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Item:Vial of Contagion

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Vial of Contagion icon.png

Vial of Contagion

A leaden vial filled with some awful and toxic substance. 1 Vial of Contagion is desired by Wash Pynoptis in the Harbor.

  • Tier 1 ArcaneIcon tooltip.pngAmber Vial icon.png Vial of Pure Water icon.png Vial of Contagion icon.png
  • Rare Reagent

Found In Nodes

Locations for Farming


Collector turn in
  • Located in: The Harbor
  • Reward:
Stone of Change Eldritch Ritual ingredient
  • N/A
Cannith Crafting Bound shard recipe
  • N/A
Unbound shard recipe Open Lock (Extra), Intimidate (Extra), Solar Guard (Extra), Disable Device (Extra), Diversion (Extra), Fire Resist (Extra), Balance (Extra), Spot (Extra), Acid Guard (Extra), Poison Ward (Extra), Sonic Resist (Extra), Underwater action (Extra)