Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Name: Mikyra

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s): Black and Blue

Receives Quest(s): Black and Blue

Affiliation(s): Agents of Argonnessen

Location: The Marketplace, west side of the map, near the Phoenix Tavern, along with other Agents of Argonessen including Cydonie

Description: <Emissary of Argonnessen>

Notes: Mikyra is a dragon taking the form of an elf.

Mikyra: The Chamber shares many mutual interests with your people, <Name>. Stopping the Cults of the Dragon Below is one of them.
We've had reports that one of the Cults is searching for ancient Giantish artifacts in the interior of Xen'Drik. We sent Urgnonth, one of our own, to protect a site not far from Stormreach.
We haven't heard from him, and fear that he has run afoul of the Cult.

  • You: Where did Urgnonth disappear? And why didn't the Chamber send a Dragon to find him?
    • Mikyra: The last we heard, Urgnonth was near a complex of Giantish Ruins.
      As for why the Chamber isn't sending Dragons to find him - well, here things become sensitive. In his last message, Urgnonth said he'd spotted a pair of Dragons - a Black and a Blue - nearby. The Chamber has no idea who these Dragons are or what they're up to.
      A conflict amongst Dragons might become a matter of political concern back on Argonnessen ... but no one will notice a few native adventurers poking around in the wilderness.
      So we're asking you to look into this. If you're willing, I will send you to the Giantish Ruins.
    • You: All right. Send me there. (Begins Quest)
  • You: What does the Cult want with Giantish artifacts?
    • Mikyra: The Cults of the Dragon Below seek a return to the days when Kyhber was ascendant and Demons ruled over Eberron.
      The ancient Giants possessed any forms of powerful magic forgotten today. Perhaps they had some magical method of releasing Demons from Khyber, or even worse.
    • You: And why is the Chamber suddenly so interested in the Cults of the Dragon Below?
    • Mikyra: We Dragons don't want the Age of Demons to return any more than your kind does! But yes, I must confess there's more to it than that.
      This particular Cult is unusually well organized. And if the rumors are true, this Cult may have connections to Argonnessen itself! That sounds insane, but we - or rather you - must investigate to be sure.
    • You: Where did Urgnonth disappear> And why didn't you send a Dragon after him?
    • Mikyra: (See above)