Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Captain Alban Dranmore

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Captain Alban Dranmore.jpg

Name: Captain Alban Dranmore

Race: Human

Gender: Male


  • The Harbor, at the end of the dock just south of the Leaky Dinghy tavern, next to the airship there
  • City of Sharn, lower Cliffside Docks district, on the quay next to the airship

Description: Passage to Sharn/Passage to Stormreach


  • Anyone can travel to Sharn - but you need the Sharn expansion pack (or a Guest Pass) to quest there.
  • Captain Dranmore will send you to either the lower Docks District or the Upper Cliffside District, your choice.
  • When arriving in Sharn via Capt. Dranmore, you may find yourself in the upper Clifftop Tower District. To return to Stormreach, use the elevator down, found in the southeast corner of that upper area (not indicated on map) to find Captain Dranmore on the quay, or you can find a Guild Airship portal in the far east end.