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Item:Quiver of Alacrity

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Icon Item Slot Quiver.png

Quiver of Alacrity

This item cannot be fed to sentient jewels.

Minimum level 0
Quiver Generic Alacrity.png
Item Type Quiver / Thin Quiver
Binding Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Durability N/A
Material NoneIcon tooltip.pngNone: There is no material defined for this item. Quivers and cosmetic/store items have no listed material.
Hardness N/A
Base Value 500 pp
Weight 1.00 lbs
Location Ascension Chamber, Raid Warded chest
Unique item capacity


Max stack size


Quiver of Alacrity.png
Description Said to allow the user to draw arrows or bolts at a very fast rate, this large, thin quiver will hold 3 different types of arrow or bolt and can store each type of up to 1500. Total capacity: 4500.
Notes TIP: This may cause your character overloaded because of the weight of bolts/arrows inside of the quiver when you are especially level-1 (* 4,500 arrows are 135 lbs). Turning on the auto-collect function is not recommended.
Originally Posted by (former developer) Feather_of_Sun Source

I worked with Genasi to design the upgrades for the Abbot and Reaver's Fate loot. Though not all of my ideas went through in their original form, as this was a team effort, the upgrade to the Quiver of Alacrity is exactly how I intended it to be.

I know full well that it has no minimum level, and has never had one.

We're not planning on changing it, nor has the subject ever even come up.

The entire point of it is that the upgraded version of this item is a fantastic convenience to a TR who has put the work in to get and upgrade the quiver.