Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Item:Blessed Candle

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Blessed Candle icon.png

Blessed Candle

A wax candle of the type used in religious ceremonies. 3 Blessed Candles are desired by Maxon the Dreamwalier outside House Deneith in the Deneith Ward.

  • Tier 4 ArcaneIcon tooltip.png
  • Common Ritual Paraphernalia

Found In Nodes

Locations for Farming

Located in: * Acute Delirium- Bookshelves room.

  • A Cabal for One Cabinet on First conspirator room ( the one with the trapped chest).


Collector turn in
  • Located in:
    • House Deneith
    • Deneith Ward
Stone of Change Eldritch Ritual ingredient
  • N/A
Cannith Crafting Bound shard recipe INS Negative Resist (Prefix), INS Heal (Prefix), INS Poison Ward (Prefix), INS Concentration (Prefix), INS Tumble (Prefix), INS Acid Resist (Prefix), INS Listen (Prefix), INS Repair (Prefix), INS Incite (Prefix)
Unbound shard recipe INS Negative Resist (Prefix), INS Heal (Prefix), INS Poison Ward (Prefix), INS Concentration (Prefix), INS Tumble (Prefix), INS Acid Resist (Prefix), INS Listen (Prefix), INS Repair (Prefix), INS Incite (Prefix)