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Silver Flame Guard

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Name: Silver Flame Guard

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): The Silver Flame


Description: Sword wielding guards in and around the Catacombs. They are members of the Church Militant.

The Marketplace[edit]

  • Silver Flame Guard: I was supposed to be relived hours ago! I wonder what the hold-up is?
  • Silver Flame Guard: This is the Silver Flame's headquarters here in Stormreach.
  • Silver Flame Guard: Respect the Flame during your visit.
  • Silver Flame Guard: Friar Renau looks worried ... is he in some kind of trouble?
  • Silver Flame Guard: The Silver Flame serves the sick, and the deranged.
  • Silver Flame Guard: Are you still here? Move along.

The Catacombs[edit]

Before To Find a Witness is bestowed:

  • Silver Flame Guard: You're probably here to visit someone at the Sanctuary. I can't say I envy those poor souls.
  • Silver Flame Guard: Archbishop Dryden runs this place. His chambers are all the way at the top of these stairs.
  • Silver Flame Guard: There are many fighting men in the Church. Our organization is divided into the Church Militant and the Church Ministry. The Church Militant is comprised of warriors, paladins and others who fight in the name of the Holy Flame.

After To Find a Witness is bestowed but before completing the Catacombs story arc:

  • Silver Flame Guard: We've all heard something strange is happening downstairs. Dryden has sent orders to keep quiet. But you're working for him, so you know all this already.
  • Silver Flame Guard: We have direct orders from Dryden to act as normally as possible. Not even those in the Church outside of the Catacombs are supposed to hear about anything going on down here.
  • Silver Flame Guard: We're not supposed to let anyone in or out of the Catacombs. Dryden's orders. He did mention we should make an exception for you. Go ahead then. You must have important business here.

After completing the Catacombs story arc:

  • Silver Flame Guard: Something horrible must've happened here. Nobody's talking about it out loud but you can tell by the look on people's faces.
  • Silver Flame Guard: The Church is keeping fairly quiet about what happened here. Rumors of the dead rising from their graves can't be good for our organization's reputation.
  • Silver Flame Guard: Cleanup duties in the Lower Cathedral have been awful to say the least.