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Path of Harmonious Balance
Path of Harmonious Balance
- Usage: Passive
- Prerequisite: Monk, class level 3
This philosophy is available at Monk level 3 by selecting the Fists of Light feat, which serves as the key to using any finishing moves of this path or qualifying for any special abilities connected to this path.
The Path of Harmonious Balance philosophy gives five new Finishing Moves at level 3: Healing Ki, Aligning the Heavens, Grasp the Earth Dragon, Dance of Clouds, and Walk of the Sun. On Monk level 10 and selection of the Void Strike attack enhancement, a sixth finishing move, Moment of Clarity, becomes available.
The Path of Harmonious Balance is a prerequisite for some Shintao enhancements.
You may only choose one philosophy. While players may see the moves from the Path of Inevitable Dominion in their Feats list, the player cannot activate actions in this path without using a feat exchange to switch to the Fists of Darkness.
Monks choosing this philosophy may receive special boosts to Healing Ki that mimic functions of a Cleric, providing buffs that support themselves and party members. By spending action points in the Shintao tree, this "Light" Monk can gain:
- Lifting the Veil - works as Remove Blindness
- The Receptive Earth - works as Remove Disease
- Restoring the Balance - works as Remove Curse
- Difficulty at the Beginning - works as Lesser Restoration
- Rise of the Phoenix - works as Raise Dead