Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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  • Base Value: 00000006006gpIcon tooltip.pngGold Piece 
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Proficiency Class: Simple weapons
  • Damage and Type: 1d6 Slash
  • Critical threat range 20/x2
  • Weapon Type: Slashing weapons
  • Handedness: Light weapon
  • Default Modifiers
  • Durability: 50
  • Made from: SteelIcon tooltip.pngSteel: Steel is the common metal used to make weapons and armor.
  • Hardness: 10
  • Named items: Category:Sickles


A simple weapon with a semicircular blade attached to a short handle. Typically used by farmers for cutting grain.
