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Name: Cyan

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s): Partycrashers

Affiliation(s): House Phiarlan


Description: Cyan is a <Serpentine Table Agent>, working with Rouge.

House Phiarlan Enclave[edit]

If you try to talk to her while at level 2 or lower, she will reply:

  • Cyan: Good day to you.

If you are at level 3 or higher, however, she will reply:

  • Cyan: You are the agent that Rouge dispatched to help me?
  • You: Yes. What is the Maleficent Cabal doing?
  • Cyan: We've learned that the Cabal is targeting the Phiarlan Chapterhouse's grand gala tonight. The timing is apprehensible; I haven't had time to arrange our entry into the party.
  • Cyan: I must ask you to clandestinely gain entrance... say through the Illusionarium. From inside, you can find the guest list and surreptitiously add my name.
  • Cyan: Once we are positioned in the party, we can foil the Cabal's plans before they strike.
    • You: All right, I'll get you inside (Bestow quest)
    • You: Why don't you just tell the guards to cancel the party?
      • Cyan: Dearest me, that would be... uncouth. At best, they'd simply dismiss my information. At worst, they'd believe me and cancel the ball!
      • Cyan: House Phiarlan would be embarrassed by the inability to guarantee the security of our own soiree. Why, even House Deneith would mock us - the unrefined brutes!
      • Cyan: No, this must he handled delicately. I must gain entrance and make sure the assassins don't disrupt the ball. Will you assist me?
      • You: All right, I'll get you inside (Bestow quest)

Talking to her after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make she say:

  • Cyan: You will need to surreptitiously gain entry into Phiarlan Hall. I recommend going through the Illusionarium entrance behind me.

On completion of quest, if you completed the optionals and finished the quest without harming the Viceroy, she will congratulate you with the following:

  • Cyan: Phiarlan's guests are still enjoying the ball, without realizing how close they came to death. They owe their lives to you.
  • Cyan: There are those who underestimate House Phiarlan because we do not wield armies such as Deneith, or control whole economies such as Kundarak. But tonight you showed our enemies that it is Phiarlan's unseen hand that is the most dangerous.

On completion of quest, if the battle in the Viceroy's quarters happens, she will tell you the following:

  • Cyan: It is unfortunate that the Viceroy was harmed. I must make my apologies to him.
  • Cyan: Still, your blow against the Maleficent Cabal's assassins will teach them that we are not to be trifled with. You should report to Rouge; she'll have planned out the next step against them.

After completing the quest with the Viceroy being attacked, and take the reward, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Cyan: Tragically, the Maleficent Cabal's attack injured the Viceroy.
  • Cyan: Still, you made the assassins pay with their blood. And make no mistake—House Phiarlan's vengeance shall consume the Cabal whole.

After completing the quest with the Viceroy unharmed, and take the reward, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Cyan: ????????????????????????


She only appear in the hall after you write her name in the guest list:

  • Phiarlan Retainer: Contessa Cyan! I'm sorry, but Viceroy Morian was explicit—I ain't supposed to let Serpentine Table agents in.
  • Cyan: Now, now, my boy, I'm sure it's simply a misunderstanding. We are on the same side, are we not?
  • Cyan: (Bluff) If you double-check the guest list, I am certain you will find that the Viceroy has changed his mind.
  • Phiarlan Retainer: Well, I guess it couldn't hurt....
  • Phiarlan Retainer (second one): It's here! Contessa Cyan's name is on the list!
  • Phiarlan Retainer: (Gasp) I'm sorry for my mistake, Contessa!
  • Cyan: Do not trouble yourself over it, my boy. You are simply performing your duties.

She them walks to the drink bar, where she asks:

  • Cyan: Barkeep—a Dirty Kobold, shaken, not stirred.

When she is on the bar, you can talk to her for further instructions:

  • Cyan: Now let us proceed to business.
  • Cyan: The maleficent Cabal must be present herein, preparing themselves to strike. Perhaps they will be subtle, or perhaps they will use a brute force assault. I suppose it is even possible they suborned someone inside House Phiarlan for their foul deed.
  • Cyan: Take a gander and see if you can discover what foul Cabal plots are afoot.
    • You: How about we just tell the guards?
      • Cyan: Then they would be forced to cancel the party, and House Phiarlan would have to admit that it was incapable of protecting its own guests from the Maleficent Cabal!
      • Cyan: That would be as disastrous as allowing everyone here to perish. No, you must stop the Cabal without disrupting the Grand Gala.
        • You: I'll schmooze around and see what I can learn. (Walk away)
    • You: I've looked around, and there are no Tieflings here. If some arrive and attack, then I say we deal with them then.
      • Cyan: Are you positive?
      • Cyan: I instructed one of our operatives to stall the Viceroy until we secured the Ball Room. If it is truly safe, then we can finally allow him to make his appearance at his own Grand Gala.
        • You: I'm sure. There's nothing else to be done here.
          • Cyan: Let's attend to the Viceroy then.
        • You: I'll take another look around just to be sure. (Walk away)
    • You: I'll schmooze around and see what I can learn. (Walk away)

Making the Ballroom secure[edit]

After you talk to her, if you have not find anything around, you can talk to her again and have the following options:

  • Cyan: Have you discovered anything?
    • You: There's nothing more I can do here. We'll just have to deal with the Cabal when they attack.
      • Cyan: ??????????????????
    • You: There's nothing new yet. I'll keep looking. (Walk away)

After dealing with at least one tiefling optional, talking to her will bring those options:

  • Cyan: Have you discovered anything?
    • You: I've taken care of everything the Maleficent Cabal had up its sleeve. There aren't any more plots against the Gala. (See above: "I've looked around")
    • You: There's nothing new yet. I'll keep looking. (Walk away)

After you have dealt with Migris, you can report back to her:

  • Cyan: Have you discovered anything?
  • You: One of the Retainers was actually a Tiefling serving poison. She's been taken care of.
  • Cyan: Poison, how amusing.
  • Cyan: As it happens, I am quite familiar with poisons myself. I'll make sure Mickey here distributes an antidote to all the guests.
  • Cyan: Now, do you suppose the Maleficent Cabal has any other snakes preparing to strike, or have all their plots been foiled?
    • You: I've taken care of all the Maleficent Cabal here. The Gala is safe now. (See above: "I've looked around")
    • You: I'll schmooze around and see what I can learn. (Walk away)

After you have dealt with Dariel, you can report back to her:

  • Cyan: Have you discovered anything?
  • You: The Tiefling who's been controlling the Phiarlan guards is no longer an issue.
  • Cyan: That is most welcome news. Any remaining guards under the Tiefling's spell will have returned to their normal selves with his death.
  • Cyan: Now, do you suppose the Maleficent Cabal has any other snakes preparing to strike, or have all their plots been foiled?
    • You: I've taken care of all the Maleficent Cabal here. The Gala is safe now. (See above: "I've looked around")
    • You: I'll schmooze around and see what I can learn. (Walk away)

After you have dealt with Bolal, you can report back to her:

  • Cyan: Have you discovered anything?
  • You: I just eliminated some tieflings in the upstairs rooms. They're no longer a threat.
  • Cyan: Well now, that's exemplary work—exactly what one expects from an agent of House Phiarlan.
  • Cyan: Now, do you suppose the Maleficent Cabal has any other snakes preparing to strike, or have all their plots been foiled?
    • You: I've taken care of all the Maleficent Cabal here. The Gala is safe now. (See above: "I've looked around")
    • You: I'll schmooze around and see what I can learn. (Walk away)

Talking with the Viceroy[edit]

After you and Cyan make way to the Viceroy quarters, they will start talking:

  • Morian Shol d'Phiarlan: Cyan! I thought I told those fool guards not to let you in.
  • Morian Shol d'Phiarlan: Bah! I should've known you're the reason my manservant can't lace my boots properly.
  • Cyan: My Lord Viceroy, I beg your indulgence for few moments more, so that my agents can position themselves to protect you.
  • Lokael: Ahh, so you're the famous Viceroy of House Phiarlan.
  • Lokael: I notice you've emptyed your cup—you really liked that drink didn't you?
  • Lokael: Too bad for you it was POISON! Baw-ha-ha-ha!
    • Morian Shol d'Phiarlan: Ugh, my stomach....
    • Cyan: By Khyber, you'll pay for this! (Start battle)
    • Lokael: First we killed everyone in this room, then we kill everyone at the Ball!
    • Migris: My poison killed the Viceroy, and now it shall kill you!

If you had took care of Migris beforehand, however, Cyan will refute his claim:

  • Cyan: I'm afraid your Poisonmaster didn't live to touch the Viceroy's cup... tragic accident in the Library, all those paper cuts...
  • Lokael: Touché! But, I always have a backup plan...
  • Lokael: ... like BRAINWASHING your own guards to kill you! Baw-ha-ha-ha!
    • Cyan: By Khyber, you'll pay for this! (Start battle)

If you had took care of Dariel beforehand, however, Cyan will refute his claim again:

  • Cyan: I'm afraid the guards aren't coming... they're too busy burying the corpse of your Spellmaster.
  • Lokael: Impressive... but I always have a backup to my backup...
  • Lokael: ... such as a full TROUPE of Cabal assassins, hidden right under your noe, BAW-HA-HA-HA!
    • Cyan: By Khyber, you'll pay for this! (Start battle)
    • Lokael: First we killed everyone in this room, then we kill everyone at the Ball!
    • Bolal: No more hiding, no more pathetic scheming... now you die!

If you had took care of Bolal beforehand, however, Cyan will refute his claim for the last time:

  • Cyan: You mean the Tieflings in the upstairs private rooms? I'm sorry, they didn't have invitations, so I had them... flushed.
  • Lokael: What? All my wonderful plans... ruined...
  • Cyan: (Bluff) There, there, it's been a terribly hard day for you, hasn't it? Here, have a drink and try to relax.
  • Lokael: (Gulp, gulp)
  • Lokael: Ugh, my stomach....
  • Morian Shol d'Phiarlan: What was that about?
  • Cyan: Just some drunken Human attempting to sneak into the party, my Lord Viceroy—pay it no heed.
  • Morian Shol d'Phiarlan: Bah! Is looking after the drunken all you're good for? The Serpentine Table is absolutely worthless.
  • Cyan: As you say, my Lord Viceroy.


In case a battle has occurred, after we take care of all enemies, she will say:

  • Cyan: The Viceroy has been injured, but the Silver Flame's spirit binders will tend to him.
  • Cyan: You did well to eliminate the Cabal assassins before they could harm our guests... but unfortunately, they did succeed in harming Phiarlan's reputation.
  • Cyan: (Sigh) Such are the dangers of this trade. Meet me outside, and I shall give you the reward I promised.

If the battle has been completely avoided, after the Viceroy leaves, she will congratulate you:

  • Cyan: The Cabal's assassins were all slaughtered... and best of all, neither the Viceroy nor any of our guests knew of the danger they were in.
  • Cyan: This is the way of House Phiarlan. I salute you.