Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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House Jorasco

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House Jorasco Enclave Loading Screen
House Jorasco
House Jorasco map

Halflings dominate the ‘healing house’ of House Jorasco where ancient herbal remedies and alchemical secrets have been passed down from generation to generation. House Jorasco’s code dictates that their healers help all those in need of aid, provided that they can pay for the service. House Jorasco is a dragonmarked house, and its members carry the Mark of Healing.

Points of Interest[edit]


Name Location Description
Aulandar Thistlecrown House of Wizardry <Divine Scroll Vendor - Levels 3-7>
Auromir Palance House of Wizardry <Arcane Scroll Vendor - Levels 4-5>
Alamere Evilbane Feather's Fall Apothecary <Divine Reagent Vendor Levels 1-9>
Salar Riptalon Feather's Fall Apothecary <Arcane Reagent Vendor Levels 1-9>
Handsome Wilm Korthos Village Handsome Wilm is the travel companion of Lady Drusen d'Jorasco, and asks for your help to find her.
Thaddeus d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave Investigator for House Jorasco
Anabele d'Jorasco House Jorasco
Acolyte Hestair Open Palm Inn
Jandul d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave
Dead Girl Delera's Graveyard
Siendra d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave
Micah d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave
Grinwhite The Marketplace Bitter and angry man who thinks he is way better than you. He's managed to get his fancy Jorasco's badge signet brooch stolen by the Quickfoot thieves.
Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco House Jorasco House Jorasco patron representative.
Annabelle d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave
Dabny d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave <Healer Liaison>
Elsa d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave <Containment Expert>
Darien d'Jorasco The Marketplace <Magical Clothing Broker>
Haddi Malewud Open Palm Inn <Barkeep>
Quolish Wren Feather's Fall Apothecary <Potion Vendor>
Basillca Tardin House Jorasco <Divine Spell Enhancement Potion Vendor>
Fenom Freshwater House Jorasco <Auctioneer>
Haden d'Jorasco House Jorasco Enclave <House Jorasco Healer>

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco

Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Noted

My name is Blossom and I'm a member of House Jorasco. You are a new face in the ward and I thought it proper to send you this formal greeting and invitation to chat with me when you find time.

Thank you and many blessings,

(By completing quests that benefit House Jorasco, you have impressed them enough to get access to a cleric who casts long-lasting beneficial spells. Speak with Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco in the House Jorasco enclave for details.)

Originally Posted by Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Commended

It was very nice to speak with you earlier and I hope we may do so again in the future. Your efforts on behalf of my house are truly impressive...they say that you're on your way to becoming a great hero of Stormreach. This makes me very happy as you seem to be a most extraordinary person. Please be careful out there and return safely. You have my prayers.

Yours truly,
Blossom d'Jorasco

(You have continued to gain favor with House Jorasco and now have access to even better spells from their house cleric. Speak with Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco in the House Jorasco enclave for details.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
32 33 Free House Jorasco Dagobard Kell ♦43,285 ♥44,334 ♠45,383
1 6 Free Korthos Island Handsome Wilm ♣192 ♦320 ♥342 ♠364
5 27 12 Delera's Tomb House Jorasco Derek Grospic ♣975
6 27 9 Delera's Tomb Delera's Graveyard Hargo Kimmare ♣0
6 12 Free Drowning Sorrows Tavern Mirra Parthilcar ♣429 ♦760 ♥804 ♠848
6 12 Free Open Palm Inn Acolyte Hestair ♣368 ♦650 ♥686 ♠723
6 15 Free House Jorasco Jandul d'Jorasco ♣1,168 ♦2,080 ♥2,212 ♠2,344
6 12 Delera's Tomb Delera's Graveyard Dead Girl ♣900 ♦1,600 ♥1,700 ♠1,800
7 27 18 Delera's Tomb Delera's Graveyard Colam Mersein ♣2,568
7 15 Free House Jorasco Thaddeus d'Jorasco ♣1,140 ♦2,020 ♥2,140 ♠2,260
7 27 15 Delera's Tomb Delera's Graveyard Colam Mersein ♣1,212
8 27 18 Delera's Tomb Delera's Graveyard Delera ♣1,979
8 21 Free House Jorasco Gatekeeper Chulkash ♣2,556 ♦4,520 ♥4,780 ♠5,040
8 15 Free Drowning Sorrows Tavern Menos Xuekaine ♣1,672 ♦2,956 ♥3,124 ♠3,292
8 9 Free House Jorasco Gatekeeper Chulkash ♣392 ♦689 ♥724 ♠758
10 18 Free House Jorasco Chamberlain Cyrese Embree ♦6,484 ♥6,819 ♠7,155
11 18 Delera's Tomb House Jorasco Siendra d'Jorasco ♣2,112 ♦3,700 ♥3,879 ♠4,060
11 18 Free House Jorasco Gatekeeper Trakash ♣2,385 ♦4,180 ♥4,384 ♠4,588
11 24 Free House Jorasco Anabele d'Jorasco ♣3,024 ♦5,300 ♥5,560 ♠5,820
11 15 Delera's Tomb House Jorasco Micah d'Jorasco ♣744 ♦1,300 ♥1,360 ♠1,420
14 31 15 Disciples of Rage House Jorasco Bril Norgate ♣2,356
14 31 15 Disciples of Rage House Jorasco Urqhart Steadfast ♣2,198
14 31 18 Disciples of Rage House Jorasco D'naria L'roshal ♣2,911
14 31 15 Disciples of Rage House Jorasco Dabny d'Jorasco ♣2,040
14 31 15 Disciples of Rage House Jorasco Elsa d'Jorasco ♣2,040
Total 25 quests 11 Epic 393 total 12130

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Redwillow's Ruins65House Jorasco
The Xorian Cipher87House Jorasco
Tempest's Spine106House Jorasco
The Graverobber75House Jorasco
The Mystery of Delera's Tomb5/274House Jorasco
The Path to Madness83House Jorasco
The Enemy Within118House Jorasco
And the Dead Shall Rise...116House Jorasco
Dreams of Insanity116House Jorasco
From Beyond the Grave115House Jorasco
Legendary Tempest's Spine3211House Jorasco
Into the Mists10/313Keepers of the Feather
Night Falls on Stormreach14/315House Jorasco
The Madness of Crowds14/315House Jorasco
The Age of Rage14/315House Jorasco
Toxic Treatment14/316House Jorasco
Quarantine14/315House Jorasco
Total17 Quests95 
 ♣73,899Epic Casual
 ♦169,619Epic Normal
 ♥173,830Epic Hard
 ♠178,134Epic Elite