Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Adventure Pack

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Adventure packs are collections of quests that are connected by theme, location and/or story line. Some of the content can be played individually, while some forms a chain that can or must be run together, often for a special end-reward. VIPs (only) have access to most adventure packs, but not all.

Adventure packs are purchased individually from the DDO Store for an account, using DDO Points, and are server wide for that account. (Guest Passes are also available for most adventure packs, but the buyer must already own that pack to purchase a guest pass.)

When choosing an adventure pack, you may want to consider:

  • A source of XP: Some packs provide better XP than F2P quests.
  • Named Loot: Newer packs tend to have better loot, and some packs offer their own crafting system. But some older packs have classic items.
  • Fun and variety: Do you need a change of pace from what you currently run?
  • Popularity: How often do you see LFM's for these quests in the Social Panel, or in your Guild?
  • Favor*: Total and/or specific Patron.
  • Sagas: Some packs include a Saga, some don't, some are only part of one.
  • Timing: It's generally better to buy a pack just over your current level, so you can get full experience from it, instead of waiting until you reincarnate. This may not be true if you're just buying a pack for Favor.
  • Sales: Weekly DDO Sales start every Thursday, are usually 20-30% off, and rarely as high as 50%. Not all weekly sales contain sales on Adventure Packs. Sales are announced in the forums. The three big yearly sale events are Summer Sail Sale (in July), Black Friday Sale (late November), and the December Deals (starting mid-late December), when discounts of 35-50% are common, and occasionally even larger.
(* In the table below, "Favor per 100 DDO Points" compares how much total favor a pack offers for the price you pay. So, a pack that costs twice as much as another may or may not give twice as much total favor, and so on. Almost all packs give favor for only one patron, as listed below.)

Many related discussions can be found in the forums; one such is here.

Notes re individual packs are listed below table.

Comparison of adventure packs
Name of the pack Levels Epic DDO Points Total favor Favor per 100 DP Patron
Keep on the Borderlands 1 to 2, 21 to 22 Yes 995 54 5.43 The Gatekeepers
Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh 3, 32 Yes 1,999 90 4.5 The Gatekeepers
The Lost Gatekeepers 3, 32 Yes 725 42 5.79 The Gatekeepers
The Catacombs 3 to 4, 23 Yes 250 66 26.4 The Silver Flame
The Seal of Shan-To-Kor 3 to 5 No 250 48 19.2 The Coin Lords
Tangleroot Gorge 3 to 7 No 550 99 18 House Phiarlan
The Sharn Syndicate 4 No 350 36 10.29 The Coin Lords
Vaults of the Artificers1 4 to 25 Yes 1,295 126 9.73 House Cannith
Fall of the Night Brigade 4, 35 Yes 695 39 5.61 The Harpers
Phiarlan Carnival 5, 20 Yes 450 48 10.67 House Phiarlan
Fables of the Feywild 5 to 6, 32 Yes 2,495 138 5.53 The Summer Court
The Necropolis Part 1 5 to 6 No 350 66 18.86 The Silver Flame
Three-Barrel Cove 5 to 7, 25 Yes 695 126 18.13 The Free Agents
Delera's Tomb 5 to 11, 27 Yes 850 129 15.18 House Jorasco mostly, 1 House Phiarlan
White Plume Mountain and Other Tales 6 to 9, 21 to 32 Yes 725 69 9.52 The Twelve
Sorrowdusk Isle 6 to 10 No 450 117 26 House Deneith
Devil Assault 6, 12, 18, 21 Yes 350 30 8.57 The Coin Lords
Hunter and Hunted 7, 32 Yes 595 57 9.58 The Summer Court
Sentinels of Stormreach 7 to 8, 20 to 21 Yes 450 66 14.67 House Deneith
The Isle of Dread 7 to 8, 33 to 34 Yes 3,995 150 3.75 The Gatekeepers
Against the Slave Lords 8, 31 Yes 595 48 8.07 The Gatekeepers
The Temple of Elemental Evil 8, 34 Yes 650 105 16.15 The Gatekeepers
The Necropolis Part 2 8 to 9 No 350 81 23.14 The Silver Flame
The Ruins of Threnal 8 to 10 No 450 108 24 House Phiarlan
The Vault of Night 8 to 10, 21 to 22 Yes 750 126 16.8 House Kundarak
The Red Fens 9, 21 Yes 450 54 12 House Kundarak
Dragonblood Prophecy 10, 31 to 32 Yes 595 57 9.58 Agents of Argonnessen
The Restless Isles 10 to 12 No 350 84 24 The Free Agents
Demon Sands 10 to 12, 21 to 22 Yes 950 213 22.42 The Free Agents mostly, 1 House Phiarlan
Mists of Ravenloft 10 to 12, 31 to 32 Yes 2,495 240 9.62 Keepers of the Feather
The Necropolis Part 3 11 to 12 No 350 93 26.57 The Silver Flame
Peril of the Planar Eyes 12, 32 Yes 650 66 10.15 Morgrave University
Attack on Stormreach 13, 34 Yes 450 63 14 The Coin Lords
Trials of the Archons 13, 30 Yes 495 81 16.36 The Gatekeepers
Ruins of Gianthold 13 to 14, 24 to 25 Yes 950 240 25.26 Agents of Argonnessen
The Devil's Gambit 14, 30 Yes 450 66 14.67 The Gatekeepers
Disciples of Rage 14, 31 Yes 725 78 10.76 House Jorasco
The Necropolis Part 4 14 to 17, 28 to 30 Yes 850 138 16.24 The Silver Flame
Harbinger of Madness 15 No 450 66 14.67 The Free Agents
Disciples of Shadow2 15 No N/A 51 N/A Purple Dragon Knights
The Mines of Tethyamar 15, 31 Yes 725 75 10.34 The Harpers
Eveningstar Challenge Pack 15 to 30 Yes 695 36 5.18 Purple Dragon Knights
Masterminds of Sharn 15 to 16, 32 Yes 2,495 282 11.3 Sharn City Council
The Vale of Twilight 15 to 17, 31 to 32 Yes 995 321 32.26 The Twelve
Shadow Over Wheloon3 16, 26 Yes N/A 102 N/A Purple Dragon Knights
Grip of the Hidden Hand 16, 33 Yes 725 96 13.24 Morgrave University
The Druid's Deep 17, 23 Yes 550 75 13.64 The Harpers
The Reaver's Reach 17 No 250 96 38.4 Agents of Argonnessen
Reign of Madness 17 No 450 81 18 The Twelve
The Soul Splitter 17, 32 Yes 650 114 17.54 Sharn City Council
The Path of Inspiration 18 No 350 90 25.71 The Coin Lords
The High Road of Shadows 18, 24 Yes 750 96 12.8 The Harpers
Heart of Madness 18, 26 Yes 450 63 14 The Twelve
Vecna Unleashed 18, 34 Yes 1,999 264 13.21 Morgrave University
Slice of Life 18, 34 Yes - 54 N/A Morgrave University
The Secret of the Storm Horns3 19, 27 Yes N/A 96 N/A The Harpers
The Dreaming Dark 19 to 20 No 350 78 22.29 The Coin Lords
Secrets of the Artificers 19 to 20, 32 Yes 650 159 24.46 House Cannith
The Devils of Shavarath 19 to 20 No 550 147 26.73 The Yugoloth mostly, 2 The Twelve
Menace of the Underdark 19, 21 to 24 Yes 2,495 369 14.79 Purple Dragon Knights
Haunted Halls of Eveningstar 28 Yes 650 27 4.15 The Harpers
Shadow Under Thunderholme 29 to 30 Yes 550 54 9.82 Purple Dragon Knights
Shadowfell Conspiracy ExpansionIcon tooltip.pngIncludes the following:

15, 16, 19, 26 to 27 Yes 2,495 216 8.66 Purple Dragon Knights and The Harpers


1) Vaults of the Artificers "Epic" challenges reward Epic-level items, but no Epic tokens; however, Epic ingredients can be exchanged for Epic fragments/tokens.
2) Disciples of Shadow - Two of the three quests are F2P, the third quest is only available to players who have purchased the Shadowfell Conspiracy expansion pack. The F2P quests are not included in favor calculations.
3) Shadow Over Wheloon and The Secret of the Storm Horns - The two adventure packs are part of the Shadowfell Conspiracy expansion pack.

See also[edit]