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Joined DDO as F2P in Dec of '11, took a long break sometime latter half of '13 (just before u 19!*), back again midwinter of '15-16, relearned the game after all the intervening update tweaks, and still, slowly, rebuilding alts and embracing "one main character".
Premium player mainly on Thelanis, with mid-high Heroic characters on most servers, and misc. openers on the rest. Around '05, I was co-Admin for the Dwarf Fortress Wiki for several years, and now am only slowly remembering my Wiki-fu. (My primary contribution was/is organization, writing, and formatting for clarity, rather than the higher-level coding, which I left to others.) |
Editing typos and adding redirects is important, but my main ability to contribute lies as an actual "editor", in making articles "better", more readable and user-friendly. Re-designing a page may take an hour or several days, but still shows as "+1 edit" - quality over quantity. A few of my created pages and more major page (re-)formats:
- Trade - new
- Guild vendors - new
- Build_point - page layout, table, text
- List_of_Hirelings - tightened table (whoof)
- Jevan_Solidus - re-formatted table, etc.
- Chat - page layout
4 years later (Feb '20), 5,000 edits. Huh.