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Admixture spells

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Admixtures are a special type of spell that allow Alchemists, Artificers, and Dark Hunters to infuse curative potions with magical energy allowing them to be turned into AOE spells. The infused potions are thrown in an arc at the Target.

  • Admixtures initially required an appropriate potion as a material component. This requirement was removed when the Alchemist class was introduced.
  • Alchemist class introduced additional bottle-throwing spells, not just curatives. They do share similar characteristics and physics, though.
  • These spells have an extremely long range and arc nicely.
  • When the potion hits an obstacle in the middle of the flight, the spell effect triggers on impact.
  • If you hard-target yourself, you throw the potion straight down.
  • The casting and flight speeds are quite slow. Quicken Spell metamagic feat does not apply, but Accelerate Spell does.

Admixture spells[edit]

Name Description Classes
Alc Art Brd Clr Drd FvS Pal Rgr Sor Wiz War
Icon Curative Admixture Cure Critical Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Critical Wounds The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 4d6 + 8 + 1 per caster level (max +20) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead. Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png
CurativeAdmixture CureLightWounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Light Wounds Infuse a Cure Light Wounds potion with magical energy and hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 1d6+2 plus 1 per caster level (max +5) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead. Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png
CurativeAdmixture CureModerateWounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Moderate Wounds Infusing a Cure Moderate Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 2d6+4 + 1 per caster level (max +10) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead. Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png
CurativeAdmixture CureSeriousWounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds Infusing a Cure Serious Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 3d6+6 +1 per caster level (max 15) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead. Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png
Icon Curative Admixture Heal.png
Curative Admixture: Heal Infuses a Heal potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. This channels powerful positive energy into targets to wipe away injury and afflictions, restore 10 hit points per caster level (up to a max of 150 hit points at caster level 15), and remove ability damage and the conditions blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned. Against undead this spell acts as Harm. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.

D&D Dice: Heals 10 hp per caster level (max 150).

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Critical Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Critical Wounds Infuse a Inflict Critical Wounds potion with magical energy and hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that dealing 4d6+8 plus 1 per caster level (max +20) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage). Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Light Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Light Wounds Infuse a Inflict Light Wounds potion with magical energy and hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that dealing 1d6+2 plus 1 per caster level (max +5) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies (who may make a Will save for half damage). Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Moderate Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Moderate Wounds Infuse a Inflict Moderate Wounds potion with magical energy and hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that dealing 2d6+4 plus 1 per caster level (max +10) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage). Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Serious Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Serious Wounds Infuse a Inflict Serious Wounds potion with magical energy and hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that dealing 3d6+6 plus 1 per caster level (max +15) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage). Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
CurativeAdmixture Remove Disease.png
Curative Admixture: Remove Disease Infuses a Remove Disease potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that removes diseases from nearby allies. Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png
CurativeAdmixture RemovePoison.png
Curative Admixture: Remove Poison Infuses a potion of Poison Neutralization with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that removes poisons from nearby allies. (It does not confer immunity to poisons.) Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png