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Dragonscale Armor

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Update 14 made all of the below enhancements uniform across all of the armor types. See Dragonscale Armor (history) for previous versions.

Dragonscale armor types[edit]

Dragonscale outfits do not exist.

Ingredient/Scale color types[edit]

Name Introduced with Drop location(s)
Black Dragon Scale Module 4 Gianthold Tor, Mired in Kobolds
Blue Dragon Scale Gianthold Tor
White Dragon Scale Gianthold Tor, Prey on the Hunter
Flawless Black Dragon Scale Update 17 Gianthold Tor (epic only)
Flawless Blue Dragon Scale Gianthold Tor (epic only)
Flawless White Dragon Scale Gianthold Tor (epic only)
Flawless Red Dragon Scale Update 3 Plane of Night (epic only), Underdark Arena: Ring of Fire/Underdark Arena: Fight to the Finish
Flawless Green Dragon Scale Update 14 (MotU) Don't Drink the Water, The King's Forest
Commendation of Heroism Caught in the Web, The Fall of Truth

Item description[edit]

Turn-in location Ingredient type and amount Armor color type and general stats Link to each armor type
Master Scalesmiths 20 (heroic) Dragon Scales (of the appropriate color)
Black Dragon Scale Armors ML14
Blue Dragon Scale Armors ML14
White Dragon Scale Armors ML14
20 Flawless Dragon Scales (of the appropriate color), 10 Restored Dragon Relics, 10 Restored Giant Relics, 10 Restored Elven Relics, 3 Commendations of HeroismIcon tooltip.pngCommendation of Heroism: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment.
Flawless Black Dragon Scale Armors ML25
Flawless Blue Dragon Scale Armors ML25
Flawless White Dragon Scale Armors ML25
Altar of Epic Rituals 20 Flawless Red Dragon Scale, 20 Epic Dungeon Tokens, any color heroic Dragonscale Armor/Docent/Robe, and a Shard of the Red Dragon
Epic Red Dragonscale Armors ML20
Mikrom Sum (requires 375 Purple Dragon Knights favor) 20 Flawless Red Dragon Scale, 15 Commendations: Purple Dragon KnightsIcon tooltip.pngCommendation: Purple Dragon Knights: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. This is a token of favor earned by helping the Purple Dragon Knights. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment., 15 Commendations: Druids of the King's ForestIcon tooltip.pngCommendation: Druids of the King's Forest: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. This is a token of favor earned by helping the Druids of the King's Forest. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment., 3 Commendations of HeroismIcon tooltip.pngCommendation of Heroism: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment.
Cormyrian Red Dragonscale Armors ML23
20 Flawless Green Dragon Scale, 15 Commendations: Purple Dragon KnightsIcon tooltip.pngCommendation: Purple Dragon Knights: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. This is a token of favor earned by helping the Purple Dragon Knights. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment., 15 Commendations: War WizardsIcon tooltip.pngCommendation: War Wizards: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. This is a token of favor earned by helping the War Wizards. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment., 3 Commendations of HeroismIcon tooltip.pngCommendation of Heroism: This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Challenge Trader. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment.
Cormyrian Green Dragonscale Armors ML23

Dragonscale Armor sets[edit]

Flawless Dragonscale armors and helms provide a set bonus when the helm and armor of the same color are equipped.

Set name Items Set bonus effect
Draconic Ferocity +3% artifact bonus to Doublestrike, and a +2 artifact bonus to Hit and Damage with Ranged and Thrown weapons
Draconic Mind +15 artifact bonus to Universal Spell Power
Draconic Resilience +50 artifact bonus to Hit Points

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