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The Portable Hole

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The Portable Hole[edit]

The Portable Hole is an inn that can only be reached using the Teleport or Greater Teleport spell. It exits to the Marketplace, in front of the Harbor gate, although teleport can also be used to leave. No quests are given or are started in the Portable Hole inn, although Tavern Brawl is set here.

(Interestingly, a player is also teleported to the Portable Hole if they somehow manage to fall out of the game world, such as in Update 60 where it was possible to fall out of Just Business into The Unassigned.)

The simplest method of getting to the Portable Hole is via the Teleport spell. If you can't cast this, try finding a Wizard, Sorceror or Warlock that knows Greater Teleport, and have them cast it on you. When you arrive, if you wish, you can use the Spirit Binder inside to bind your spirit there. Afterwards you can then use the "/death" chat command to kill your character (or 'Release' during death in a quest) resulting in being raised at the Portable Hole. (Non-permanent equipment damage may occur from this, requiring repair.)

(If you're having trouble getting a spellcaster to teleport you there, there are a couple of clickies that can cast Teleport. By far the easiest to obtain is the Royal Guard Mask from Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!, in the Restless Isles.)

There are subtle distinctions to the Portable Hole:

  • It is the teleport spell destination with the widest services for spell scrolls and spell materials.
  • All purchasable arcane spells are available here. See vendor list below.
  • It has its own chat channels, and is not easily accessible to newer players.

The following scrolls are sold exclusively here and are unavailable from other scroll vendors:

NPCs of Note[edit]

There is a mailbox located in the center of the tavern.