Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Object Desire

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Entrance to 'Object Desire' in House Phiarlan


This shop is located on the Western wall of the map near the main House Phiarlan building. It has five vendors that sell arcane and divine items. 3rd level Arcane and Divine wands, 3rd level Arcane and Divine spell scrolls, 6th and 7th Arcane spell scrolls, and 1st to 5th level spell enhancing potions (ex: +50% damage to fire spells).

Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 6-7[edit]

Frederik Star

Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 3[edit]

Corual Laoli

Divine Scroll Vendor - Level 3[edit]

Riamorn Fellshard

Wand Vendor[edit]

Panlamin Felwrought

Spell Enhancement Potion Vendor[edit]

Cullian Barrows