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Name: Cydonie

Race: Blue Dragon, Elf

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s):

Affiliation(s): Agents of Argonnessen


Description: <Agent of Argonessen [sic]> Cydonie is a dragon sent by Argonnessen to look for any activity regarding the Draconic Prophecy in Stormreach. She was a subordinate of Velah, before her destruction. To make thing work, she employ the use of adventurers with regular frequency.

The Chronoscope[edit]

Velah and Cydonie are seen on the back of the floating tower from where Veheer F'nord coordinates the resistance to the Devil Invasion.

  • Velah: If the Devils get too close to the dragonshards, then the dragons of Argonnessen will smite every living thing on this continent.
  • Cydonie: Argonnessen cannot become involved here. That would wreak more destruction than the Devils are capable of by themselves.
  • Velah: You show too much trust in the lesser races, Cydonie. Their Vault of Night won't keep the dragonshards safe in situations like this.
  • Cydonie: I don't think the Vault of Night is in any danger. The Devils seems focused on the Marketplace.
  • Velah: The lesser races should never have come to this continent. They brought this disaster on themselves.
  • Cydonie: Velah is the head of the Argonnessen delegation. I must acquiesce to her lead.

The Marketplace[edit]

If you try to talk to her anytime, she will reply:

  • Cydonie: Step closer, <name>. Have you heard of the place called Gianthold? It lies far south, in the heart of Xen'drik.
  • Cydonie: Rumors have reached my ears, and I have no doubt as to what they portend. This whole continent - perhaps all Eberron - is in grave and terrible danger.
    • You: Count me in. What must I do?
      • Cydonie: We will travel to the ruins of Gianthold. There, working from the scant information I have, we must unravel the nature of this threat. Then we will stop it - or die trying.
      • Cydonie: When you are ready for the journey, speak to my comrade, Thaden, here. We cannot waste time - or draw attention - with airships or other modes of travel.
        • You: I will. (Bestow quest, if at level 10 or higher)
    • You: And I supposed you need me to save it?
      • Cydonie: As a matter of fact, I do not. Look around you. There are able adventurers all around us. Any of them would do.
      • Cydonie: *Sigh* Forgive me. You are young and bold and that is well. And you have saved Stormreach and beyond from many perils, or I would not be asking for your help. Let me put this another way: do you, <name>, wish to earn glory and save our world from sinister designs? Then come with me to Gianthold.
    • You: I've never heard of Gianthold. What is it?
      • Cydonie: Once, it was the heart and capital of the Giants' civilization. Now, it is a magically scarred and barren waste.
      • Cydonie: Giants have not swelled there in numbers for thousands of years... yet the clans once again gather 'round the central Tor. And why have they gone there? Rumors blown on the wind. Rumors of things long dead and buried. This has been foreseen. The signs are clear as day. And they will be the ruin for all of us, if we do not act.
    • You: What rumors are those?
      • Cydonie: That the Stormreaver has been reborn. He was a hero of giants, long ago, when they were one people, strong and proud. Whispers spread far and wide that he was seen among the ruins of Gianthold. These whispers bore wings and giants of every clan have flocked from far and wide to see if they were true.
      • Cydonie: If the Stormreaver has indeed returned to Eberron... or if he hasn't, I have good cause to fear what may happen there. I am in need of able heroes who can investigate and put a stop to it.

Talking to her after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make she say:

  • Cydonie: Ah, <name>. We must not delay. We are needed in Gianthold. Speak to Thaden when you are ready to go.
    • You: What rumors are those? (see above)
    • You: I've never heard of Gianthold. What is it? (see above)

After completing the quest, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Cydonie: Your help in Gianthold was invaluable, <name>, and Argonesson will not forget its gratitude. The Stormreaver has been well since you freed him from the spell. He rests under our... hospitality. He is in a safe place.


When you first arrive at Gianthold and talk to her, she will say:

  • Cydonie: Behold, <name> - giants from all across Xen'drik. They have gathered here to find out if the Stormreaver has truly been reborn. They are hopeful, but uncertain.
  • Cydonie: None of them suspect the danger that looms over them all.
    • You: Do you think he's returned?
    • You: What danger is that, exactly?
      • (Regardless of your choice, the dialogue is the same)
      • Cydonie: I know only that the warning of the Prophecy are terrible and clear. Clear as day. It is up to you and me to unravel the rest.
        • You: All right. Where do we start? (Bestow chain)
        • You: If this threat is so great, why doesn't Argonesson intervene?
          • Cydonie: In fact, Argonesson is preparing to do just that. But I believe they will be too late and to no avail. Of course, I know more than they do. There was no time to argue or explain, so I took matters into my own hands.
          • Cydonie: Our foe here is no giant, <name>. He is subtle and dangerous, and he is watching for Argonesson. He is not, however, watching for you, and that is our hope.
            • You: The let's begin. What must I do? (Bestow chain)
        • You: Hold on. I'd like to go talk to them myself first. (Walk away)

Ruins of Gianthold: Madstone Crater[edit]

After you acquire the chain The Ruins of Gianthold, she will send you on your first mission:

  • Cydonie: The prophecy speaks of the giants 'brought together, but kept apart.' The gathered clans are strangely agitated and disorganized. Though giants are prone to such things, I believe this is not natural. I suspect powerful magic is at play, and so does the fire giant Blaze ar'Rhind. Go and speak to him. Help him root out the source of this discord, if you can.
    • You: I will speak with Blaze at once. (Advance chain)
    • You: What is this prophecy you mentioned?
      • Cydonie: The Draconic Prophecy, of course. We have known for some time that a threat would arise here. But a lost piece of the prophecy was found by... a friend. She gave her life to gain this piece, and though it slipped from our grasp, I was able to learn the key points that have led us here.
      • Cydonie: Where Argonesson has believed the giants themselves were the threat, I know this is not so. The threat, in fact, is a dragon. For some time, I thought Argonesson's response to their idea of the prophecy would itself be the cataclysm. No. I believe now it is an ancient enemy of giants and dragons alike: the Truthful One.
      • Cydonie: And if I am right, only we can stop him.
        • You: In that case, let's get down to it. (Start dialogue again)
        • You: The Truthful One?
          • Cydonie: I will not tire you with ancient history. He was once a hero among dragons and an ally of the Stormreaver, until he betrayed him. The result was the curse you still see upon these lands - and that the Truthful One himself became a dracolich, an undead dragon. He has lurked we knew not where since that time... plotting, apparently, some repeat revenge on the giants he had already cursed and loathed.
          • Cydonie: I doubt he will show himself, if he can avoid it. But he will have left clues behind, threads which we can unravel, I hope, before it is too late.
            • You: In that case, let's get down to it. (Start dialogue again)

After you successfully completes Madstone Crater, she will say:

  • Cydonie: So magicla influence is at play! I thought as much. I am glad the giants were able to find it. This may mean our foe has underestimated them.
  • Cydonie: Still, while the giants were agitated and disorganized, there is no knowing what has gone on, right under their noses. We must stay on the trail, <name>!
    • You: In that case, let's get down to it. (Advance chain)

Ruins of Gianthold: Prison of the Planes[edit]

She will then send you on your next mission:

  • Cydonie: The second hint that the Prophecy gives us is that guidance will come from a prisoner of some kind. A giant has uncovered a place he is calling a planar prison. While tis giant, one Nimbus ar'Yorg, searches for tribute to the Stormreaver, you will search for our prisoner. Go and speak to him.
    • You: Guidance from a prisoner. Got it. (Advance chain)
    • You: What is this prophecy you mentioned? (See above)

After you successfully complete The Prison of the Planes, she will say:

  • Cydonie: <name> - the words of the Quorforged are haunting, indeed. I see that I did not read the prophecy amiss. Now you know some of the history of Stormreaver and Truthful One.
  • Cydonie: And whatever the Truthful One's plans, we now know they are taking place within the Tor.
    • You: In that case, let's get down to it. (Advance chain)

Ruins of Gianthold: A Cabal For One[edit]

She will send you on your third mission:

  • Cydonie: That giant and his expedition give me an idea. If you must enter the Tor, you too must have a prize. I think that if you speak with the giant Jorgundal ar'Grund, you will learn of one you can earn for your own.
    • You: Whatever it takes to get inside that Tor. (Advance chain)
    • You: What is this prophecy you mentioned? (See above)

After you successfully complete A Cabal for One, she will say:

  • Cydonie: You've won a way into the Tor? Excellent work, <name>. All you have done before now may be nothing to what lies ahead. I am afraid I can tell you little of what awaits you within the Tor. Yet it is there you must go.
    • You: In that case, let's get down to it. (Advance chain)

Ruins of Gianthold: Gianthold Tor[edit]

She will send you for your final mission:

  • Cydonie: According to Jorgundal, the giant named Crag can help you enter Gianthold Tor. I believe he has even been inside himself. You might ask him about it.
    • You: Crag? Got it. (Advance chain)
    • You: What is this prophecy you mentioned? (See above)

After you successfully complete Gianthold Tor, she will congratulate you:

  • Cydonie: You have done it, <name>! Though the Truthful One did not show his face, we have taken the sword from out of his hand. There will be no cataclysms now, I think, thank the Prophecy!
  • You: The prophecy and ME!
  • Cydonie: Yes, yes, <name>. I was getting there.
  • Cydonie: For your deeds of bravery and might, <class>, I Cydonie, as an Agent of Argonesson, grant you this boon.
  • Cydonie: Now, only one task remains, if you choose it. A giant named Agon Uruhond claims the Stormreaver is within the main chamber of the Tor. Speak to him if you wish to see the legend in flesh. (Completes the chain, advance The Reaver's Fate)

After completing the chain and take the reward, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Cydonie: This is Gianthold, <name>, where the giants have gathered to learn the truth of the Stormreaver.

Barrel's Bottom[edit]

She bestow the quest chain chain Pirates of the Thunder Sea