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The High Road of Shadows

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The High Road of Shadows adpack icon.jpg
750 DP Requires access to adventure pack: The High Road of Shadows

Oriphanun Huntsilver's journal, containing a fabled Nether Scroll, has vanished and the Harpers are in need of your help to retrieve it!

High Road of Shadows is a Forgotten Realms adventure pack introduced with Update 16, free for VIPs and 750 DDO Points in the DDO Store. It includes 5 quests (level 24) and a level 24 wilderness area, the High Road.

At Update 19, this zone gained a Heroic option as a level 18 Wilderness area, and the quests as well gained heroic level 18 versions. This is the first zone in DDO that got the reverse epic upgrade.

The Netherese Legacy[edit]

The quest chain/story arc is called The Netherese Legacy in your Quest Journal. All quests are found in The High Road wilderness adventure area. Take the Harper's Cart in the northwestern section of Eveningstar to start the adventure.

Chain bestowed by Rina Belostos

You must complete the first four quests (in any order) before you can enter The End of the Road. Once all quests are completed, return to Rina Belostos to claim your final reward.

Quest Name Quest Level Total Favor Patron Casual Normal Hard Elite
Detour 18 (24 on Epic) 21 The Harpers
Rest Stop 18 (24 on Epic) 18 The Harpers
Lost in the Swamp 18 (24 on Epic) 18 The Harpers
A Stay at the Inn 18 (24 on Epic) 18 The Harpers
The End of the Road * 18 (24 on Epic) 21 The Harpers
Total 5 Quests 96  ♣62,081Solo/Casual  ♦79,129Normal  ♥80,292Hard  ♠81,455Elite

* Requires flagging.

In the Forgotten Realms, every third completion of a quest chain will provide a reward list with a 50% chance for each item that could have normally appeared in that list to appear. Completions which are not the third or a subsequent multiple of three have a 25% chance for those items to appear. Only the ML23 versions of the items are available in this way.

Reward List[edit]

The end reward of the whole chain given by NPC Rina Belostos after completing all of above quests (called Netherese Legacy in your quest journal) is a mix of items that can be pulled from one of the optional chests in the chain (e.g. Nether Grasps), as well as 3 Commendations of your choice. So a player has the chance to pull an item directly in one of the quests or get it at the end of the chain.

Note that you can talk to Rina and run the chain again - in any order, as long as you do all five quests - for another reward. NOTE: Named items that can appear on this end reward list will have a 100% chance of appearing on every third completion of the story arc. You can select from one of these items when talking to Rina Belostos in the Eveningstar at the end of the quest chain. All items are Bound to Character on Equip, and are the Epic Normal (ML 23) version, regardless of whether the quest chain was completed running Heroic or Epic level.

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 23)
Ironwood Khopesh (Level 23).png
Khopesh  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, End chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 67.3
  • 4 months and 30 days
  • BugTime
Roadwatch Bow (Level 23)
Roadwatch Bow (Level 23).png
Long Bow  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Rest Stop, Umbral Gargoyle Lord chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 23 days
  • BugTime
Forgotten Light (Level 23)
Forgotten Light (Level 23).png
Heavy Mace  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Rest Stop, End chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 22 days
  • BugTime
Bastion (Level 23)
Bastion (Level 23).png
Tower shield  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Stay at the Inn, Innkeeper hidden chest, Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 22 days
  • BugTime
Wizard's Ward (Level 23)
Wizard's Ward (Level 23).png
Orb  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Detour, Song's chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 20 days
  • BugTime
Whisperchain (Level 23)
Whisperchain (Level 23).png
Chainmail  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Lost in the Swamp, Underwater chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 20 days
  • BugTime
Shadowmail (Level 23)
Shadowmail (Level 23).png
Scalemail  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The End of the Road, Greenstalker Chest (Epic), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 68
  • 4 months and 13 days
  • BugTime
Treads of Falling Shadow (Level 23)
Treads of Falling Shadow (Level 23).png
Boots  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Detour, end chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 68
  • 4 months and 11 days
  • BugTime
Bracers of Twisting Shade (Level 23)
Bracers of Twisting Shade (Level 23).png
Bracers  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Stay at the Inn, End chest (Epic), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 4 months and 7 days
  • BugTime
Nether Grasps (Level 23)
Nether Grasps (Level 23).png
Gloves  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The End of the Road, End chest (Epic Normal), Netherese Legacy chain end reward
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Note that you will frequently get 2-3 copies of the same item in your reward list.

See also[edit]