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Category:Monster Manual/missing

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Page Missing MM Type Description
Abishai War Mage Abishai
Drekk Abishai
Green Abishai Invader Abishai
Nox (abishai) Abishai
Squall (Abishai) Abishai
Tarvis Abishai
Vitter Abishai
White Abishai Invader Abishai
Bound Air Air Elemental
Strahd's Hate Air Elemental
Animated Armor Archer Animated Object
Animated Arms Animated Object
Arcane Reconstructor Animated Object
Aureon Security Drone Animated Object
Bone Guardian Animated Object
Codex of the Infinite Planes Animated Object
Corrupted Shrubbery Animated Object
Crushing Details Animated Object
Enhanced Sentinel Guardian Animated Object
Exploding Construct Animated Object
Hunkajunk Animated Object
Impairment Drone Animated Object
Lone Warrior's Armor Animated Object
Puzzle Tile Animated Object
Repair Drone Animated Object
Risia Ice Orb Animated Object
Security Construct Animated Object
Sniper Drone Animated Object
Spotter Drone Animated Object
Strahd's Animated Armor Animated Object
Superior Sentinel Guardian Animated Object
The Dancing Sword of Doom Animated Object
Topiary Nymph Animated Object
Well-worn Sniper Drone Animated Object
Windmill Animated Object
Fiendish Dread Bat Bat Counts as a Fiendish Batling in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Fire Bat Bat Counts as a Fiendish Batling in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Gigantic Bear Bear
Maddened Bear Bear
Polar Bear Bear
Bazdor Bearded Devil
Bearded Devil Skirmisher Bearded Devil Counts as a Tiefling Razor Bow in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Elite Barbazu Captain Bearded Devil Counts as a Tiefling Poison Blade[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Tiefling Poison Blade" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Vermin Keeper (Bearded Devil) Bearded Devil Counts as a Vermin Keeper (Tiefling)[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Vermin Keeper (Tiefling)" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Beholder Dancer Beholder
Ganglia Beholder
Kardin (Chaos Beholder) Beholder
Tahareh (doomsphere) Beholder
Crooktooth (Bugbear) Bugbear
Tras'ekhan Draegloth
Barrenon Dragon Counts as Arkelon in Monster Manual.
Bimz Dragon
Dunalenthea Dragon
Greedy Dragon Dragon
Velah Dragon
Zardanarith Dragon
Garen'thir Szind Drider
Hand of the Goddess Drider
Leg of the Goddess Drider Note that the legs' CR line works weirdly, as it is much higher in Normal than other difficulties.
Lolth's Immanence Drider Note that Lolth's CR line behaves weirdly, as it is higher on Normal than other difficulties.
Yan'thryis Drider
Alakinyon Ken'viir Drow
Asta Jegg Dralnoc Drow
Blood Tide Marauder Drow
Cay'Vorym Guard Drow
Collared Slave Drow
Drow Monk Drow
Drow Shaman Drow
Drow Wardancer Drow
Echo of a Luridae Adept Drow
Echo of a Luridae Hunter Drow
Echo of a Luridae Seer Drow
Echo of a Luridae Warrior Drow
Ill Fate Marauder Drow
Master Myr'dril Drow
Master Necromancer Drow
Master Yeberim Drow
Mockery Monk Drow
Orgallryd Avithoul Drow
Prelate Tobias Drow
Rahadin Drow
Sarnish Drow
Silent Drow
Soldiirn Dun'Robar Drow
Veiled Chain Marauder (Drow) Drow
Waeraste Torduis Drow
Xik'dan of the Flayed Hand Drow
Broken Crown Cannoneer Dwarf
Dread Pirate Apothecary Dwarf
Gorgon Cannoneer (dwarf) Dwarf
Hammerbane Dwarf
Roughneck Dwarf
Bound Earth Earth Elemental
Gruck Earth Elemental
Rrosp Earth Elemental
Harif the Inexorable Efreet
Huntsman Eladrin
Lord Arden (monster) Eladrin
Master of the Hunt Eladrin
Senior Hunter Mori Eladrin
Senior Hunter Oka Eladrin
Broken Crown Swashbuckler (Half-Elf) Elf
Deggum Elf
Sea Elf Bodyguard Elf
Shadow-blade Elf
Stormreach Citizen (Elf) Elf
Syndicate Swashbuckler (Half-Elf) Elf
Tidus Elf
Tanugash Fiendish Lion
Bound Fire Fire Elemental
Cinnis Fire Elemental
Corrupted Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Counts as a Fiendish Troglodyte Scout in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
East Flame Guardian (Cinderspawn) Fire Elemental
Fire Spirit Egg Fire Elemental
Hell Fire Fire Elemental Counts as Gish Fire Hands in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
North Flame Guardian (Cinderspawn) Fire Elemental
South Flame Guardian (Cinderspawn) Fire Elemental
Summoned Cinderspawn Fire Elemental
West Flame Guardian (Cinderspawn) Fire Elemental
City Faire Strongman Fire Giant
Fire Giant Captain Fire Giant
Ignos Fire Giant
Falsifax Fire Reaver
Edgar (epic) Flesh Golem
Roving Flesh Golem Flesh Golem
Vampire Bane Flesh Golem Flesh Golem
Vasilka Flesh Golem
Bahhurat Flesh Render
Forge Artificer Wraith Forgewraith
Forge Wisp Wraith Forgewraith
Forgewraith Doom Skull Forgewraith
Speaker for the Slain Forgewraith Listed as Wheep instead of Forgewraith in Monster Manual.
Victor's Forgewraith Forgewraith
Lotigath Gargoyle
Underlane Gargoyle Gargoyle
Announcer Gnoll
Blood Tide Windcaller Gnoll
Gish Helion Gnoll Erroneously orange-named.

Even when shooting arrows with his bow, Gish looks as if wielding two sword (and in a reverse grip at that).

Oro Gnoll
Supply Carrier (gnoll) Gnoll Counts as Gnoll Skirmisher in the Monster Manual.
Yelp Gnoll
Yula Bloodgleam Gnoll
Aethor Finkleberry Gnome
Archmage Leslie Wobblewheel Gnome
Helma Omenbus Gnome
Hilki Hyde Gnome
Jebezook Nackle Gnome
Tuddle Gnome
Delinquent (goblin) Goblin
Flunky Goblin
Irk Bord Goblin
Miscreant Goblin
Overconfident Goblin Goblin
Thug (goblin) Goblin
Burglar Recruit Halfling
Jeets Halfling
Rand Halfling
Scoundrel Halfling
Trapsmith Recruit (Halfling) Halfling
Upstanding Citizen Halfling
Temple Harpy Harpy Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Thug (harpy) Harpy
Performing Hellhound Hell Hound
Frenzied Bezekira Hellcat Counts as a Greater Hell Hound[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Greater Hell Hound" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Ravenous Hezrou Hezrou
Shavarath Hezrou Hezrou
Nale Grim Hill Giant
Thum Grim Hill Giant
Blood Tide Sailor Hobgoblin
Daask Sailor Hobgoblin
The Emissary Horned Devil
Ardent Sands Cannoneer Human
Ardent Sands Marauder Human
Ardent Sands Sailor Human
Bard-barian Human
Blood of Vol Death Knight Human
Blood Spirit Human
Broken Crown Marine Human
Broken Crown Sailor (Human) Human
Broken Crown Swashbuckler (Human) Human
Carnival Challenger Human
Casting Carnie Human
Cellimas Villuhne (monster) Human
Collared Cormyr War Wizard Human Counts as Cormyr War Wizard in Monster Manual.
Collared Purple Dragon Knight Human Counts as Purple Dragon Knight (monster) in Monster Manual.
Collared Villager Human Counts as Villager in Monster Manual.
Combat Carnie Human
Dedryk Black Human
Devian Trell Human
Devout Doppelganger Human
Disciple of Shar Human
Dog Wrangler Human
Enforcer Recruit Human
Galdrinn Fisk Human
Gorgon Cannoneer (human) Human
Gorgon Sailor (human) Human
Hoodlum Human
Human Fighter/Wizard Human
Human Man-at-Arms Human
Ill Fate Sailor (Human) Human
John Heysel-Bright Human
Jonabas Foreman Human
Karl Wachter Human
Lord Varnath Human Appeared in Orchard of the Macabre (heroic), near the Temple of Vol. . Encounter dropped Epic Tapestry Shreds!
Ne'er-do-well Human
Netherese Recruiter Human
Netheril Spymaster Human
Nikolai Wachter Human
Portrait of Strahd Human
Prefect Alrrem Human
Stone Lord Human
Stormreach Citizen (Human) Human
Syndicate Cannoneer Human
Syndicate Sailor Human
Syndicate Swashbuckler (Human) Human
Teralyn Human
The Ghost Flame Human Appears to have an empty tag.
Thug Recruit Human Thug recruits are titled as 'Condemned Thug' until you select them, at which point the title changes
Tidy Lass Human
Toven d'Cannith Human
Trapsmith Recruit Human
Troublemaker Human
Valencia Human
Vasiliy Ivanych Human
Veiled Chain Marauder (Human) Human
Veiled Chain Marine (Human) Human
Veiled Chain Sailor Human
War Wizard Human
Chortle Hyena
Messenger of Prairies Hyena
Hound of Blades Iron Defender
Castle Sentinel Iron Golem
Enhanced Target Dummy Iron Golem
New and Improved Guardian Iron Golem
Shield Guardian (Iron Golem) Iron Golem
Tampered Guardian Iron Golem
Tampered Hauler Golem Iron Golem
Clan Skalthrakis Lair Guardian Kobold
Dancing Kobold Kobold
Manager Kobold While he always spawns in Bargain of Blood after you defeat the General Manager, he does not appear on your Monster Manual there. To get him listed, you need him to spawn at The Tide Turns.
Zombie Kobold Shaman Kobold
Sor'jek Incanni (lich) Lich
Mrr'Dred Lion
Salt Mephit Warrior Mephit
Soulbound Mephit (Air Mephit) Mephit
Soulbound Mephit (Dust Mephit) Mephit
Chester Mimic
Gerald Lenith Mimic
Riddlelock Mimic
Enrhiikuz Mind Flayer
Fred Mind Flayer
Bodyguard Minotaur
Delinquent (minotaur) Minotaur
Thug (minotaur) Minotaur
A Stodgy Old Apple Tree Monstrous Plant
Bitterbark's Tree Monstrous Plant
Forest Kelpie Monstrous Plant
Hedge Monstrous Plant
Kelpie Mirerunner Monstrous Plant
Kelpie Spellweaver Monstrous Plant
Kelpie Swampcaller Monstrous Plant
Kelpie Swampstrider Monstrous Plant
Murk Runner Monstrous Plant
Red Musk Fungus Monstrous Plant
Shambling Doom Monstrous Plant
The Drowner Monstrous Plant
The Wailer Monstrous Plant
Thelanis Kelpie Monstrous Plant
Toxic Mushroom Monstrous Plant
Zuggtmoy Monstrous Plant
Dread Ochre Jelly Fragment Ooze
Kryzinian Cubespawn Ooze
Shredded Arcane Ooze Ooze
Shredded Grey Slime Ooze
Ardent Sands Marine Orc
Bandit Dastard Orc
Bandit Scout Orc
Blood Tide Marine Orc
Daask Marine Orc
Delinquent (half-orc) Orc
Delinquent (orc) Orc
Dia Depthcaria Orc
Ill Fate Marine Orc
Lieutenant Orc
Mugger (half-orc) Orc
Pirate Marine (Half-Orc) Orc
Supply Carrier (orc) Orc Counts as Orc Berserker in the Monster Manual.
Thug (orc) Orc
Ugg the Assertive Orc
Veiled Chain Marine (Half-Orc) Orc
Yeshelka Frostrager Orc
Captain Borth Orthon Counts as Warlord Hissyasha in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Colonel Yagora Orthon Counts as Warlord Hissyasha in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Elite Orthon Shock Trooper Orthon Counts as a Fiendish Troglodyte Swordsman in the Monster Manual as of Update 18.3: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Orthon Shock Trooper Orthon
Dervinyre's Tail Purple Worm
Elder Purple Worm Tail Purple Worm
Purple Worm Tail Purple Worm
Worm Intestine Purple Worm
The Seal Keeper Quell
Dream Reaver Quori
Modius Quori
Aureon Experiment (red-named) Rat
Gigantic Chipmunk Rat
Lamannian Chipmunk Rat
Rat Rat
Rat (harmless) Rat
Undead rat (harmless) Rat
Kexxalt Sahuagin
Sahuagin Necromancer Sahuagin
Death Stalker Scorpion Scorpion
Hell Scorpion Scorpion Counts as a Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Infernal Stinger Scorpion Counts as a Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Vengeance (scorpion) Scorpion
Vulkoor Rattler Scorpion
Aphotic Shadow
Flamebound Umbral Worg Shadow
Greater Grim Totem Shadow Shadow
Summoned Shadow Shadow
The Night Whisperer Shadow
Ancient Flameskull Skeleton
Ancient Warrior Skeleton
Ancient Wizard Skeleton
Bjorn Heyton Skeleton Counts as a generic skeleton kill in Monster Manual.
Brimstone Butcher Skeleton
Brimstone Butcher (Necropolis) Skeleton
Brimstone Friar Skeleton
Brimstone Impaler Skeleton
Brimstone Magister Skeleton
Dread Flameskull Skeleton
Echo of Vasily Drazkoi Skeleton
Flameskull Skeleton
Gerard Dryden Skeleton
Ghostly Skeleton Skeleton
Kragwulf Heyton Skeleton Counts as a generic skeleton kill in Monster Manual as of Update 21.
Skeletal Archmage Skeleton Not present in the in-game Monster Manual.
Starved Prisoner Skeleton
Torrid Flameskull Skeleton
Baba Lysaga's Hut Spider
Guardian Statue (Deathjump Spider) Spider
Guardian Statue (Harrower) Spider
Captain Razor Tiefling Counts as Captain Suryon[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Captain Suryon" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Master Stralazar Tiefling Counts as Captain Suryon in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Tiefling Master Warlock Tiefling Counts as a Fiendish Troglodyte Shaman[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Fiendish Troglodyte Shaman" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Tiefling Sniper Tiefling Counts as a Tiefling Poison Blade in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Tiefling Spellbow Tiefling Counts as a Tiefling Wizard[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Tiefling Wizard" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Tiefling Warlock Tiefling Counts as a Fiendish Troglodyte Shaman in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Zulkis Crowspire Tiefling
Fiendish Troglodyte Archer Troglodyte Counts as a Tiefling Scout in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Fiendish Troglodyte Skirmisher Troglodyte Counts as a Tiefling Infiltrator in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Fiendish Troglodyte Sniper Troglodyte Counts as a Tiefling Infiltrator[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Tiefling Infiltrator" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Fiendish Troglodyte Warrior Troglodyte Counts as a Tiefling Warrior in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Gizhiss Troglodyte Counts as Gish Fire Hands in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.
Slave (troll) Troll
Titan Mk II Warforged Titan
Titan Mk III Warforged Titan
Yve Warforged Titan
Advanced Blades Trainee Warforged
Amalgam Warforged
Bellows Warforged
Broken Crown Sailor (Warforged) Warforged
Echo of a BladeForge Artificer Warforged
Echo of Bladeforged Assassin Warforged
Echo of Bladeforged Paladin Warforged
Expert Blades Trainee Warforged
Gorgon Sailor (warforged) Warforged
Ill Fate Sailor (Warforged) Warforged
Jaime Warforged
Lord of Blades Warforged
Novice Blades Apprentice Warforged
Novice Blades Trainee Warforged
Bound Water Water Elemental
Cascade Water Elemental
Big Old Red Werewolf
Dwalni Demonsbane Wight
Mangled Horror Wight
Apex Hound Koro Wolf
Apex Hound Taka Wolf
Deadheart Pack Wolf Wolf
Pyrefang Wolf
Slavering Mist Wolf Wolf
Wild Hunt Hound Wolf
Lady of the Plague Wraith
Shade of Destruction Wraith
Dominated Servant (Abomination) Yuan-ti
Dominated Servant (Pureblood) Yuan-ti
Horace Heyton Zombie Counts as a generic zombie kill in Monster Manual as of Update 21.
Human Female Zombie Zombie
Human Zombie Zombie
Kyleanne Heyton d'Cannith Zombie Counts as a generic zombie kill in Monster Manual as of Update 21.
Magician's Assistant Zombie
Revenant Zombie
Sir Barclay Zombie
Sir Oslin Zombie
Sir Samston Zombie
Sir Wyndam Zombie

The above table lists all 0 subpages in the following 72 subcategories below.

What is this?

Monsters in this category are missing from a Monster Manual entry that, given their race or type, we would expect them to be in. There are a few possible reasons for this:

  • The monster has simply not been coded properly.
  • The monster cannot be killed, and surrenders, teleports away, or drops unconscious when slain.
  • The monster is part of a sub-race that makes it a significantly different from its main race and thus ineligible for the Monster Manual entry. (For examples, Cinderspawn do not count for the Fire Elemental MM entry, and Forgewraiths (prior to getting their own entry in Volume 8) did not count for the Wraith MM entry.)
  • The monster can only be summoned by other monsters in a fashion that means it does not count for the Monster Manual (for example, some Mephits only summoned by other Mephits, or some Oozes that can only split from other Oozes.)
  • The monster is a renamed version of another monster. In most cases, the monster will count as that other monster in the relevant entry.
  • The developers decided not to add the monster to the Monster Manual. (This is most common in cases where a monster of one race is reskinned to stand in for a monster of another race which is unlikely to be added to the game, such as the Gigantic Chipmunk, which is a member of the Rat race as no dedicated Chipmunk race exists.)


This category has the following 72 subcategories, out of 72 total.