Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
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City of Sharn
Sharn* is the largest city (but not the capital) in the kingdom of Breland and indeed, the continent of Khorvaire. It is a melting pot of all races, with the human population being the largest but still only a third of Sharn's some 212,000 citizens.
- (* The city of Sharn is also called the City of Towers, but, locally, most often just "Sharn". However, and especially outside the City of Sharn, the term "Sharn" may also be used to refer to the criminal organization the Sharn Syndicate.)
A vertical city, Sharn is linked with the plane of Syrania, granting enhanced power to flight and levitation magic, a feature that the city's residents have used to build towers that rise higher into the sky than any other place on Khorvaire and possibly the world of Eberron. Due to the myriad of cultures that live and have lived in Sharn, examples of architecture from all over Khorvaire can be found. Most of Sharn's wealthiest inhabitants live in the upper regions of the city, enjoying the freshest air and least claustrophobic views.
The city of Sharn has been introduced in DDO with the Masterminds of Sharn expansion pack. Nevertheless, the city zones are actually Free to Play, while only the quests, raids, and The Cogs wilderness adventure area require access to the expansion pack.
In game, the city of Sharn is divided into many distinct areas: the Cliffside Docks District, and, far above sea level, the Clifftop Tower District, which is informally divided into upper and lower levels. The Cogs is an adventure area located in lower area of the city of Sharn. With later updates, Morgrave University areas were added to the game. Each has its own set of quests that can be accessed there, and different methods of arriving there from Stormreach. (Note that there is no direct access from Stormreach to the Part 2/Cogs area.)
Cliffside Docks District[edit]
The aptly named Docks District can be accessed from Stormreach via the docks in The Harbor by speaking with Captain Alban Dranmore (near the Lost at Sea quest), or from the lower Tower District via an elevator found on the southeast side of the main dome.
It is also possible, with a Feather Fall effect, to jump off any ledge from the Tower District and, after a brief glide (and a briefer cutscene), find yourself safely landed near the elevator down by the docks. Without Feather Fall, the glide is a bit faster and the landing a bit harder, but still generally survivable by all but the weakest of characters (approx. 80 HP damage).
Points of Interest[edit]
Listed (roughly) north to south:
- Elevator up to Tower District (not shown on map)
- Captain Alban Dranmore - back to Stormreach
- Alchemical Crafting devices
- Rayne Cloud, Syranian Weaponry vendor
- Quest Entrances - The Soul Splitter
Clifftop Tower District[edit]
The upper level of the Tower District is broken into 2 distinct parts, upper (east) and lower (west). The upper part forms a ring around a central dome, and the Part 1 quests can be found there. This area can be accessed via Captain Alban Dranmore, or from any Guild Airship, or, if you are in the Docks District, via the elevator at the north end of that area (see above). (Note that at the northeast of the ring is a single locked gate which bars flow around the ring between north and east; racing around and around the dome is not possible.)
The lower area consists of a lower courtyard, where the Part 2 quests, entrance to the Cogs, and a bank are located, and the two-level tavern above it.
(See the appropriate "Points of Interest", below, for a complete list of all features found within each level.)
There is no direct access to the lower level of the Tower District except from the upper level, either via the spiral stairs beneath the central dome, or the levitation platform in the square area between the upper and lower levels (or simply jumping down at that point).
From the lower level you can get back to the upper level from below the dome, via either a gust of air floor-rune or the winding staircase there, or via a levitating platform just west of there (à la House Cannith) located in the square area that can be seen on the map between the lower and upper levels.
Points of Interest - Upper level[edit]
Listed clockwise, (roughly) east to west:
- Airship access
- Entry point to Morgrave University - Lower Quad
- Elevator down to Cliffside Docks District
- Summer Korranor, quest-giver for Part 1 story arc
- Anton Westmore, quest giver for A Sharn Welcome, the first quest in the chain
- Zeleth Crowspire, Vyn Erathal, Savia Potellas, Edwin Tremont: quest givers for Part 1 quests
- Single point of entry to all Part 1 quests, a small airship on the outside of the ring
- Alleine Yarrow, Auctioneer
- Tower entrance, for spiral descent to Docks District
- Levitating platform down to the lower Tower Disctrict (at foot of partial stairs)
- General vendor, including spell ingredients from level 1-9
- Hireling vendor
- Omryn Cedarbrook, questgiver for the Illithid Invasion chain
- Rular Brigmore, Carronade, Tassinith, Viryn Starglen: quest givers for Illithid Invasion quests
Points of Interest - Lower level[edit]
Listed (roughly) east to west:
- Tower entrance, for spiral ascent to the upper Tower District, or via air-jet floor-rune there.
- Mailbox (not shown on map) near tower entrance, located beneath upper district ring.
- Levitation platform to the upper Tower District
- Borian Haldorak, quest-giver to Part 2 story arc
- Celwyn Ulth, Muldan Heartsun, Dunwich Mornathan, Jix Boromar: quest-givers for Part 2 quests
- Single point of entry for all Part 2 quests, a elevator shaft in the northwest of square
- Molgra d'Kundarak, banker on the north side of that square
- Levitation platform up to Drunken Dragon tavern (see below), south side of square
- Vikmin Thun, farshifter for Cogs locations
- Entry to The Cogs wilderness area (and Cogs walk-up quests)
- Tavern: Drunken Dragon (not shown on map)
- A two-story "open air" establishment, located up the far west stairs and south in the lower Clifftop Tower District, southwest of the Banker.
- Saga bestowers, Heroic/Epic
- Spirit Binder
- Sharn City Council Patron Lord Mayor Cathan ir'Demell
- Morgrave University Patron Professor Fordola Banna
- Trainers for all classes
- Fighter and Paladin found at the door; Barbarian, Bard and Druid located downstairs; all others (including Epic) upstairs or in upstairs patio.
- Fatespinner at the east end of the upstairs patio
Morgrave University[edit]
Points of interest - Lower Quad[edit]
This city area, introduced in U57, can be accessed from the upper level of the Clifftop Tower District via the Morgrave University Air Shuttle.
Notable NPC:
- Harper Price - bestows quest Order in the Court!
- Teo Gandrin - bestows quest Growing Pains
- O'loria - bestows quest Three Paths to Battle
- Borgo Makkan - bestows quest The Hand and the Eyes
- Joslyn D'Sivis - bestows quest Army of Eternal Night
- Una Noldrun - bestows the story arc
- Eilwynn Thenford <General Vendor>
- Jordu Purslane <Food Vendor>
- Mailbox
Points of interest - Upper Commons[edit]
This city area, introduced in U61, can be accessed from the upper level of the Clifftop Tower District via the Morgrave University Air Shuttle. It actually combines three areas:
- Lareth Hall
- Nymph's Court
- Upper Commons
All three are described in the Morgrave University - Upper Commons article.
Alcorin's Forge - Staging Area[edit]
Accessible by talking to the Cogs guide near the Drunken Dragon Tavern (Sharn Tower District), after completing Part I and Part II of the Sharn flagging quests for Too Hot to Handle.
- The Cogs - level 15/32 wilderness area
- Multiple entrances to each different starting point within the area
- Raid quest giver and entrance
See also[edit]
- Masterminds of Sharn - DDO's 4th expansion
- For the Level 4 Adventure Pack in good old Stormreach, see Sharn Syndicate
- Saga
- Sharn on Eberron wikipedia