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Astra Quinlin

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Astra Quinlin.jpg

Name: Astra Quinlin

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Affiliation(s): The Silver Flame

Location: The Marketplace, in the eastern area next to the fountain by the House Cannith gate and The Catacombs. She is near Salariin Founts, the Silver Flame Armorer.

Description: The Silver Flame Patron representative

Notes: Favor rewards:

  • Salvageable (0 Favor) - No rewards
  • Reclaimed (75 Favor) - Silver Flame Spirit binders in taverns will now sell their healing spells to you for half their previous price.
  • Pious (150 Favor) - Your character permanently benefits from the Blessing of the Silver Flame effect. It improves regeneration while in a town or tavern - causes the character to receive 2HP + 8SP instead of the default 1HP + 5SP per 6 seconds.
  • Devout (400 Favor) - Access to Salariin Founts <Silver Flame Armorer> Silver Flame favor vendor standing near Astra in The Marketplace