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Slay Living



Icon tooltip.pngPermanent conditions that must be met before an ability can be acquired. For instance, the Dodge feat lists Dexterity 13+. Temporary conditions are listed under Conditions.

Prerequisite of

Icon tooltip.pngAnother ability that requires this one as a prerequisite. For example, the Dodge feat lists Mobility.


Icon tooltip.pngA trainable feat can be trained using a standard feat slot, one of: Heroic, Epic, Epic Destiny, Legendary.


Icon tooltip.pngA repeatable feat is a trainable feat that can be taken more than once, possibly with conditions. For example, Toughness indicates Unlimited, stacking, while Spell Focus indicates Once for each school of magic.

Class Feat

Icon tooltip.pngA class feat is granted to all members of a class (who meet the prerequisites, if any) at a specified level. For example, Tower Shield Proficiency indicates Fighter 1, Uncanny Dodge indicates Barbarian 4 and Rogue 4, and Fists of Light indicates Monk 3 (Harmonious Path). A class feat may also be trainable to members of other classes, like Tower Shield Proficiency.

Bonus Feat

Icon tooltip.pngA bonus feat may optionally be taken using a class-specific bonus slot. For example, Spell Focus indicates Wizard, Deflect Arrows indicates Monk, and Improved Critical indicates Artificer, Fighter. Rogue optional abilities are considered a type of bonus feat.

Racial Feat

Icon tooltip.pngA racial feat is granted to all members of a race. For example, Shuriken Expertise indicates Drow, and Small Size Bonus indicates Gnome, Deep Gnome, Halfling.

Enhancement Tree

Icon tooltip.pngWhen the ability is primarily granted through an enhancement, the tree is indicated here, as in Sacred Defender, Drow.
Unknown enhancement tree 

Epic Destiny

Icon tooltip.pngUnrecognized term: Epic Destiny
Unknown epic destiny tree 


Icon tooltip.pngThe number of Action Points (AP) needed to acquire each rank of the enhancement, usually 1 or 2.


Icon tooltip.pngThe number of ranks of an enhancement that can be acquired,
usually 1 to 3.

Spell Level

Icon tooltip.pngSpell level indicates the relative power of a spell, determining when it can normally be acquired by the relevant class(es) of caster. Not to be confused with character level. For example, Fireball lists Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3.
Cleric 5, Favored Soul 5

Granted By

Icon tooltip.pngAny secondary source of an ability, not already mentioned. For instance, Diehard is primarily a feat, but indicates that it can also be granted by the Frenzied Berserker enhancement tree.

Spell School

Icon tooltip.pngEvery spell (optional for SLAs) belongs to one of eight schools of magic, such as Evocation or Necromancy. Optional descriptors, e.g. Fire, Compulsion, are also listed here.
Necromancy (Death)


Icon tooltip.pngEvery ability has one or more usage modes. A passive ability functions continuously without any conscious effort. An active ability requires conscious effort to invoke. A toggled ability, such as a Stance, requires conscious effort to activate, but then remains active until consciously untoggled (or character dies, etc.). Note that an ability which enhances an active or toggled ability, but does not, itself, need to be independently activated, is passive. An ability may have both a passive component and an active or toggled component. The field is hidden when easily predictable, such as for a spell (which is always active).


Icon tooltip.pngTemporary conditions that must be met in order for the ability to function. For example, many monk abilities require the monk to be centered. Permanent requirements are listed under Prerequisites.


Icon tooltip.pngUnrecognized term: Charges


Icon tooltip.pngUnrecognized term: Recharge


Icon tooltip.pngEvery spell requires one or more types of components, either Verbal, Somatic, or Material. These are specified using the templates
{{V}}, {{S}}, and {{M}}, respectively.
VerbalIcon tooltip.pngVerbal: A verbal component is a spoken incantation. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot act or speak. Certain rare spells, such as Silence Creature, may temporarily disable spells that require verbal components., SomaticIcon tooltip.pngSomatic: A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot move causing arcane spell failure resulting in a ruined spell. Spells without a somatic component may be used with disregard to Arcane Spell Failure chance. Note - that characters make the same arm gestures for most spells in DDO, so you can't tell which spells require this component by watching your character's animations.

Spell Point Cost

Icon tooltip.pngThe number of Spell Points used to cast the spell.


Icon tooltip.pngThe effects of spells and SLAs can often be enhanced using metamagic, a type of toggled feat, for example, {{Maximize}} and {{Heighten}}.
Enlarge, Heighten, Quicken


Icon tooltip.pngEvery ability has one or more targets, defined as Self, Friend, or Foe. The field may also contain additional information, such as Undead Foe or Breakables. The field is sometimes hidden, e.g., for a passive feat whose target is Self, such as Toughness.
Living foe


Icon tooltip.pngThe distance at which an active ability can be activated, such as Melee for Cleave, or Double for Nimbus of Light. Typical values are Personal, Melee, Ranged, Touch, Standard (spell), or Double (ray), although any value can be specified. Not to be confused with area.

Saving Throw

Icon tooltip.pngThe type of saving throw, if any, that can be used to avert a spell or effect. Common values include Will, Fortitude, Reflex for half, or None.
Fortitude (partial)


Icon tooltip.pngThe Difficulty Class of the indicated saving throw. This field is omitted if the DC is predictable, such as for standard spells.

Spell Resistance

Icon tooltip.pngWhether spell resistance can avert the spell or SLA, Yes or No.


Icon tooltip.pngThe length of time an effect typically lasts, along with any conditions for premature termination. For instance, the duration for most physical attacks is Instantaneous, while the duration of Invisibility is 1 minute per caster level (no maximum), or until interacting with a target or object.


Icon tooltip.pngHow long a character must wait between activations of an ability, typically measured in seconds.
8 seconds

Offense Buff

Icon tooltip.pngAn effect that improves your offensive capabilities, such as a bonus to attack chance or damage.

Defense Buff

Icon tooltip.pngAn effect that improves your defensive capabilities, such as a bonus to AC, PRR, or fire resistance.


Icon tooltip.pngA broad characterization of the type(s) of beneficial effects an ability imparts, not otherwise mentioned. The inventory of recognized effects is expected to undergo considerable refinement.


Icon tooltip.pngAll forms of resurrection and various lesser forms of restoration, such as removing ability damage and fatigue. Restoration of lost hit points is listed under Healing.


Icon tooltip.pngAny effect that restores lost hit points to a player character or ally. Other types of restoration are listed other Restoration. Temporary hit points are listed under Buffs.

Instant Death

Icon tooltip.pngThis produces an Instant death effect on at least some types of target. Red-named bosses are immune, as is anyone with deathblock.
Instantly kills living target 


Icon tooltip.pngA harmful effect other than physical damage.


Icon tooltip.pngThe amount and type of damage inflicted.
1d3+3 baneneeds verification damage per caster level on successful save


Icon tooltip.pngUnrecognized term: Scaling


Icon tooltip.pngItem(s) for which the ability imparts proficiency. For example, Master's Touch lists Simple or martial weapons, shields, tower shields.


Icon tooltip.pngIf the ability enhances the use of a class of items, other than providing proficiency, that is indicated here. For example, Shuriken Expertise lists Shuriken.


Icon tooltip.pngIf the ability imparts some other ability (other than proficiency), that is indicated here. For example, the Barbarian's Die Hard enhancement provides the Diehard feat.


Slays 1 living creature you touch or deals 1d3+3 damage Per Caster Level on a successful Fortitude save.
