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Item:Lesser Heart of Wood

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Heart of Wood store icon.png

+1 Lesser Heart of Wood.png
+5 Lesser Heart of Wood.png
+20 Lesser Heart of Wood.png

Lesser Heart of Wood is used for Lesser Reincarnation.

IMPORTANT WARNING: There are some critical limitations on Lesser Incarnation, especially if you currently have a multiclass build and are using a +# Heart of Wood (+3 HoW, +20 HoW, etc.) to completely replace one or more of those classes with a new class! Read full explanation in Lesser Reincarnation before considering changing a multiclass build.


  • Lesser Heart of Wood - for Lesser Reincarnation with no Class Level swap
  • +1 Lesser Heart of Wood - for Lesser Reincarnation with one level of Class level swap
  • +3 Lesser Heart of Wood - for Lesser Reincarnation with up to three levels of Class level swap
  • +5 Lesser Heart of Wood - for Lesser Reincarnation with up to five levels of Class level swap
  • +20 Lesser Heart of Wood - for Lesser Reincarnation with up to twenty levels Class level swap

Your character can be any level to use this item.

A Lesser Heart of Wood can be acquired in several ways:

See also[edit]