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Spring Attack

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Icon Feat Spring Attack.png
Spring Attack


Passive: Character suffers no penalty to their attack roll when moving. It will also gain a 2% dodge bonus.

Active: You leap forward striking a target enemy and all those around them. Requires a visible target and that you are holding a melee weapon.

  • Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable


  • This feats has been revamped with (U45).
  • This also hits every enemy on the path to the target, so be sure to target enemies in the back.
  • Spring Attack leaps straight ahead along the current line of sight; if the angle is too far off the target it might be missed.
  • This can be used without a target selected, behaving like Abundant Step. (DDO Forums)
  • Fighters may select this feat as one of their fighter bonus feats.
  • Monks may select this feat as one of their martial arts feats.