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Joined DDO as F2P in Dec of '11, took a long break sometime latter half of '13 (just before u 19!*), back again midwinter of '15-16, relearned the game after all the intervening update tweaks, and still, slowly, rebuilding alts and embracing "one main character".

(* When I left, the "new" Enhancement trees were just a disturbing rumour from Lamannia, and everyone was bemoaning the character changes coming. Despite those prophecies of doom and gloom, game seemed to work out all right.)

Premium player mainly on Thelanis, with mid-high Heroic characters on most servers, and misc. openers on the rest.

Around '05, I was co-Admin for the Dwarf Fortress Wiki for several years, and now am only slowly remembering my Wiki-fu. (My primary contribution was/is organization, writing, and formatting for clarity, rather than the higher-level coding, which I left to others.)

6,000 edits and counting!
Monster Lich.jpg
How do you kill someone with absolutely no life!?

C-Hound has 5,000 edits - keep up the good work!

DDOwikiEditor.jpg DDOwiki Editor since:

January 8, 2016.
DDOwikiAdmin.jpg DDOwiki Administrator since:

February 15, 2018.

Editing typos and adding redirects is important, but my main ability to contribute lies as an actual "editor", in making articles "better", more readable and user-friendly. Re-designing a page may take an hour or several days, but still shows as "+1 edit" - quality over quantity. A few of my created pages and more major page (re-)formats:

4 years later (Feb '20), 5,000 edits. Huh.