Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Ruins of Gianthold

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Ruins of Gianthold adpack icon.jpg
950 DP Requires access to adventure pack: Ruins of Gianthold
Ruins of Gianthold Quest Entry Dialog Icon.jpg

The main story arc, The Reaver's Bane, is bestowed by Cydonie, Agent of Argonessen in the west side of the Marketplace when your character reaches level 10. Upon receiving this quest, Thaden the Farshifter can then transport you to the Gianthold - a small city zone. From there you are able to enter the Ruins of Gianthold zone.

The Ruins of Gianthold is a level 13 Wilderness Adventure Area, allowing characters level 10 through 18 full XP rewards. For the epic version, see Ruins of Gianthold (epic).

Faster travel around the Gianthold wilderness is available by speaking to Narkonk.
(Note that the shrines near the Prison of the Planes (northwest) and near the Doomed Brother (south) are not shown.)

Gianthold Farshifter[edit]

The farshifter in Gianthold, Narkonk, can teleport you to the Heroic/Epic version of three faction locations: Storm's Eye (far west), Storm's Heart (south-central), or Storm's Fist (far east) (shown in aqua on map, above). This can save a lot of running time when getting to far away quests.

  • You can only be shifted to a location that you have already found (by walking there).
  • The Icon for this NPC is a yellow X instead of the green "star" typically used to port to a different zone.
  • Using the NPC gives you the normal quest entry dialog box, allowing you to choose the usual options.


Only three of the quests in this zone are given by NPCs located within the Gianthold city area:

Madstone Crater[edit]

The Prison of the Planes[edit]

A Cabal for One[edit]

In addition to the pre-req, pre-raid, and raid quests, there are a number of quests located within the Wilderness Adventure Area. These quests are granted when you approach their entrance, and the end reward for the quest is given by various NPCs located within the Gianthold city zone.

The walk-up quests located within the wilderness area are:

The Crucible[edit]

A Cry for Help[edit]

Feast or Famine[edit]

Foundation of Discord[edit]

The Maze of Madness[edit]

Trial by Fire[edit]

Quests By Favor[edit]

Quest Name Quest Level Total Favor Patron Casual Normal Hard Elite
The Fall of Truth (R) 25 24 Agents of Argonnessen
The Crucible 14/24 24 Agents of Argonnessen
Madstone Crater/Return to Madstone Crater 14/24 24 Agents of Argonnessen
The Prison of the Planes/Return to Prison of the Planes 14/24 18 Agents of Argonnessen
Gianthold Tor/Return to Gianthold Tor 14/24 21 Agents of Argonnessen
The Reaver's Fate (R) 14 18 Agents of Argonnessen
A Cabal for One/Return to Cabal for One 14/24 18 Agents of Argonnessen
A Cry for Help 13/24 21 Agents of Argonnessen
Feast or Famine 13/24 18 Agents of Argonnessen
Foundation of Discord 13/24 18 Agents of Argonnessen
The Maze of Madness 13/24 18 Agents of Argonnessen
Trial by Fire 13/24 18 Agents of Argonnessen
Total 12 Quests 240 Favor Agents of Argonnessen

(R) = 12-man Raid party


Rare Encounters[edit]

Each Rare Encounter is worth 800 XP, with a 4,000 Bonus XP for locating everything.

There are 5 other possible chests:

  • There is an Ancient Flayer with a locked chest at the top of Crystal Spin Peak, which has an unlock DC of 46. The Ancient Flayer is always there and is not counted as a rare encounter.
  • There is an unlocked chest at the Aurum Supply Depot; smash the breakables to trigger the Aurum Supply Master and 2 Gold Concord Clerics ambush and kill them to unlock the chest.
  • At the end of Feast or Famine quest, if you take the passage used by the hunting party optional, you will exit to an otherwise unreachable area. Kill every mob there (some will spawn in front of the tents) to have an unlocked chest appear there.
  • Occasionally, there is an unlocked chest on a small ledge above the entrance to A Cry for Help. Kill the Zakya Cult Archers around the ledge, jump up via the crystals (or take the very long way around) and run around the ledge to the east. There are 3 Zakya on a small platform only accessible from up on the ledge. The chest will only appear if there is a non-archer among the 3 Zakya.
  • There is also a rare chance of an unlocked chest just northeast of Pride Leader Xilic - where there usually are two giants.


Storm's Eye Soldier[edit]

  • Slay 10 Storm's Eye soldiers: 565 XP = 56.5 xp/kill
  • Slay 25 Storm's Eye soldiers: 766 XP = 51.07 xp/kill
  • Slay 50 Storm's Eye soldiers: 1,045 XP = 41.8 xp/kill
  • Slay 100 Storm's Eye soldiers: 1,560 XP = 31.2 xp/kill
  • Slay 200 Storm's Eye soldiers: 2,515 XP = 25.15 xp/kill
  • Slay 400 Storm's Eye soldiers: 4,405 XP = 22.03 xp/kill
  • Slay 750 Storm's Eye soldiers: 7,395 XP = 21.13 xp/kill
  • Slay 1,500 Storm's Eye soldiers: 15,390 XP = 20.52 xp/kill
  • Slay 3,000 Storm's Eye soldiers: 31,195 XP = 20.8 xp/kill

Storm's Fist Soldier[edit]

  • Slay 10 Storm's Fist soldiers: 565 XP = 56.5 xp/kill
  • Slay 25 Storm's Fist soldiers: 766 XP = 51.07 xp/kill
  • Slay 50 Storm's Fist soldiers: 1,045 XP = 41.8 xp/kill
  • Slay 100 Storm's Fist soldiers: 1,560 XP = 31.2 xp/kill
  • Slay 200 Storm's Fist soldiers: 2,515 XP = 25.15 xp/kill
  • Slay 400 Storm's Fist soldiers: 4,405 XP = 22.03 xp/kill
  • Slay 750 Storm's Fist soldiers: 7,395 XP = 21.13 xp/kill
  • Slay 1,500 Storm's Fist soldiers: 15,390 XP = 20.52 xp/kill
  • Slay 3,000 Storm's Fist soldiers: 31,195 XP = 20.8 xp/kill

Storm's Heart Soldier[edit]

  • Slay 10 Storm's Heart soldiers: 565 XP = 56.5 xp/kill
  • Slay 25 Storm's Heart soldiers: 766 XP = 51.07 xp/kill
  • Slay 50 Storm's Heart soldiers: 1,045 XP = 41.8 xp/kill
  • Slay 100 Storm's Heart soldiers: 1,560 XP = 31.2 xp/kill
  • Slay 200 Storm's Heart soldiers: 2,515 XP = 25.15 xp/kill
  • Slay 400 Storm's Heart soldiers: 4,405 XP = 22.03 xp/kill
  • Slay 750 Storm's Heart soldiers: 7,395 XP = 21.13 xp/kill
  • Slay 1,500 Storm's Heart soldiers: 15,390 XP = 20.52 xp/kill
  • Slay 3,000 Storm's Heart soldiers: 31,195 XP = 20.8 xp/kill


Each Explorer is worth 400 XP, with a 2,000 Bonus XP for locating everything.


  • Find the Fields of Immolation
  • Find the Gate of Shavarath
  • Find Crystal Spin Peak
  • Find the Aurum Supply Depot
  • Find Gnoll's Breath Ridge
  • Find Bleeding Rock Falls
  • Find the Beast And The Brothers
  • Find the Brother Who Holds The Horn
  • Find the Doomed Brother
  • Find the Father Victorious
  • Find Storm's Heart Summit

Dungeon Entrances[edit]


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race Slayer
Ancient Flayer( view
Ancient Flayer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Aberration Mind Flayer Storm's Eye
Arzag-Khor Loremaster( view
Arzag-Khor Loremaster.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Goblinoid Hobgoblin Storm's Fist
Arzag-Khor Shaman( view
Arzag-Khor Shaman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Goblinoid Hobgoblin Storm's Fist
Aurum Supply Master( view
Aurum Supply Master.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal Dwarf Dwarf Storm's Eye
Blackheart Oracle( view
Blackheart Oracle.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Giant Troll Storm's Heart
Blackheart Pathfinder( view
Blackheart Pathfinder.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Giant Troll Storm's Heart
Blackheart Warmonger( view
Blackheart Warmonger.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Giant Troll Storm's Heart
Bow Master Yaga( view
Rare Encounter Bow Master Yaga.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Gnoll Gnoll Storm's Fist
Captain Two Stone( view
Captain Two Stone.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Fist
Chief Ogh( view
Rare Encounter Chief Ogh.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Cloud Giant Captain( view
Cloud Giant Captain.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Eye
Cloven-Jaw Scout( view
Cloven-Jaw Scout.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal Goblinoid Hobgoblin Storm's Fist
Cloven-Jaw Veteran( view
Cloven-Jaw Veteran.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Goblinoid Hobgoblin Storm's Fist
Cloven-Jaw Warlord( view
Cloven-Jaw Warlord.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Goblinoid Hobgoblin Storm's Fist
Copper Concord Bard( view
Copper Concord Bard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal Humanoid Human Storm's Eye
Expedition Leader Brazwold( view
Expedition Leader Brazwold.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Dwarf Dwarf Storm's Eye
Fire Giant Captain( view
Fire Giant Captain.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Fire Giant( view
Fire Giant.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal Giant Giant Storm's Fist
Forsworn Aspirant( view
Forsworn Aspirant.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Monstrous Humanoid Minotaur Storm's Heart
Forsworn Hero( view
Forsworn Hero.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Monstrous Humanoid Minotaur Storm's Heart
Forsworn Liege-Lord( view
Forsworn Liege-Lord.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Monstrous Humanoid Minotaur Storm's Heart
Forsworn Mystic( view
Forsworn Mystic.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Monstrous Humanoid Minotaur Storm's Heart
Giant Savage( view
Giant Savage.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Gold Concord Cleric( view
Gold Concord Cleric.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Dwarf Dwarf Storm's Eye
Gold Concord Fighter( view
Gold Concord Fighter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Dwarf Dwarf Storm's Eye
Gold Concord Wizard( view
Gold Concord Wizard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Dwarf Dwarf Storm's Eye
Hill Giant Hunter( view
Hill Giant Hunter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Hill Giant Sergeant( view
Hill Giant Sergeant.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Hill Giant( view
Hill Giant.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Jarilith( view
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal Evil Outsider Demon Storm's Eye
Lord Cirrus( view
Rare Encounter Lord Cirrus.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Lord Jax( view
Rare Encounter Lord Jax.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Heart
Lord Ragath( view
Rare Encounter Lord Ragath.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Evil Outsider Rakshasa Storm's Eye
Orc Huntmaster( view
Orc Huntmaster.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Orc Orc Storm's Fist
Pride Leader Xilic( view
Rare Encounter Pride Leader Xilic.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Evil Outsider Demon Storm's Eye
Runetusk Berserker( view
Runetusk Berserker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Giant Ogre Storm's Heart
Runetusk Brawler( view
Runetusk Brawler.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Giant Ogre Storm's Heart
Runetusk Ranger( view
Runetusk Ranger.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Giant Ogre Storm's Heart
Runetusk Scout( view
Runetusk Scout.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Giant Ogre Storm's Heart
Silver Concord Fighter( view
Silver Concord Fighter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal Humanoid Human Storm's Eye
Stone Giant Captain( view
Stone Giant Captain.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Giant Storm's Fist
Stormsworn Sky Knight( view
Stormsworn Sky Knight.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal Giant Giant Storm's Eye
Stormsworn Spellbinder( view
Stormsworn Spellbinder.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal Giant Giant Storm's Eye
Tarmor Stonehoof( view
Rare Encounter Tarmor Stonehoof.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Monstrous Humanoid Minotaur Storm's Heart
Uthger Runetusk( view
Rare Encounter Uthger Runetusk.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Giant Ogre Storm's Heart
Windlasher Elementalist( view
Windlasher Elementalist.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Gnoll Gnoll Storm's Fist
Windlasher Pack Lord( view
Windlasher Pack Lord.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Gnoll Gnoll Storm's Fist
Windlasher Ripper( view
Windlasher Ripper.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal Gnoll Gnoll Storm's Fist
Windlasher Runner( view
Windlasher Runner.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Gnoll Gnoll Storm's Fist
Windlasher Soul Howler( view
Windlasher Soul Howler.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Gnoll Gnoll Storm's Fist
Wyrm Cult Bone-Knitter( view
Wyrm Cult Bone-Knitter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Orc Orc Storm's Fist
Wyrm Cult Eviscerator( view
Wyrn Cult Eviscerator.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Orc Orc Storm's Fist
Wyrm Cult Heresiarch( view
Wyrm Cult Heresiarch.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Orc Orc Storm's Fist
Wyrm Cult Impaler( view
Wyrm Cult Impaler.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Orc Orc Storm's Fist
Wyrm Cult Sacrificer( view
Wyrm Cult Sacrificer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal Orc Orc Storm's Fist
Zakya Cult Archer( view
Zakya Cult Archer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal Humanoid Human Storm's Eye
Zakya Cultist( view
Zakya Cultist.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal Humanoid Human Storm's Eye
Zakya Rakshasa Lord( view
Zakya Rakshasa Lord.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Evil Outsider Rakshasa Storm's Eye


This heroic level area saw some changes with U17 (Feb of '13).

  • New shrines were added in some areas, such as near the Entrance to the Troll Lair.
  • Minor terrain changes, though they are mostly cosmetic. The usual paths did not change.
  • Monster spawns were changed, with a general increase in counts and locations. In some cases, such as near active rare encounters, respawning seems to happen until the rare is killed.
  • The farshifter in Gianthold, Narkonk, could now teleport you to the Epic or the Heroic version of the three faction locations: Storm's Eye, Storm's Heart, or Storm's Fist.
    • These are not the same as the old purple diamond locations, which have been removed from the map.

See Also: