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Disciple of Shar

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Disciple of Shar.jpg

Type: Humanoid (List)

Race: Human (List)

Monster Manual classification: Missing from MM: Human

Alignment: Evil

Color Type: Orange - Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♦17Normal ♥19Hard ♠22Elite

Attack: Spells (spam cast Cause damage and Alignment spells like Unholy Blight - able to do a lot of damage to a high saves Paladin quite rapidly). Also self-healing spells with no apparent need for Conc checks.


Description: Has no Monster Manual entry (not that it would register anyway, as you don't kill them, but it also means they don't show HP values to characters with Human Mastery.)

These guys can be tough on Elite. Around 5,000HP, resistant to melee damage and spam casting damage spells and self healing. They're rarely alone, so you need to take out the trash mobs while these guys are spam casting damage spells on you.