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Character Sheet (stats)

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Character Sheet
Stats Skills Feats Spells Enhancement Destiny Crafting

Character Sheet (stats).png

Name, Class, Path, Race, Alignment, Gender, Experience & XP[edit]


  • Veteran Status: allows an account to have the option to create new Heroic characters which start higher than Level 1 (which is the default for all new accounts)
    • As a first time player or 'first lifer' you won't see the star's icon to the left of your character's name until you TR to a second life or third life character, you can find more information about this here: Heroic True Reincarnation.
  • Character Name: is the one you chose when creating your character which all other players see and you are represented by, your name can be changed one of several ways at a future point: Name Changes
  • Classes: A Class: defines the player character's specific occupation or talents in DDO..
  • Path: When creating your character you are given various choices based on the chosen class to take; these are called Paths.
  • Races: Your chosen race shows below its class; each race has its own pro's & con's.
  • Alignment: Alignment of your class is a choice you make based on what type of build you wish to achieve.
  • Gender: Your character's gender shows here.
  • Experience: Your overall experience earned is displayed on an Experience points bar, steadily increasing as you quest throughout DDO.
  • Learning Tomes: To the right of the experience point bar (if you have purchased through the DDO Store are displayed any Tome of Learning which increase the rate at which you gain at XP. (There are both Heroic & Epic ones.)
  • Action Point: Each rank you gain earns you one Action Point to allocate to your character, each level has four action points.

Abilities & Modifiers[edit]


  • Strength: Strength measures your Player Character’s muscle and physical power. This ability is especially important for fighters, barbarians, paladins, and rangers because it helps them prevail in combat. Strength also limits the amount of Equipment your character can carry.
  • Dexterity: Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important one for rogues, but it’s also high on the list for Player Characters who typically wear light armor (rangers and barbarians), medium armor (barbarians), or no armor at all (monks, wizards, and sorcerers), and for anyone who wants to be a skilled archer.
  • Constitution: Constitution represents your Player Character’s health and stamina. A Constitution bonus increases a character’s hit points, so the ability is important for all classes.
  • Intelligence: Intelligence determines how well your Player Character learns and reasons. This ability is important for wizards or artificers as it affects how many spell points they have, how hard their spells are to resist, and how powerful their spells can be. It's also important for any character who wants to have a wide assortment of skills.
  • Wisdom: Wisdom describes a Player Character’s willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition. While Intelligence represents one’s ability to analyze information, Wisdom represents being in tune with and aware of one’s surroundings.
  • Charisma: Charisma measures a Player Character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. This ability represents actual strength of personality, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting.
  • Ability Modifiers
    • +1,+2,+3,+4...: A modifier is a number that changes a roll, or a granted ability. It is usually tied to an ability score and increases as per the item/enhancement apply.



  • Hit Points: Hit points, also known as health points (or HP), damage points, or just health (among other synonyms), is a finite value used to determine how much damage (usually in terms of physical injury) a character can withstand. When a character is attacked, or is hurt from a hazard or fall, the total damage dealt (which is also represented by a point value) is subtracted from their current HP. Once their HP reaches 0, the character will fall unconscious and be unable to fight. In DDO, health is often abbreviated by two letter initials such as HP.
  • Spell Points: The amount of magical energy your character has to expend on spells before the character needs to rest. As Hit Points are to a character's feature to stay alive, spell points are to a character's feature to cast spells.
  • Spell Power: Spell power rating determines how much damage you deal with spells. In most cases, each point of spell power increase increases the base damage of your spell by 1%. Various effects can contribute to your spell power, all effects are added together.
  • Ki: Ki is the mystical energy that powers a Monk's attacks or abilities.
  • Armor Class: Also called AC, represents your chance to be missed by melee attacks - the higher your AC, the less you get hit. This chance is also influenced by the attackers attack bonus.



  • Fortitude: Your Fortitude Save is a Saving Throw that details how well you are able to withstand attacks on your body.
  • Reflex: Your reflex save is a Saving Throw that details how well you are able to Dodge special effect.
  • Will: These saves reflect your resistance to mental influence as well as many magical effects. Apply your Wisdom modifier to your Will saving throws.
  • BAB: The Base Attack Bonus (or BAB) is a number that represents a character or monster's skill at fighting that comes purely from his or her profession, training, and personal experience.
  • Spell Resistance: Spell Resistance (SR) is a special anti-spell defense possessed by some creatures. Spell Resistance is an additional layer of defense against most non-damaging magical attacks, in that it adds an extra roll that the caster has to make for his magic to "land" on that target.
  • Fortification: Fortification represents a percentage chance to negate additional damage incurred from a critical hit or sneak attack.

Damage control[edit]


  • Damage Reduction: Damage Reduction (DR) is a measure of how much weapon damage a character or monster can ignore before losing hit points.
  • Resistances: Energy damage is a damage caused by any of the special energy damage types that ignore all physical resistance, in the form of Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sonic.
  • Physical Resistance Rating: Physical Resistance Rating (PRR) is a form of damage mitigation which provides a percentage reduction in physical damage (bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing).
  • Magical Resistance Rating: Magical Resistance Rating (MRR) is a form of damage mitigation which provides a percentage reduction in magical damage acid, sonic, fire, electric, cold, alignment, light, positive, negative, poison, and rust).

Plus tab[edit]

Additional character details that do not fit on the character sheet are listed on the + tab. They are organized into multiple blocks:

  • Avoidance defenses: various miss chances, chance to negate item wear
  • Saving throws: bonuses to various subtypes of saving throws (these stack with universal saving throws)
  • Elemental defenses: various resistances and absorptions, MRR cap bonus
  • Movement: movement speed multiplier
  • Spellcasting: spell point cost reduction, threat, spell penetration, DC bonuses in various schools, eldritch blast dice, pact dice, wild Surge chance
  • General combat: unconsciousness range, hit point multiplier, helpless damage bonus, details about critical hits, sneak attacks, dodge bypass, tactics, imbue dice
  • Melee combat: attack speed with various weapon styles, shield bash chance, strikethrough, melee threat, melee attack and damage bonus
  • Ranged combat: attack speed with various ranged weapon groups, ranged threat, ranged attack and ranged damage bonus



  • Text Area: This text area can be edited at any time to contain your notes, plans, items for sale or anything else you wish to display publicly. Remember to honor Standing Stone Games' Terms & Conditions here.