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House Phiarlan

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Heraldic Crest of House Phiarlan
House Phiarlan Map
House Phiarlan Scenery

An elven dragonmarked house, the members of House Phiarlan carry the Mark of Shadows. This mark is also carried by House Thuranni which split off from House Phiarlan during the last war. The mark of shadows is the only mark carried by two houses.

The heraldic symbol of the house is a hydra, but it often uses a secondary symbol of a silver mask. And members of the house may actually wear a silver mask, or at least have it worked into their jewelry (brooch/ring/belt-buckle)

House Phiarlan specializes in entertainment, music, and shadows/illusions.

Unknown to virtually every outsider, there is also branch of House Phiarlan that deals with more than just the arts. Its job is to oversee the house as a whole, and to be responsible for the information gathering, scrying, and spying. With occasional jobs dealing with assassination or theft. This branch is known as the "Serpentine Table". It does lease its services to outsiders occasionally, but only to the most wealthy and powerful of the nobles. Virtually every member of House Phiarlan serves as an informant to the Table - giving any interesting information they come across to liaisons in the House.


House Phiarlan has a tradition that can be traced all the way back to elves originally on Xen'Drik. When the elves rebelled against the giants, it was not the race of elves against the race of giants. It was various tribes of elves fighting various clans of giants. During the rebellion, a number of elves traveled between the elven tribes. Their purpose to carry messages, gather intelligence, keep alliances between tribes strong, and in general help to uphold the morale of the various tribes. These elves were known as "Phiarlans" or "Spirit Keepers".

In Aerenal, before the Undying Court unified the elven people, these Phiarlans continued to travel between the various tribes. Here, their role became two-fold. First as bards and entertainers they performed ancient arts from Xen'Drik as well as bringing news and messages from tribe to tribe. Secondly though, they used some of this news and information to help keep alliances, prevent rivalries from growing into feuds, and generally help the growth of the nation as a whole rather than individual city-states or tribes.

After the Undying Court was created, and the elves united both against the dragons and under the court, the Phiarlans were needed less and less as mediators between tribes. However, they were often paid by the Sibling Kings and by other nobles to act as spies, and bring information back to them. Phiarlans considered this to be helping the nation as a whole and so still a desirable task they were willing to undertake.

When Dragonmarks first appeared, the elves knew it was a momentous event. Even if they didn't fully understanding it. They had some familiarity with the Dragon's Prophecy, although even with centuries of study the could not fully comprehend it, and they know the dragonmarks were some how involved in the Prophecy. As a result, the Sibling Kings and other nobles started using their own security forces, the Deathguard, and the Cairdal Blades instead of Phiarlans, who bore a mark they did not fully trust.

After the followers of Vol were wiped out, the lines carrying the mark of shadows decided that perhaps it would be best for them to leave Aerenal as well. There had been no anger or aggression against those with the mark of shadows, but that did not mean that there could not be any one day. So, they migrated to Khorvaire. As a statement of their independence they formally renounced their lines and the name Aereni, forming a new alliance to be known as House Phiarlan.

Realizing that they were newcomers in a land with well established powers, they used their skills as artisans, entertainers, and bards to work their way into the houses of nobility across the continent. Just the sheer amount of money gathered by this house for its entertainment services now makes it a power of its own.

Points of Interest[edit]



Name Location Description
Shir Clowenks d'Phiarlan The Leaky Dinghy
Corual Laoli Object Desire <Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 3>
Frederik Star Object Desire <Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 6-7>
Riamorn Fellshard Object Desire <Divine Scroll Vendor - Level 3>
Cullian Barrows House Phiarlan <Spell Enhancement Potion Vendor>
Malior d'Phiarlan Partycrashers One of the many nobles of House Phiarlan
Morian Shol d'Phiarlan Partycrashers Morian Shol d'Phiarlan is the Viceroy of House Phiarlan. He is in Charge of House Phiarlan in Xen'drik and he is also the leader of the Phiarlan Chapterhouse. He has a daughter named Zarzalia Shol d'Phiarlan who runs the Livewood Theater.
Zarzalia Shol d'Phiarlan The Harbor <Bard Trainer>
Lady Nepenthe Bogwater Tavern
Rouge House Phiarlan Enclave <Phiarlan Attache> Rouge is an agent of the Serpentine Table that asks for your help to fight the Maleficent Cabal.
Cyan House Phiarlan Enclave Cyan is a <Serpentine Table Agent>, working with Rouge.
Cerise House Phiarlan <Serpentine Table Agent>
Ochre House Phiarlan <Serpentine Table Agent>
Aratrix d'Phiarlan Bogwater Tavern
Eriephaus d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan Enclave
Coralay d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan Enclave <Serpentine Table Farshifter>
Iosynne d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan Enclave Iosyne is responsible for the caravan transport between House Phiarlan Enclave and Zawabi's Refuge. Although she can transport you from Zawabi's Refuge at any time you are there, she only transports from House Phirlan after you have finished her quest.
Maris d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan Phiarlan Patron representative
Kier d'Phiarlan The Twelve <Producer>
Party Favor Turn In
Fingalar d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan <Phiarlan Vendor>
Delene d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan Enclave <Sorcerer Trainer>
Forsith d'Phiarlan Bard trainer
Tarantus d'Phiarlan
Yorinda d'Phiarlan The Marketplace <Magical Jewelry Broker>
Hawrog Morr Bogwater Tavern Bouncer/Greeter at the door
Borlan Corrigan Bogwater Tavern <Barkeep>
Serif d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan <Auctioneer>

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Maris d'Phiarlan

  • 0 Favor: Neutral
    No reward
  • 75 Favor: Noted
    Gain feat: House Phiarlan: Skill Bonus: +2 bonus to Hide and Perform skills.

    You can purchase the following 60-minute buffs from Fingalar D'Phiarlan in House Phiarlan. These spells are cast by a level 7 caster for spells that are influenced by caster level and persist through shrining, but not death. A recent update provides a "Give me everything" option for all buffs, without individually selecting them, for 440 pp.

  • 150 Favor: Commended
    You receive a trinket (Phiarlan Pendant of Time) that lets you cast "Warp Time" on yourself 1/rest. This can only be activated while in the city.

    It cannot be activated in a mission and will deactivate upon entering a mission. This spell acts as a run-speed buff. The amount of speed increase is 50%. It does not stack with Haste but it does stack with the Ranger/Barbarian run-speed boost.

  • 400 Favor: Honored
    Currently unreachable
Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Maris d'Phiarlan

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Noted

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Maris d'Phiarlan, a representative of House Phiarlan stationed in Xen'drik. I wish to welcome you to Stormreach and thank you for your actions on behalf of our house. When you are free to do so, come speak with me in the Phiarlan ward so that we might discuss the future. I foresee great things for you, {class}!

Maris d'Phiarlan

(By completing quests that benefit House Phiarlan, you have impressedm them enough to get access to a spell caster who casts long-lasting benefical spells. Speak with Maris d'Phiarlan in the House Phiarlan enclave for details.)

Originally Posted by Maris d'Phiarlan

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Commended

My dear {name},
I mentioned you to some of the elders of House Phiarlan and they spoke highly of you. Many are impressed by your deeds, and there was even some discussion of membership in House Phiarlan. I cannot describe how happy this makes me! We should get together for lunch sometime and plan your future.

Maris d'Phiarlan

(You have continued to gain favor with House Phiarlan and have earned a special item that will assist you in your travels around the city. Speak with Maris d'Phiarlan in the House Phiarlan enclave to claim your reward.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
2 12 Free The Harbor Shir Clowenks d'Phiarlan ♣540 ♦980 ♥1,060 ♠1,140
3 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣429 ♦772 ♥828 ♠884
3 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣456 ♦820 ♥880 ♠940
4 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣597 ♦1,070 ♥1,145 ♠1,220
4 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣674 ♦1,209 ♥1,294 ♠1,380
4 9 Free Bogwater Tavern Lady Nepenthe ♣578 ♦1,036 ♥1,108 ♠1,180
5 20 12 Phiarlan Carnival House Phiarlan Cerise ♣1,464
5 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣767 ♦1,369 ♥1,460 ♠1,550
5 20 12 Phiarlan Carnival House Phiarlan Glitter Underhill ♣1,807
5 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣116 ♦202 ♥209 ♠216
5 20 12 Phiarlan Carnival House Phiarlan Ochre ♣1,297
5 20 12 Phiarlan Carnival House Phiarlan Cyan ♣1,620
6 12 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣726 ♦1,290 ♥1,369 ♠1,448
6 12 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣687 ♦1,220 ♥1,294 ♠1,369
6 12 Free Bogwater Tavern Inquisitor Gnomon ♣368 ♦650 ♥686 ♠723
6 12 Free Bogwater Tavern Aratrix d'Phiarlan ♣463 ♦820 ♥868 ♠916
7 9 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣348 ♦612 ♥644 ♠676
7 18 Free House Phiarlan Coralay d'Phiarlan ♣2,220 ♦3,940 ♥4,180 ♠4,420
7 12 Tangleroot Gorge Tangleroot Gorge Chief Ungurz ♣708 ♦1,252 ♥1,324 ♠1,396
8 12 Free Golden Wing Inn Avanti Moonwillow ♣1,154 ♦2,038 ♥2,152 ♠2,266
8 9 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Jan Falner ♣444 ♦780 ♥820 ♠860
8 15 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Jan Falner ♣1,692 ♦2,990 ♥3,160 ♠3,330
9 12 Delera's Tomb Drowning Sorrows Tavern Archin Muriose ♣1,675 ♦2,951 ♥3,109 ♠3,267
9 9 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Sal Danek ♣522 ♦916 ♥961 ♠1,007
9 12 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Zaveera Halfspear ♣1,703 ♦3,020 ♥3,171 ♠3,322
9 15 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Zaveera Halfspear ♣2,553 ♦4,535 ♥4,762 ♠4,989
10 9 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Zaveera Halfspear ♣145 ♦245 ♥255 ♠265
10 9 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Sal Danek ♣1,140 ♦2,000 ♥2,100 ♠2,200
10 12 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Jan Falner ♣1,226 ♦2,152 ♥2,260 ♠2,368
10 18 Ruins of Threnal Ruins of Threnal Sal Danek ♣2,561 ♦4,500 ♥4,732 ♠4,963
11 15 Demon Sands House Phiarlan Iosynne d'Phiarlan ♣1,701 ♦2,980 ♥3,123 ♠3,268
11 18 Free House Phiarlan Eriephaus d'Phiarlan ♣2,112 ♦3,700 ♥3,880 ♠4,060
Total 32
Total favor

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Gwylan's Stand76House Phiarlan
The Tear of Dhakaan77House Kundarak
The Church and the Cult95The Silver Flame
Desert Caravan115House Phiarlan
The Spawn of Whisperdoom116House Phiarlan
A Small Problem5/204House Phiarlan
Partycrashers5/204House Phiarlan
The Snitch5/204House Phiarlan
Under the Big Top5/204House Phiarlan
Total9 Quests45 
 ♣36,312Epic Casual
 ♦62,642Epic Normal
 ♥64,764Epic Hard
 ♠66,884Epic Elite