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Bardic Inspiration

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Bardic Inspiration icon.png
Bardic Inspiration

  • Cost: 1 Bard song
  • Usage: Active
  • Prerequisite: Bard Level 3, 6 Trained Ranks of Perform


Activate this ability to Inspire a single target ally or yourself. Gaining more effective Bard levels will increase the duration. Many additional abilities add to the effect of Bardic Inspiration.

  • Duration: 5 minutes + 30 seconds per bard level[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"5 minutes + 30 seconds per bard level" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]

See also

Bardic Inspiration abilities[edit]

Below is a list of obtainable effects that improve Bardic Inspiration.

Icon Effect Description PerformRequired trained ranks of Perform Source
Arcane Aid When you use your Bardic Inspiration, your target gains a +[1/2/3] Music Bonus to Spell Penetration for the duration of your song. Spellsinger enhancements
Frolic When you use your Bardic Inspiration, your target gains Freedom of Movement for the duration of your song. Spellsinger enhancements
Inspire Competence Gives one ally a +4 Music bonus to all skill checks. 6 Bardic Inspiration starting effect
Icon Feat Inspire Excellence.png
Inspire Excellence You can improve the abilities of your comrades through your performance. This song grants a +2 competence bonus to all ability scores. 20 Epic feats
Inspire Heroics Gives a +4 Music Bonus to Armor Class, +4% Music Bonus to Dodge, and a +4 Music bonus to all saves. 18 Bard class feats
Jack of all trades.png
Jack of All Trades Inspire Competence now also grants an additional +3 bonus to all Skills. Fatesinger
Fatesinger Majesty.png
Majesty When you play any Bardic Song while using the Mantle of Sound & Fury, you heal yourself and nearby allies for 1d2 Hit Points per Character Level (scaling with Positive Spellpower) and apply the Restoration spell. Fatesinger
Icon Enhancement Music of the Dead.png
Music of the Dead Your Sustaining Song melody now works on Undead Allies, providing them with a Negative heal over time. Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhancement Music of the Makers.png
Music of the Makers Your Sustaining Song melody now works on Construct and Living Construct Allies, such as Warforged and Artificer Iron Defenders, providing them with a Repair over time. Spellsinger enhancements
Fatesinger Music of the Spider Queen.png
Music of the Spider Queen Your Bardic Inspiration now applies Neutralize Poison. Fatesinger
Icon Enhancement Prodigy.png
Prodigy When you use your Bardic Inspiration, your target gains a moderate amount of temporary spell points (10 temporary spell points). Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhancement Raucous Refrain.png
Raucous Refrain When you use your Bardic Inspiration, your target gains a +[1/2/3] Morale bonus to save vs. Sleep, Paralysis, Exhaustion and Energy Drain for the duration of your song. Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhanement Song of Arcane Might.png
Song of Arcane Might When you use your Bardic Inspiration, your target gains a +1 morale bonus to caster level for all spells for the duration of your song. Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhancement Spell Song Trance.png
Spell Song Trance When you use your Bardic Inspiration, you grant a +1 morale bonus to spell DC's and 10% morale discount on spell point costs to your target for the duration of the song. Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Enhancement Spell Song Vigor.png
Spell Song Vigor When you use your Bardic Inspiration, you apply an effect to your target that restores spell points over time for the duration of your song. (2 spell points every 2 seconds) Spellsinger enhancements
Icon Stormsingers Inspiration.png
Stormsinger's Inspiration Your Bardic Inspiration now grants allies a chance to have your Lightning Strike when they make a melee or ranged attack. This seems to have about a 2% proc chance. Also works when cast on self. Stormsinger enhancements
Sustaining Song When you use your Bardic Inspiration, you apply a temporary fast-healing effect to your target for the duration of your song. (Heals for 2d3 every 2 sec. Doesn't crit. Affected by your positive/negative/repair spell power. Spell power is *not* locked in when you sing, but is rechecked for every tick.) Spellsinger enhancements
Words of Encouragement Bardic Inspiration grants +(10/20/30) temporary hit points for one minute. Warchanter enhancements