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Salar Riptalon

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What can I help you with today, <miss, sir>?

Salar Riptalon.jpg

Name: Salar Riptalon

Race: Halfling

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): House Jorasco

Location: Feather's Fall Apothecary, within House Jorasco Enclave

Description: <Arcane Reagent Vendor Levels 1-9>

Sells: Arcane Reagents (levels 1-9)

Bug: Salar forgot some of his higher professions and sells only components (except arcane) and inscription material up to level 6 at the moment.

Artificer Material Components

Bard Material Components

Sorcerer/Wizard Material Components

Alchemist Material Components

  • 10 Pinches of Chalk (Level 1)
  • 10 Ounces of Alchemical Salt (Level 2)
  • 10 Vials of Oil of Vitriol (Level 3)
  • 10 Chunks of Lead (Level 4)
  • 10 Bottles of Quicksilver (Level 5)
  • 10 Bars of Fool's Gold (Level 6)

Spell Inscription Materials

Special Components