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Category:DDO voice actors

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Sentient weapons / Ravenloft cast[edit]

Originally Posted by Knockback Source

String exceeds 1,000 character limit for automatic parsing of {{BB code}}, passing quote through:
Here's our cast of weapons, so far:
Alexander Brandon - Furious (Also the Revenant in "Into the Mists" and DM for "Into the Mists" and "Oath of Vengeance.")
Rachel Butera - Hopeful (Also Baba Lysaga and DM for "Ravens' Bane" and "Old Baba's Hut.")
Ally Murphy - Resolute (Also Ireena/Tatyana and DM for "Death House" and "Sunrise.")
James Flynn - Covetous (Also the Abbot and DM for "Fresh Baked Dreams" and "Sealed in Amber.")
Keith Silverstein - Inquisitive (Also Strahd and DM for "An Invitation to Dinner" and "Curse of Strahd.")
And, coming soon,
Cordovan (Contribs • Message• Cordovan) - Timid
(Lani Minella was Madam Eva and DM for "A Raven at the Door," "A Mad Tea Party," and "The Final Vintage.")

White Plume Mountain sentient weapons[edit]

Originally Posted by Knockback Source

The voice actors are DDO stalwarts Cindy Robinson (Wave) and Scott McNeill (Whelm, Blackrazor)

See also[edit]

Pages in category "DDO voice actors"

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