Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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The Necropolis

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Lower Necropolis map
The Necropolis in world map
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This area is accessible from north end of House Phiarlan (next to Ruins of Threnal). It contains numerous NPCs, a tavern, a mailbox, a banker and an auctioneer.

Lower Necropolis[edit]

One Foot Inn[edit]

One Foot Inn

This is an open-air inn in Lower Necropolis consisting of a few tables and four NPC's:

Emerald Claw Champion Camp[edit]

Collectable Collectors[edit]

Litany of the Dead Part 1 quests[edit]

Litany of the Dead Part 2 quests[edit]

Quest bestowers are located in The Necropolis just south of the Tavern area.

Litany of the Dead Part 3 quests[edit]

Silverflame Champion Camp[edit]

Litany of the Dead Part 1 quests[edit]

Litany of the Dead Part 2 quests[edit]

Litany of the Dead Part 3 quests[edit]

Upper Necropolis[edit]

Upper Necropolis map

Sir Rohine Stiedra Camp[edit]

Litany of the Dead Part 4 quests[edit]

Collectable turn-in NPCs[edit]

Other NPCs[edit]

Hamond Byre Camp[edit]

The Mark of Death quests[edit]



Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Tomb of the Sanguine Heart54The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Crimson Heart54The Silver Flame
Desecrated Temple of Vol146The Silver Flame
Flesh Maker's Laboratory146The Silver Flame
Ghosts of Perdition146The Silver Flame
Inferno of the Damned146The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Blighted116The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Forbidden116The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Tormented116The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Unhallowed116The Silver Flame
The Cursed Crypt127The Silver Flame
Litany of the Dead156The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Burning Heart53The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Immortal Heart54The Silver Flame
The Bloody Crypt67The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Shadow Guard85The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Shadow King85The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Shadow Knight85The Silver Flame
Tomb of the Shadow Lord85The Silver Flame
The Shadow Crypt97The Silver Flame
Ascension Chamber177The Silver Flame
The Mark of Death309The Silver Flame
Inferno of the Damned (epic)296The Silver Flame
Desecrated Temple of Vol (epic)296The Silver Flame
Ghosts of Perdition (epic)296The Silver Flame
Flesh Maker's Laboratory (epic)296The Silver Flame
Total26 Quests150 
 ♣32,229Epic Casual
 ♦125,033Epic Normal
 ♥128,274Epic Hard
 ♠131,518Epic Elite