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When you are exposed to poison, you are required to make a saving throw (usually fortitude) vs. the poison's difficulty class. Your character will have a modifier to this saving throw that is derived from your class levels, and your race- and is potentially modified by what enhancements and feats you have taken, as well as whatever buffs have been cast on you, and what equipment you are wearing.

Poisons can be natural, magical, supernatural or unclassified.

Sources of Resistance/Immunity to Poison[edit]

  • Dwarf race (+2 bonus)
    • Stout gives an additional +1 to +3 to poison saves
  • Warforged race (immune to natural poisons, except those that specifically affect wood or metal; +10 Racial bonus to saves against magical poisons and do not automatically fail on a natural 1).
  • Drow's Venom Lore (+1 to +3 to saves, +2 to +6 to poison damage resist)
  • Proof Against Poison item enhancement (immunity to natural poisons; +2 to +10 bonus to save against magical poison and do not automatically fail on a natural 1)
  • Poison save item enhancement
  • Neutralize Poison spell (dispels poison; existing damage is not healed; grants immunity against natural and magical poisons for a duration)
  • Venom Immunity gives any Druid immunity to ability score damage from natural poisons.
  • Diamond Body gives any Monk immunity to natural poisons and increased saves to magical poisons.
  • Assassin's Toxin Affinity (+1 to +3 to poison saves)
  • Occult Slayer's Lessons of Nature tier 3 makes you not automatically fail a save on a 1 against poison.
  • Any Undead Form makes you immune to poison damage.
  • Perfection of Body tier 2 makes you not automatically fail a save on a 1 against poison.
  • Heroes' Feast 6th level Cleric/Favored Soul spell (grants immunity to save-based poisons for 1 minute per caster level)
  • Angelic Body gives immunity to natural poisons and natural diseases while in the Exalted Angel Destiny Mantle

Poison Typed Damage[edit]

Poisons that are not explicitly classified as natural, magical, or supernatural and only do poison typed damage instead of ability score damage.

  • Poison weapon enchantment
    • Found on: Player character weapons
  • Green Dragon Poison: "This powerful and magical poison of the dragon attacks your body." Can stack multiple times, damage over time effect.
  • Drow Weapon Poison: Can stack multiple times, damage over time effect.
  • Pseudodragon Venom: "Pseudodragon venom is scouring your insides and numbing your outsides." 2d8 poison damage every 2 seconds, -50% movement speed, -6 Strength, -6 Dexterity, and you are unable to Tumble.
  • Purple Worm Tail Venom: "This underdark creature has a powerful poison!" Can stack multiple times, damage over time effect.

Poison spells[edit]

Spells that deal poison damage are affected by Nullification Spell Power.

Miscellaneous Poisons[edit]

Poisons that are not classified as natural, magical, or supernatural and have unconventional effects.

  • Poisoned Bolt Slow: You are affected by poison from a ballista bolt. Your movement speed is dramatically reduced, your attack speed is slowed by 75%, and you cannot tumble.
    • Found on: Crossbow turret's (Ballista's) Poisoned Bolts
    • Dealt by: Temple Guards, possibly you (if you operate the ballista)

Natural Poisons[edit]

  • Arsenic: You have been poisoned by arsenic and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Galgreth Spore: You have been poisoned by a paralyzing spore and may soon suffer additional Dexterity damage.
    • Dealt by: Some powerful zombies (Shamblers, Cadavars, etc.)
  • Greenblood Oil: You have been poisoned by greenblood oil and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Greenblood Oil, Greater: You have been poisoned by greater greenblood oil and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Hulrak Slime Mold: You have been poisoned by a mind-altering toxin and may soon suffer additional Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma damage.
  • Poison Mushroom Powder: Your movement rate has been reduced by 15% and your attack rate by 30%, and you cannot tumble. (Duration: 10 seconds, no secondary damage)
    • Dealt by: Poisonous mushrooms
  • Scorpion: You have been poisoned by a scorpion and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Spider: You have been poisoned by a spider and may soon suffer additional Strength and/or Dexterity damage.
  • Spider Venom Trap: You have been poisoned by a trap and may soon suffer additional Strength damage.
  • Yuan-ti: You have been poisoned by a yuan-ti and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.

Magical Poisons[edit]

  • Arcanaloth: You have been poisoned by an arcanaloth and may soon suffer additional Strength damage.
  • Fire Reaver: You have been poisoned by a fire reaver and may soon suffer additional Strength damage.
  • Flesh Render: You have been poisoned by a flesh render and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Iron Golem: You have been poisoned by an iron golem and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Masmataz's Cocktail: You have been poisoned by Masmataz's Cocktail and may soon suffer additional Strength and Dexterity damage.
  • Medusa Snake Venom: You have been poisoned by the snake bite of a Medusa and may soon die. Deals Constitution damage.
  • Mindbite: You have been poisoned by mindbite and may soon suffer additional Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom damage.
  • Ninja Poison: Target takes 1d4 points of Poison damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The target's vulnerability to poison is increased by 5%. This ability can stack up to 20 times. On timer expiration, 5 stacks of Ninja Poison are removed at a time.
  • Paralytic Injection: You are paralyzed by poison! This paralysis is prevented by Neutralize Poison, and not by Freedom of Movement.
  • Phase Spider: You have been poisoned by a phase spider and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Poison (spell): You are infected with venomous poison and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Poison Tears: You have been poisoned by Poison Tears and may soon suffer additional Constitution damage.
  • Spider: You have been poisoned by a spider and may soon suffer additional Strength and Dexterity damage.

Supernatural Poisons[edit]

  • Cursed Contact Poison: You have been poisoned by cursed contact poison and may suffer additional damage until you are cured or you die. This is a curse and a poison effect.
  • Strong Spider Demon Venom: This spider's poison is a force of pure evil and unaffected by normal remedies. It's slow but lethal.
  • Pit Fiend Venom: You have been poisoned by a pit fiend and may soon die.
  • Weak Spider Demon Venom: This spider's poison is a force of pure evil and unaffected by normal remedies. It's slow but lethal.