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Item:Legendary Necronomicannon

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Legendary Necronomicannon

Minimum Level 29

Book Shot
Target:Foe, Directional, Breakable
Description:Hurls books at enemies. At higher charge levels multiple books are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by the books receive a Reflex save for half damage.
Charge Tier I: 4 to 14 ​ + 1 to 2 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier II: 5 to 19 ​ + 1 to 4 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier III: 6 to 24 ​ + 1 to 6 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier IV: 7 to 29 ​ + 1 to 8 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier V: 8 to 34 ​ + 1 to 10 per Artificer Level
Required Trait Artificer Rune Arm Use
Use Magical Device DC None
Binding Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Durability 475 / 475
Made from GemIcon tooltip.pngGem: Items made of gem are generally extremely durable and have a very high hardness. Most commonly used to make trinkets and docents.
Hardness 39
Base Value 002247500022,475ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 0.25 lbs
Location The Feywild, rare encounters

Not upgradeable

Description This Runearm seems to generate terrible and forbidden knowledge at a moment's notice. Thankfully, these accursed books are used for little else other than blunt force trauma.
Notes Necronimicannon Shown.jpg
Legendary Necronomicannon.png