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Jotun Rimeblade

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  • By snow and sleet! what intruder comes to Zuggtmoy´s domain?
  • Zuggtmoy set me here to defend this node, and defend it i shall!
  • Stand still so my axe can taste your flesh!
  • No! I´ll not face the Demoness´s wrath!
  • The snow covers me ....

Jotun Rimeblade <Frost Giant>

Type: Giant (List)

Race: Giant (List)

Sub-race: Frost Giant (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Color Type: Red - Strong Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ♦33Epic Normal ♥37Epic Hard ♠41Epic Elite

Attack: Great axe (Slashing), Longbow (Piercing)

Special Qualities: See Invisibility, Immunity to Cold
