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Extreme Challenge quest

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There are multiple quests in-game that are designated as an "Extreme Challenge Dungeon" which pop up a warning before you enter, if you have tips on.

"This is an Extreme Challenge dungeon. It contains Extreme difficulty monsters or puzzles.
It is recommended for player groups who have easily defeated the other dungeons of the same CR Rating already.
The CR Rating is displayed in the Select Adventure Panel when you interact with a dungeon entrance.
If you're having trouble in this dungeon, remember you can buy extra supplies in the DDO Store."

Extreme Challenge Dungeons[edit]

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Irestone Inlet44The Coin Lords
The Xorian Cipher87House Jorasco
Freshen the Air43The Free Agents
The Crypt of Gerard Dryden3/234The Silver Flame
Halls of Shan-To-Kor54The Coin Lords
The Enemy Within118House Jorasco
Dreams of Insanity116House Jorasco
Proof is in the Poison45The Coin Lords
Kobold Assault33The Coin Lords
Devil Assault (quest)6/12/18/215The Coin Lords
Stealer of Souls178Agents of Argonnessen
Spies in the House8/215House Deneith
In The Flesh156The Free Agents
Terminal Delirium18/267The Twelve
Pilgrims' Peril349The Twelve
Stolen Power349The Twelve
Horde of the Illithid Controller349The Twelve
Astral Ambush349The Twelve
Total18 Quests111 
 ♣132,332Epic Casual
 ♦226,558Epic Normal
 ♥232,564Epic Hard
 ♠238,566Epic Elite