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Gerald Lenith

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Gerald Lenith <Polymorphed>

Type: Aberration (List)

Race: Mimic (List)

Monster Manual classification: Missing from MM: Mimic

Alignment: Neutral

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR:  ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ♦37Epic Normal ♥41Epic Hard ♠46Epic Elite


  • Mimic Slobber (You are taking acid damage from mimic slobber. This damage over time effect can stack with itself if you are licked multiple times, dealing 3d8 acid damage every 2 seconds per application; no known limit on the number of times it can stack, blocking prevents)
  • Sticky (-75% movement speed, -20% attack speed, -4 AC penalty, -2 penalty to attack and reflex, -25% fortification, cannot jump or tumble)


Description: Not in the Monster Manual as he teleports away before being killed.