House Cannith 1500-2000
Kobold Island: The Disruptor 8-20 15 minutes Yes House Cannith 1,200-3,000
Kobold Island: The Disruptor 21-25 15 minutes Yes House Cannith 3,150-?
Lava Caves: Circles of Power 4-15 20 minutes Partial House Cannith 800-3000
Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals - EPIC 21-25 Variable Yes House Cannith 3,990=?
Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals 8-20 Variable Yes House Cannith 1,200-3,000
Lava Caves: Time is Money - EPIC 21-25 Variable Yes House Cannith 1050-?
Lava Caves: Time is Money 15-20 Variable Yes House Cannith 750-1000
Total 21
Total favor
Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Power Play197House Cannith
Schemes of the Enemy196House Cannith
Blown to Bits196House Cannith
The Lord of Blades207House Cannith
The Master Artificer197House Cannith
Brothers of the Forge289House Cannith
Multitude of Menace14/306The Gatekeepers
Legendary Master Artificer3210House Cannith
Legendary Lord of Blades3210House Cannith
Total9 Quests68 
 ♣25,676Epic Casual
 ♦88,513Epic Normal
 ♥90,723Epic Hard
 ♠92,933Epic Elite


Introduced in Update 12, The Vaults of the Artificers challenge system offered four new dungeons. These four dungeons are separated into 12 challenges with different rewards available. Nine of these challenges have a separate "Epic" variation available, for a total of 21 separate variations across four dungeons.

The challenge pack can be purchased from the DDO Store granting unlimited access to the challenges. However, free players can use free daily Universal Challenge Tokens to enter the challenges.

Completing challenges grants favor for House Cannith: one Favor point per star achieved, plus an additional favor point if you five star a challenge on its maximum available level. This extra point increases the total of favor to six, hence the term "six-star run" although only five stars still show in your compendium; You can differentiate a five-star run from a six-star run because the color of the stars changes from a blueish color to an orange/yellowish color. With 21 challenges available, this means there is a total of 126 favor possible. (*Note*: Stars are not earned progressively. Only the maximum number of "Star Objectives" completed within a single instance will be awarded.)

Heroic Challenge Favor[edit]

12 challenges, if completed to 5 stars earns 60 favor. If completed to 5 stars on maximum difficulty, this will earn 72* favor.

Epic Challenge Favor[edit]

9 challenges, if completed to 5 stars earns 45 favor. If completed to 5 stars on maximum difficulty, this will earn 54 favor.

Earning Artificer[edit]

The Artificer class can be purchased in the DDO Store for 995 DP or can be unlocked on a per server basis by earning 150 House Cannith patron favor.

There is much more than 150 House Cannith favor in the game, but much of it is Epic level, requiring a character of at least Level 20. And, due to a bug in two of the free* Challenges (see below), you also need access to the quest pack Secrets of the Artificers to earn the 150 favor needed. So, first, understand that you're not going to do this on a new account, or at least not very soon.

(* see Challenge Token)
  • The Secrets of the Artificers quest pack (free to VIP Accounts) offers 78 Heroic favor with three Level 19 quests and one raid (for characters level 15 or higher), plus another 21 favor from an Epic Level 20 raid, for 99 total. That leaves 51 to be earned via Cannith Challenges (heroic and epic) plus the free Level 27 quest (see next).
  • The one free House Cannith quest, Brothers of the Forge, is Level 28, and can provide 27 House Cannith favor when run at Elite or Reaper difficulty.
  • 150 total Favor should, in theory, be available without access to the quest pack, using only the free quest and free challenges, but is currently impossible due to a bug (see below).
  • The favor from challenges includes both the Heroic and Epic versions, so, again, requires an Epic character (Level 20 or higher).
  • 21 House Cannith challenges (free-to-play via Challenge Tokens) provide 1 House Cannith favor per star (Heroic and Epic versions are counted separately), meaning the maximum 6 stars on all challenges (6 x 21) should provide 126 favor. However...
  • Bug: The heroic and epic versions of the Kobold Island: Short Cuts have a bugged objective making it impossible to get a 6-star completion. There are no "5 star" completions, so you lose 2 points on each one, meaning 122 total favor maximum from the challenges.

So, 4-star completion on the 2 bugged challenges, plus 6-star completion in every other House Cannith challenge, yields a total of only 122 favor. That, plus the 27 from the free Level 28 quest, is 149, leaving you still 1 point short of the required 150. Meaning... currently, you need the quest pack.