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Friar Renau

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Friar Renau.jpg

Name: Friar Renau

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): The Catacombs

Affiliation(s): The Silver Flame

Location: The Marketplace, at the entrance to Catacombs


Location In Marketplace

Starting the story[edit]

  • Friar Renau: Pardon, good <sir/lady>. I am Friar Renau. You are not with the Church of the Silver Flame, I take it?
  • Friar Renau: I could use the assistance of an outsider.
  • It is about my niece, Marguerite. Of late, her letters have grown strange. Now they have stopped altogether!
  • Friar Renau: She is in the Sanctuary, inside the Silver Flame Catacombs. Marguerite's room is at one of the ends of the Northern Wing. I beg you - find her and see that she's safe!
    • You: I will go to this Sanctuary and ask after her. (Bestow chain)
    • You: What is this Sanctuary?
      • Friar Renau: Marguerite is... "touched," as they say.
      • Friar Renau: But the Sanctuary is falsely named. True, a few go there to meditate. A few more go there to he healed. But mostly the Church of the Silver Flame puts people there to forget them.
        • You: I will go to this Sanctuary and ask after her. (Bestow chain)
        • You: She is mad, you mean.
          • Friar Renau: No, no.
          • Friar Renau: Marguerite's mind is strong, but fragile. It is difficult to explain, but she is no raving madwoman.
          • Friar Renau: She is ... different. Special.
            • You: All right. I'll go to this Sanctuary and ask after her. (Bestow chain)
    • You: Can't you get help from the Church?
      • Friar Renau: It's complicated.
      • Friar Renau: Marguerite is ... "touched," as they say. She's is in the place they call the Sanctuary. But it is falsely named. True, a few go there to meditate. A few more go there to he healed. But mostly the Church of the Silver Flame puts people there to forget them.
        • You: I will go to this Sanctuary and ask after her. (Bestow chain)
        • You: She is mad, you mean. (See above)
        • You: You believe that someone in the Church has harmed her?
          • Friar Renau: No, no.
          • Friar Renau: I am sure she is fine, but ... well, I would prefer if someone could make certain.
            • You: I'll go to the Sanctuary and ask after her. (Bestow chain)
    • You: Can't you go, yourself?
      • Friar Renau: The Sanctuary is forbidden to me.
      • Friar Renau: I would need the permission of Archbishop Dryden, and I would not get it.
      • Friar Renau: I am afraid I am not in his favor right now.
        • You: I'll go to the Sanctuary and ask after her. (Bestow chain)

While The Friar's Niece is bestowed[edit]

  • Friar Renau: The Sanctuary is on the first level of the Catacombs.
  • Friar Renau: Such a strange place to help the feeble-minded, but a good place to lose them...
    • You: I'll return when I have word of Marguerite. Good day.

After completion of The Friar's Niece[edit]

  • Friar Renau: You found Marguerite? She was there?
    • You: I found a note from her addressed to her father. Everyone else was killed by undead.
      • Friar Renau: Undead? The Catacombs are consecrated by the Silver Flame! How is this possible?
      • Friar Renau: Wait, Marguerite wrote a note to her father? To my knowledge, they have not spoken in years. Why now?
      • Friar Renau: I must ask another favor of you. Marguerite's father is the Archbishop Dryden. Go to Dryden's Chamber inside the Catacombs, and tell him what has happened. Warn him about the undead!
        • You: All right, I'll go warn the Archbishop. (Advance chain)
          • Friar Renau: Dryden's Chamber is on the highest layer of the Catacombs.
          • Friar Renau: When you meet him, think carefully before you speak. He has the wit of a magewright and the memory of a confessor.
        • You: Why can't you go yourself?
          • Friar Renau: Dryden and I are well acquainted, I'm afraid. His guards have standing orders to throw me out.
            • You: All right, I'll go warn the Archbishop. (Advance chain)
        • You: I have no time for this. Let the Silver Flame handle its own affairs. (Walk away)
          • Friar Renau (over head): What of the innocents in the Sanctuary? What of Marguerite? Please, reconsider!

In case you refuse, if you talk to him again, he will say:

  • Friar Renau: You have changed your mind?
  • Friar Renau: Will you go to Dryden's Chamber and tell the Archbishop about Marguerite, about the undead?
    • You: Yes. I will warn Archbishop Dryden. (Advance chain)
    • You: Tell him yourself. Good day. (Walk away)

Before Return to the Sanctuary is bestowed[edit]

  • Friar Renau: Go quickly to Dryden's Chamber in the Catacombs. The Archbishop should be told about the undead ... and about his daughter, even if he has not seen fit to speak to her in years.

While Return to the Sanctuary is bestowed[edit]

  • Friar Renau: You spoke to him, to Dryden? Is he sending soldiers to find Marguerite?
    • You: No. He is sending me.
      • Friar Renau: You? You alone?
      • Friar Renau: But ... forgive me. I'm sure you're formidable, but that is very strange.
        • You: Dryden must have his reasons.
          • Friar Renau (over head): Of course. Of course, he must...
        • You: Don't worry. She'll be fine.
          • Friar Renau (over head): I will pray for you, my friend. May the Flame light your way, and the Voice guide your steps.

After completion of Return to the Sanctuary[edit]

if you skipped story progession with Thaddeus Graylight

  • Friar Renau: You have been in my prayers, <name>. Have you... have you heard anything more of Marguerite?
    • You: She has learned to use a power called the Duality.
      • Friar Renau: Oh no... that is terrible news.
        • You: What do you know about the Duality?
          • Friar Renau: Almost nothing.
          • Friar Renau: But I remember Gerard Dryden -- the Archbishop's uncle. I remember the terrible things he preached, and the even more terrible things he did.
          • Friar Renau: And yet I thought that Gerard's secrets were buried with him ...
            • You: Marguerite never spoke of this?
              • Friar Renau: Never! This is so unlike her!
              • Friar Renau: Marguerite had... a rich inner life, you might say. It was the little things that mattered to her. My letters. Her father's love and approval.
              • Friar Renau: Not magic or power!
            • You: They weren't buried deep enough, apparently.
              • Friar Renau: Marguerite never even knew Gerard. How could she have learned of the Duality? It's very strange.
        • You: Yes. But I have no more time for talk.
          • Friar Renau: May the light of the Flame go with you.
    • You: No, and stop pestering me.
      • Friar Renau: I'm sorry my faith offends you. The bishops have warned me not to speak so openly to strangers.
    • You: Nothing yet. But I will find her, I promise.
      • Friar Renau: It is no accident that led you here. I will pray for your safety, and for Marguerite's.

Until Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral is bestowed[edit]

  • Friar Renau: You have been in my prayers, <name>. I pray you can save Marguerite.

While Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral is bestowed[edit]

  • Friar Renau: Do you have news of Marguerite? I have heard nothing from the Catacombs. No rumors, no mutterings.
    • You: Marguerite may be using the corpses of long-dead priests to feed her power. We are trying to stop her.
      • Friar Renau: I'm afraid such things are beyond me. But if you confront her... be merciful.
      • Friar Renau: Marguerite is not evil. You must believe that, no matter what else you hear.
    • You: I think the Archbishop is trying to keep things quiet.
      • Friar Renau: That has always been his way ... to hide troubles and to deal with them alone. His career is everything to him. I cannot understand it.
      • Friar Renau: But then, I suppose that is why he is an Archbishop, and I am still a simple friar.

While Endgame: Marguerite is bestowed[edit]

  • Friar Renau: What is wrong? Has something happened?
    • You: The undead have broken into the main Catacombs. Dryden asked me to go and confront Marguerite.
      • Friar Renau: Please be merciful!
      • Friar Renau: I cannot believe that Marguerite has turned to evil -- something else is at work here. May the Flame light your path....

While Endgame: The Archbishop's Fate is bestowed[edit]

If you let Marguerite Dryden go

  • Friar Renau: Marguerite was here! Her spirit is still in this world!
    • You: I can't talk now. I'll return when I've dealt with Dryden.

If you killed Marguerite Dryden

  • Friar Renau: Marguerite is dead, isn't she?
    • You: I can't talk now. I'll return when I've dealt with Dryden.

Completing story arc, gathering reward[edit]

If you let Marguerite Dryden go

  • Friar Renau: Marguerite was here! Her spirit is still in this world.
  • Friar Renau: And with Gerard destroyed, the Archbishop may yet recover. You are a hero ... though the Church will never speak of it. The Flame guards its secrets at all costs.
  • Friar Renau: I have been entrusted with a sizable reward for you. But if you ever speak of these events to anyone, the Church will deny them.
    • You: I'm not concerned with fame. I know I've done what's right.
      • Friar Renau: Do you? It seems absurd to me, hiding the truth while professing to be a beacon of righteousness.
      • Friar Renau: But I am no Church elder. They have their reasons, I expect.
      • Friar Renau: What matters to me is that you saved Marguerite. For that, no reward is large enough.
        • You: I'll take that reward then, and be on my way.
          • Friar Renau: You have my thanks—and Marguerite's as well. May the Flame light your path.
        • You: There are still some things I don't understand (See below)
    • You: Is it wise for the Silver Flame to simply pretend this didn't happen?
      • Friar Renau: I am no Church elder, but they have their reasons.
      • Friar Renau: What matters to me is that you saved Marguerite. For that, no reward is large enough.
        • You: I'll take that reward then, and be on my way.
          • Friar Renau: You have my thanks -- and Marguerite's as well. May the Flame light your path.
        • You: There are still some things I don't understand. (See below)
    • You: There are still some things I don't understand.
      • Friar Renau: Of course! Marguerite explained much to me.
        • You: Where has Marguerite gone?
          • Friar Renau: She is safe and far from here.
          • Friar Renau: She claims that she can no longer hear the voices. I hope for her sake that this terrible chapter is now over. Time will tell.
            • You: I have another question. (See above "There are still some...")
        • You: Who was Gerard Dryden?
          • Friar Renau: Gerard was the Archbishop's uncle, as well as the previous Archbishop here in Stormreach.
          • Friar Renau: Before that, Gerard was once a very important man in Thrane, the kingdom where our faith was founded. But he came to Xen'drik under a dark cloud of rumors.
          • Friar Renau: Would you surprise you to know Gerard was once an inquisitor? I can't say for certain, but I suspect he used his position as a hunter of the occult to protect himself, and his followers.
          • Friar Renau: When things became too difficult in Thrane, Gerard came here ... and made his plans to strike at the Church from beyond the grave.
          • Friar Renau: Let us speak no more of him.
            • You: I have another question. (See above "There are still some...")
        • You: Why did Dryden allow Marguerite to be treated that way?
          • Friar Renau: One of our most sacred offices is the Keeper of the Flame. This individual is blessed with the ability to hear the voice inside the flame - Tira Miron, the Paladin who joined with the Flame in order to stop the Demon Lord who would have destroyed our world, long ago.
          • Friar Renau: The Archbishop believed that his daughter heard Tira Miron's voice. If his daughter was the next Keeper, it would restore the Dryden family name, tarnished by his uncle's heresy.
          • Friar Renau: The Archbishop's ambition eclipsed his sense of what was right or wrong.
            • You: I have another question. (See above "There are still some...")
        • You: Why did Archbishop enlist me, with all the Silver Flame Templars at his command?
          • Friar Renau: It's hard to say what the Archbishop knew and when.
          • Friar Renau: He would have many reasons to keep these dark deeds secret. Just the shame of it would destroy his hopes of returning to Thrane, or of holding greater office.
          • Friar Renau: You were an outsider, someone who could perhaps keep things to yourself. If not - well, you could be made to disappear if required.
          • Friar Renau: Graylight may have suggested this course of action to the Archbishop. Or perhaps, the Flame forbid, the undead spirit of Gerard himself.
          • Friar Renau: Clearly none of them had any idea how dangerous of a Fighter you are.
            • You: I have another question. (See above "There are still some...")
        • You: I'd like to take my reward now, and I shall be on my way.
          • Friar Renau: You have my thanks -- and Marguerite's as well. May the Flame light your path.

If you killed Marguerite Dryden

  • Friar Renau: She is ... destroyed, isn't she? I know, you did what you could.
  • Friar Renau: I've heard about Dryden as well. A messenger came to me from the Cardinal. The Church of the Silver Flame is aware of what has happened, and does not hold you to blame.
  • Friar Renau: Yet the Church will not, cannot, acknowledge what has happened here. If you ever speak of these events to anyone, the Church will deny them.
    • You: That's wise. I understand.
      • Friar Renau: Do you? I do not.
      • Friar Renau: Indeed, I do not approve any of this. My faith is no longer what it was. I regret bringing you into this.
        • You: I'm sorry for you loss. I shall take my reward now, and be on my way.
          • Friar Renau: You have my thanks -- and Marguerite's as well. May the Flame light your path.
    • You: Blame? I'm a bloody hero!
      • Friar Renau: I agree completely.
      • Friar Renau: Indeed, I do not approve of any of this. My faith is no longer what it was. I regret bringing you into this.
        • You: I'm sorry for you loss. I shall take my reward now, and be on my way.
          • Friar Renau: You have my thanks -- and Marguerite's as well. May the Flame light your path.
    • You: Wait. There are some things I don't understand.
      • Friar Renau: Go ahead. The Cardinal's messenger explained much to me.
        • You: Who was Gerard Dryden? (see answer in good ending)
        • You: Why did Dryden allow Marguerite to be treated that way? (see answer in good ending)
        • You: Why did the Archbishop enlist me, with all the Silver Flame Templars at his command? (see answer in good ending)
        • You: I'd like to take my reward now, and I shall be on my way.

After taking the reward for the story arc[edit]

If you let Marguerite Dryden go

  • Friar Renau: You look well, my friend! It is good to see you again.

If you killed Marguerite Dryden

  • Friar Renau: Leave me be, <name>. You have already cost me my niece, and my faith. I can give no more.