Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Wild Shape

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Icon Enhancement Instinctive Fighting.png
Wild Shape


Transform into the shape of an animal, magical beast, or elemental. Each form grants access to special spells that require that form.

  • Duration: Permanent when toggled. Costs 5 sp to activate, free to deactivate.


  • At second level the druid will select an animal form, Wolf or Bear, for their first wild shape, and receive the other at level 5.
  • At level 8 a druid will select a magical beast form, Winter Wolf or Dire Bear, gaining the other at level 11.
  • At level 13 a druid will select an elemental form, Water Elemental or Fire Elemental, obtaining their final wild shape at level 17.
  • Using Wild Shape is subject to Druidic Oath.

Animal Forms[edit]

At levels 2 and 5 a druid may use their 'Wild Shape' feat to change into an animal.

(Note: The size of the animal depends on the race and the reincarnation status of the druid. The largest animals are from a Purple Dragon Knight who True Reincarnated twice.)
  • You are considered an animal. This renders you immune to spells and abilities that only work on humanoid targets, and Warforged will no longer suffer from the penalty to healing.
  • You have a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Charisma.
    • Animal forms use the the player's main hand weapon for melee attack purposes, including Base Damage, Critical Multiplier, Critical Threat Range, all Enchantments, and Material traits and procs. Original attack stats for wolf/bear are used if you are unarmed.
    • Using a two-handed weapon grants the 1.5 damage from your modifying stat, and Power Attack feat adjustments in animal form as well for its additional bonus.
    • Effects that modify your weapon's base stats work normally, such as changing your primary damage stat.
    • Weapon type feats such as Weapon Focus and Improved Critical apply based on the type of the equipped weapon.
    • At level 3 a druid may choose to take Natural Fighting as a feat choice, which applies only in animal form. This feat may be taken up to 3 times. No other combat style-specific feat bonuses (such as Two Weapon Fighting and Shield Mastery) apply while in animal form.
    • Stat bonuses, skill bonuses, stunning, etc. apply from both hands.
    • AC and other bonuses from any shield you may be using apply (although you can't shield bash). The Shield Mastery and Improved Shield Mastery feats do not function while wildshaped into an animal form even if a shield is equipped.
    • Ranged and throwing weapons cannot be used.
  • You cannot use wands or scrolls while in animal form.
  • Animal forms increase the cooldown times of your non-animal form spells to 2.5 times their normal length; however, the third & sixth cores in both Nature's Warrior & Nature's Protector will mitigate this somewhat, to 2x and 1.5x (non-stacking with the other tree).
  • Animal form special attacks are considered spells, so to use them you must first prepare them in your spell book.
  • You cannot use activated attacks that require you to have a specific weapon type equipped. For example, the ability Quick Strike which requires you to have a quarterstaff equipped will not work while wild shaped into an animal form even if you have a quarterstaff equipped.


  • You gain a +10% Combat Style bonus to attack speed, +3 to attack while flanking, +1d6 sneak attack damage, and +10% to movement speed.
  • If unarmed, you do 1d6 base damage, x2 critical on 19-20.
  • Form specific spells: Takedown, Baiting Bite, Harrowing Pack, Howl of Terror


  • You gain +2 racial bonus to constitution, +10% exceptional bonus to AC, and all basic attacks Strikethrough as long as you are not in the Defensive Fighting stance.

Magical Beast Forms[edit]

At levels 8 and 11 a druid may use their 'Wild Shape' feat to change into a magical beast.

See animal form above.

Winter Wolf[edit]

Dire Bear[edit]

Elemental Forms[edit]

At levels 13 and 17 a druid may use their 'Wild Shape' feat to change into an elemental.

  • You are considered an elemental.
  • You gain a +10 racial bonus to your saving throws against magical poisons.
  • You have racial immunity to natural poisons, sleep, paralysis, and stun.
  • You gain a 100% bonus to fortification.
  • Elemental forms keep their equipped weapons after the transformation.
  • You do not have internal fluids, and so become immune to Burning Blood.
  • You must prepare your elemental form spells as normal and do not receive additional spell preparation slots for them.

Water Elemental[edit]

  • You gain +3 bonus to caster level and max caster level to water and cold spells.
  • Your fire spells get a -3 penalty to caster level and max caster level.
  • You gain a +65 bonus to cold absorption (does not stack with Fire Shields or Cold Energy Sheath), and 15% vulnerability to fire-based attacks.
  • You have +20 swim skill.
  • You take extra damage from Horrid Wilting.
  • You gain +3 bonus Imbue Dice.
  • Form specific spells: Elemental Toughness, Freezing Spray, Ice Flowers, Mantle of the Icy Soul

Fire Elemental[edit]

  • You can breathe indefinitely underwater
  • You gain +3 bonus to caster level and max caster level to fire spells.
  • Your water spells get a -3 penalty to caster level and max caster level.
  • You gain a +65 bonus to fire absorption (does not stack with Fire Shields or Fire Energy Sheath), and 15% vulnerability to cold.
  • You gain +3 bonus Imbue Dice.
  • Form specific spells: Body of the Sun, Elemental Toughness, Fires of Purity, Anger of the Noonday Sun

Blightcaster Forms[edit]

Form levels:

Plague and Blighted Wolf are affected by Nature's Warrior enhancements. Thorn Kin and Hive Keeper are listed as a 'Hybrid Form', Plague Wolf as 'Animal', Hive Master as 'Swarm' and Thorn Knight and Blighted Wolf as 'Plant'.

Plague Wolf[edit]

Blighted Wolf[edit]

  • You gain a +10% combat style bonus to melee attack speed, +15% movement speed, 10% Profane bonus to Max HP, 100% fortification, immunity to stun, mind effects and drowning at the cost of -2 Charisma and Intelligence.
  • You take 15% more damage from fire.
  • Non-animal spells have 2.5x the normal cooldown. This does not appear to affect SLAs.
  • Form specific spells: Takedown, Baiting Bite, Blighted Bite, Jaws of Doom, Howl of Terror, Blighted Charge

Hive Keeper[edit]

Hive Master[edit]

  • You gain +3 to the Caster Level and Maximum caster level of Poison and Acid spells, +50% Concealment and Improved Evasion, +1 Reflex save for every 2 Druid levels and immunity to most Mind and knockdown effects.
  • You take 15% more damage from cold.

Thorn Kin[edit]

  • You gain +1 to caster level and Maximum caster level of all Thorn and Poison spells, +10% exceptional bonus to AC and 50% fortification.
  • You take 10% more damage from fire.
  • Note: You do not need to be in a Thorn shape to cast Thorn spells.

Thorn Knight[edit]

  • You gain +3 to caster level and Maximum caster level of all Thorn and Poison spells, +10% exceptional bonus to AC, +100% fortification (bug: gives 200%), 10% piercing and 5% bludgeoning absorption, immunity to sleep, stun, paralysis, poison and mind-affecting abilities.
  • You take 15% more damage from fire.
  • Note: You do not need to be in a Thorn shape to cast Thorn spells.



  • You are considered an animal (or magical beast) or elemental when you change form. If you are a warforged you are no longer considered a living construct. You can now be healed normal by positive energy spells, you become immune to repair spells and rust damage, your healing when you rest is based on the heal skill, and you lose your racial immunities to sleep energy drain, poison,etc. You also lose the benefits of warforged healers friend enhancements.


  • If you have monk levels, the damage of your animal form matches that of your monk unarmed damage, which means at low levels it will decrease your damage in bear form, but as you progress, the damage will increase as normal for monk. needs verification
  • Weapon Focus: Unarmed (granted by Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning) and other effects that improve unarmed attacks also affect the attacks of animal/magical beast forms. needs verification
  • Two Weapon Fighting and other combat style feats do not affect your attacks in animal form, irrespective of any levels in monk.
  • Monk stances can be used in animal form, as long as you are centered.
  • The spell Flame Blade will not uncenter you and the blade's strength improves with your caster level. Wisdom bonus to hit and damage does apply in animal form.
  • Stunning Fist does not work in Druid animal forms, even if handwraps are equipped.


You cannot swashbuckle in animal form but can in Elemental, Thorn or Hive shapes.

Other Effects That Change Your Form[edit]

Wild shape is not compatible with other effects that change your body. You cannot benefit from two transformations, only the latest applies.

External Links[edit]