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Name: Thaden

Race: Elf

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): Agents of Argonnessen

Location: [[Category:West side of The Marketplace, near the Phoenix Tavern, by the fountain just southeast of the Bank. farshifters]][[West side of The Marketplace, near the Phoenix Tavern, by the fountain just southeast of the Bank.]]

Description: Farshifter teleports you from Marketplace to Gianthold.

Notes: You must first speak to Cydonie (who stands nearby), and be Minimum Level 10 to do that.

The Marketplace[edit]

As soon as you arrive on the city, he will tell you the following:

  • Thaden: Hail, young one. How may I assist you?
  • You: Who are you?
  • Thaden: You may call me Thaden. I am part of the delegation from Argonessen. My duty is to transport the Agents of Argonessen to... where they're needed.
  • You: Can you take me somewhere?
  • Thaden: I serve at the pleasure of Argonessen, not at the whims of anyone who saunters by... no offense. -- If you wish to go somewhere, you should seek permission from Cydonie. She's right over there.

After you get The Ruins of Gianthold quest with Cydonie, he will transport you around:

  • Thaden: I see Cydonie has a task for you. My services are at the disposal of those who would help Argonessen.
    • You: I would like to go to Gianthold.
      • Thaden: May the Prophecy give you purpose against your enemies!
    • You: Who are you?
      • Thaden: You may call me Thaden. I am part of the delegation from Argonessen. My duty is to transport the Agents of Argonessen to... where they're needed.
        • You: I would like to go to Gianthold. (See above)