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General Vendor

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General vendor icon.png

General Vendors are NPCs that sell generic items of standard quality - nothing special, no bonus or enchanted items, just the basics to get a character through a dungeon. The first one encountered is in Korthos Village.

More specialized vendors can easily be found throughout Stormreach for characters that have advanced beyond introductory levels and basic needs.


Known vendors (25)[edit]

Aravandi Rivetfingers • Belline Toulia • Celie Dunwary • Dax Boon • Eldin Thestral • Elspeth Wright • Gage Alzander • Gismund Montjoy • Hargrun • Jinail Enwyth • Julia Farind • Kinbane • Lizardtail • Manar'ak • Ostler Caulstone • Otis • Quinton Firejord • Radagor Redston • Rhys Bray • Seraz (merchant) • Taneth Sonnemere • Troy Alzander • Wynwood Hall general vendors • Zavik Dunedreamer • Zawabi's Refuge general vendors