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Talk:I would like to create a Mage. Should I pick a Wizard or a Sorcerer?

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Ask yourself questions like:

  • Do I want to be versatile? (Wizards can change their spells much more easily than Sorcerers.)
  • Do I have a clear view of what I want my caster to be good at? (Sorcerers need to plan their spell picks carefully. They can exchange an old spell for a new one only once per three days, and they must pay large amounts of gold for the privilege).
  • Do I want to multiclass with Rogue? (Wizards can make good multiclass with Rogues.)

With DDO's spell points system and active combat, the choice between a Wizard and Sorcerer has changed a little from PnP. Sorcerers have become the specialist caster in DDO. They benefit from an increased pool of spell points and much faster casting times. Wizards are more versatile in the selection of spells they can cast, but have fewer spell points and cast more slowly.

While the Sorcerer has a small list of memorized spells that is completely prepared for casting at all times, the Wizard instead can browse his entire spellbook and choose a new set of spells to prepare at each tavern and rest shrine. Both classes gain some new spells as they level, but the Wizard is capable of expanding the spellbook by scribing additional arcane spells into it, giving a potentially large variety to select from. Additionally, the Wizard is able to prepare a larger number of spells at one time than the Sorcerer and gains access to higher-level spells one level earlier. On the other hand, the Sorcerer is able to cast more spells per rest than the Wizard, and with shorter cast times and shorter delays between repeat castings.

Wizards get bonus Metamagic Feats at levels 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20, allowing them more chances to manipulate their already large selection of spells, again focusing on the Wizard's strength of being able to use exactly the type of spell ideal for the situation at hand. Sorcerers don't get these bonus feats but have ample spell point reserves to fuel them. However, Sorcerers must choose their spells carefully on each level up or pay steep costs for switching. This makes the class ill-suited for complete beginners, as it's difficult to judge the usefulness of a spell from its description only.

Finally, the last difference is their primary casting ability score. Wizards use Intelligence and Sorcerers use Charisma. As such, the Wizard will generally have many more skill points to use and the Sorcerer will be better at Charisma-focused skills such as Use Magic Device and Diplomacy.

To sum the differences up, one could say, that if you want to play a nuker (magic damage dealer), you should go for the sorcerer, but if you want to buff and plan, go for the wizard. While the first has enough spell points to constantly cast damage spells, the second one can prepare spells fitting for the current dungeon, which is very useful due to the fact that they don't change. An experienced wizard is one of the best supporting characters along with the bard.

If you are planning on eventually experimenting with the True Reincarnation options, it is usually better to start as a wizard and then switch to sorcerer. The wizard reincarnation bonus helps a great deal with the sorcerer's lack of bonus spellcasting feats. It also helps you to learn precisely what spells you will want for your sorcerer if you can experiment with different spell load-outs on a wizard.

To be honest you should go for the Sorcerer if you want to cast more often but for more spells go for the Wizard -- Penguin1010 (Contribs • Message) - 11:20, April 13, 2012
