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This page refers to Jeets' brief appearance as an opponent in I Dream of Jeets. For his appearances as an NPC, see Jeets Shimis.


Type: Halfling (List)

Race: Halfling (List)

Monster Manual classification: Missing from MM: Halfling

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Color Type: Orange - Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♠29Elite

Attack: Dagger (Piercing)


Description: At the end of the quest, Jeets is manipulated into attacking you by the Devourer of Dreams, who creates a Damsel in Distress whom Jeets believes you are attacking. Jeets cannot be killed during this fight; if reduced to 0 hit points, he is knocked out for about 20 seconds, then stands back up again and heals to about 10% health before resuming attacking. He will stop attacking